Trash Bags FULL of NES Games! – Erin Plays

The triumphant return of Erin Plays.  She still has fake carpal tunnel syndrome, though, so she won’t actually be playing games.  Instead she’ll be…get ready for disappointment.

0:00 – “Today I’m going to go through two trash bags full of NES games.”

Oh, sounds interesting.  So you got these from a storage facility auction or a garage sale or perhaps even from the trash?  Tell me more, Miss Plays.

“I was in Mike’s game room and I saw these two trash bags and I thought they were trash.  But no.  They were full of NES games.”

I…what?  So she’s looking at Mike’s video game collection.  They just happened to be stored in trash bags.  Who in the fuck gives a shit?  This is horrible.  

More no effort bullshit from Zero Effort Erin.  Yet again, she’s making a video where the very concept doesn’t even make sense.  

“Don’t worry.  He was never going to throw them out.  He’s just moving them into a different room so temporarily they are in bags.”

It’s just so fucking stupid.  So these weren’t even “hidden” from Mike.  Maybe she found them in a corner of Mike’s attic or something.  No.  He recently moved them into these bags because he’s moving them to a different room.  That’s it.  That’s the video.  Who in the fuck cares?

It’s such misleading bullshit.  Just call the video what it is: “Looking At Mike’s NES Collection”.  

0:15 – Then she takes the first game out of the bag, it’s some volleyball game.  She claims that she really likes the game.  She must have played it briefly, on stream, for money.

Oh my fucking god.  Is that what this video is going to be?  Erin just pulling games from Mike’s collection and saying, “I really like this game”, even though she only played it once, briefly, on stream, for money?  

Oh, I should mention, she’s sitting on the floor and barefoot.  This has to be intentional.  Personally, I don’t care for feet but this is a fetish for some horntards out there.  I’m not saying that women should always cover their feet just because there are some weird freaks out there who like feet.  I’m saying that this is something that Erin is intentionally doing precisely because she wants to attract the attention of these weird, horny, mentally challenged losers.  And that’s disgusting.

Okay, I’m at 2:30 and I think we’re going to call an end to the proceedings.  It’s exactly as I suspected.  She takes a game out, says, “I really like this one”, in spite of the fact that she only played it briefly, on stream, for money, and then moves on.  Sometimes she’ll just say, “I like the cover on this one.  It’s really cute.”  

Also, she keeps switching position.  You see different angles of her feet.  Currently, she’s sitting on one of her feet and it’s a really weird, uncomfortable-looking position.  This is intentional.  

Fuck.  I better press on just to check if she saying anything exceptionally stupid.

3:45 – Oh fuck.  I just don’t want to do this.  But she says, “You know the Don Bluth game that pisses me off?  Space Quest.”

She made this same fucking mistake before.  Let me check the archives.

Erin and Mike were playing Space Ace during a “variety stream”.  Dialogue below:

Erin: Is this the one that was also a…

Mike: Like Don Bluth?

Erin: (clueless).  Oh.  What’s the space one that’s like, it was like King’s Quest and there was a fake one?  Because I’m not a PC person.

Mike: Oh.  Space Quest.

That was in January 2021.  She had no idea who Don Bluth was.  I had no idea who Don Bluth was.  This is some stupid bullshit that Mike is interested in.  But now we’re expected to believe that in the past 15 months, Erin has become an expert on Don Bluth?  She didn’t even know that there was a Dragon’s Lair arcade game.  In the same fucking article, from the same fucking video, Mike asks if she ever played Dragon’s Lair, Erin says, “yes” but she’s clearly referring to the NES game.  She was totally unaware that there’s an arcade game.

But now she’s all about Don Bluth’s great contributions to video game and animation history.  And once again, she’s confusing the shitty NES game Space Ace (which she knows nothing about) with the shitty Sierra adventure game for the PC Space Quest (which she also knows nothing about).

It is a total fucking farce.  Stop the fucking lies, Erin.  It’s ridiculous.  And put some socks on.  And get some dignity.

4:00 – She says that some Tiny Toons game, that she only played once, briefly, on stream, for money, “kicked my ass.”  Again with the ass.  Hey, guys!  Look at my ass!  I’m sitting on my bare foot right now, and my other foot is right in front of the camera.  You like this stuff?

No, Erin.  I’m a normal, non-retarded adult.  A 35 year old, average (at best) looking woman in a shitty tracksuit doesn’t do it for me.  And this ridiculous, staged little closet that she’s filming in with video game posters displayed 12 inches from the floor.  It’s bizarre.  

4:30 – “Ring King!  Oh, was this the wrestling game?”

No, Erin.

“This is the one where there’s a part where it looks like one of the guys is getting a blowjob.”

Oh!  Blowjobs!  Shishi is changing his underpants again.  

5:00 – She really goes on and on about Paperboy.  She played this game once, on stream, for money, and then never again.  Same as with all of this bullshit.  Why doesn’t she just say that?  Why does she try to portray herself as some big time “gamer” who’s been playing this shit since she was a kid and still enjoys playing these ancient games today, in her spare time?  Why the endless lies?  We’re not all retarded, Erin.  And frankly, even the fucking retards who watch your atrocious videos must be aware that this is all a con.  They’re just there to jerk off.  You know this.  Hence, the feet.  Why not just be honest with everybody?

5:15 – “I think the sprite in Guardian Legend is really cute.”

Why am I doing this?

6:15 – Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle.  Erin says that she really likes this game.  Oh, you don’t say.  That seems to be the theme of this video.  She likes every game.  She says that she played it three times, all the way through, on stream, for money.  She actually that she streamed it.  She says this a lot in this video.  But what she fails to say is that this is the ONLY TIME that she ever plays ANY of these games.  

So anyway, there are two different Sylvester enemies in this game.  They’re different colours.  So Erin’s suggestion is to replace one of these Sylvester enemies with Tweety.

Did you not think about the scale, Erin?  Tweety is much smaller than Sylvester, isn’t he?  So Tweety wouldn’t make a good enemy in the game, would he?  Maybe choose a different Warner Brothers character.  Do you know any others?  

She’s never watched a Bugs Bunny cartoon in her life.

6:30 – “And we all know that this was Roger Rabbit in Japan.”

Yeah, we all know it because Mike recently played it on stream, for money.  That’s the only way that you know about it.  Then she says that she doesn’t think that she’s played it before.  She’s right.  She hasn’t.  Show me the stream.  If it’s not on stream, she didn’t play it.

Then she shifts her feet awkwardly.

6:45 – She’s talking about how good the cover art of Super-C is.  “You got the robot with the feet.”

Yeah.  Feet, Erin.  This is what’s going to make you a big Youtubing superstar.  Feet videos.  Is that your plan now?  Just go get a job like a normal person.  This is never going to work.  

And I don’t even know what she’s talking about.  “The robot with the feet.”  She’s just thinking about her own feet.  

7:30 – More awkward shifting of her feet.  They were out of frame for a few seconds, so she positioned them to be back in frame.

Then she talks about colours that she likes.

9:00 – Now she’s shifted her feet again and her legs are spread.  

It’s not that any of this is erotic (to any normal person) but the intention is clearly to appeal to horny retards.  That’s what makes this shameful.  She’s shaking down the mentally challenged for money.  Does it get any more despicable than that?

9:30 – Extended hue discussion.  You guys like colours, right?  Colours and feet.  This is what Erin thinks the viewers want in a video.

10:30 – One of the bags has been removed and you can see Erin’s disgusting snotty tissue on the floor right next to her beverage and the phone that gave her carpal tunnel syndrome.

Why the fuck did she put her disgusting tissue on the floor?  Did she not know that she was filming a video?  And right next to her drink.  Plus, people have to walk on that floor now.  Sometimes barefoot, presumably.  Is this adding to the eroticism?  Erin’s snot-encrusted feet?  I don’t even know.  

11:00 – Shout out to Castlevania.  She really loves this game.  She only plays it on stream, for money, of course.

15:00 – “Friday the 13th.  I recently played this game –“

Then there’s an edit.  What she edited out was her saying, “With Mike, on stream.”  Because that’s what she’s referring to.  Why not just admit it?  We all know.  We’re watching your videos, Erin.  What the fuck?  You think Shishi didn’t see that recent stream where you played this game with Mike?  Why not just say it?  

15:45 – Shout out to Erin’s favourite shade of pink.

Also, while I remember, she said that she “always forgets” something at least three times in this video.

16:15 – “See, NES games are awesome because there’s just so many.  Even if you get into NES games later in life, it’s like there’s still so much that could be new to you that it doesn’t get old.  That’s what’s fun about retro gaming.  Like some people don’t get it.”

No.  We get it, Erin.  What we don’t get is a 29 year old woman suddenly becoming interested in video games when she starts a Youtube channel about video games, having gone her entire life not giving a fuck about video games and never playing them.  And even with this newfound love of retro video games, this person ONLY plays games on stream, for money.  NEVER in her spare time.  THAT’S what we don’t get.

She’s a total fucking fraud.

16:45 – “Popeye.  I always thought that sprites for this were really cute.”

This is riveting stuff.  She’s a natural entertainer.  Just oozing charisma.

Then she talks about how much she hates Popeye’s nephews and she couldn’t name a single one of them.  She’s never seen a Popeye cartoon in her life.

Oh, by the way, good shot of Erin’s feet now.

18:00 – Erin “forgot” that Super Mario/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet exists.  One of the most well-known NES games of them all.

20:15 – The video is almost over, Erin’s feet are covered by the games, so she moves her feet so that you get a good view of them.  I think this is the first time that you can see the bottom of her feet.  This is what people like, right?  The bottom of the feet?  I don’t know.

So that’s the video.  The only trash here was the human garbage that is Erin Plays.

6 thoughts on “Trash Bags FULL of NES Games! – Erin Plays

  1. You saw the lowest rated comment on that video right?”We're u been at ERIN”She responds:”Haven't been able to make much content lately due to carpal tunnel issues, sadly”LOL it's like her simps thumbed it down for even asking her that too

  2. So you can't actually see the specific dislikes, but the most thumbed down comments do get pushed down to the bottom of the entire comment section if you filter the section by top comments. So it's a good way to see which comments people cried the most about.

  3. It's unfathomable that someone can go through life without any interests at all. Like not one area of interest. Why even continue breathing at that point?

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