Cannot be Tamed Doing the Interview Circuit

0:00 – Just look at this.  She always has that miserable expression.

By the way, this is a podcast.  It has 124 views after a month.  I don’t know who these guys are.  I think one of them is English.  The other one is Swedish.  I don’t know.  I suspect that the guy on the right is gay.  Probably the guy on the left too.

According to the channel’s description, these guys are “game journalists”.  Come on.  You lose all credibility when you say this sort of thing.

A little-viewed podcast does not make you a journalist.  Oh, he’s also a staff writer on something called The Loadout.  You guys all know The Loadout, right?

The other guy has even fewer credits.

Just forget this.  Nobody should ever call themselves a “game journalist”.  Even if they’ve written on every “gaming” website, magazine, whatever on earth.  Because there’s no fucking prestige in this.  There’s no money.  

10:30 – Really awkward minute or so.  I won’t describe it.  Check it out if you’re so inclined.  

I can’t with this.  I made it to 16 minutes.  Neither of these guys should be making podcasts.  

I’ve said it before but these Zoom podcasts are all unwatchable.  I’ve never seen a watchable one yet.  Maybe it’s just me.  

Pam was also interviewed by a blog.  By the way, I’m getting all of this information from Pam’s video here:

I can’t bring myself to even attempt to watch 17 minutes of that bullshit so I’m just listening to the “what I’ve been up to” section.

But yeah, she was on some Canadian blog called Geekbecois.  She said that she’d link to the interview but she didn’t.  Fortunately, I found it.

Unfortunately, (or fortunately) it’s all in French.

I suppose that I’ll have to go to a translation site.  Pad this shit out.

Oh, it’s boring as shit.  But here’s one where Pam whines about “negative” comments that she gets.

Q: Being a woman in the world of video games comes with its own set of challenges and inconveniences. How do you manage to manage them and do you have any advice for girls and women who would be tempted by a career in the field or to start their own channel?

A: Personally, I have a solid shell and knowing that I know more about video games than the majority of people who leave me degrading comments gives me good confidence. I try to laugh it off and never take the negative based on personal sexism. I occasionally make videos where I read some of the worst on-screen comments and make fun of whoever wrote them. I have no problem being mean to people who don’t respect me.

As advice, I would say to have confidence in what you are doing. If someone criticizes your work and it seems to be based on your genre, don’t take it to heart. These comments reflect their limitations and insecurities much more than yours.

It’s pretty ironic that she advises the reader to ignore criticism while in the previous paragraph, she went on about how much it bothers her.  She makes videos about these people who dare to leave “negative” comments and “makes fun of them.”

She’s just so fucking boring.  She’s also asked what she’s interested in other than video games.  Wine was her answer.  She’s a fucking drunk.  

Maybe I could convince Pam to do an interview for GamerGrrls.  I mean, look at the shit that she appears on.  Some obscure French Canadian blog.  Some podcast that literally has 10 subscribers.  GamerGrrls is bigger than this shit.  And she’s done loads of these little-known podcasts.

But the problem is what would I ask her?  She’s a complete bore.  

I suppose that I could ask about her job.  But she might not want to talk about it.  She does IT work for some medical clinic or something.  

I could ask about her personal life.  Why she seems to struggle to maintain a relationship.  Ask about her obvious lesbianism.  Maybe bring up the dog stuff.

But she wouldn’t answer any of this, of course.  You can’t ask about dog fucking.  It would be a real scoop if I managed to get an answer to that, though.

So…I don’t know.  I don’t want to ask her about video games.  I think that that topic has been exhausted already.  

Oh.  Family.  She’s mentioned her troubled relationship with her father.  I could ask about that.  It might help explain why she’s such a hate-filled misandrist today.  Plus, the lesbianism.

She also told an odd story about an aunt who let her play Leisure Suit Larry 5 or something when she was a child.  I found that to be a very peculiar story and, again, it might have contributed to her lesbianism.

I can ask about the horntards.  You know, if she has any moral concerns about taking money from people who are obviously mentally challenged.  

I don’t know.  I’m getting tired just thinking about this tedium.  

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