Two and a Half Hour Interview of Newt Wallen (part 3 of 4)

Back to the grind.  This is like the Frost/Nixon interviews.  But instead of it being about Watergate, it’s about a horseface woman.

Here are parts 1 and 2:

1:00:15 – He actually refers to Crystal Quin by name.  She was in an episode of Silvermania. 

They also did porn reviews.  It’s just…neither one of these losers have anything to talk about other than “tits and gore”.  

The “director” of Silvermania (I guess) thought that these reviews weren’t up to the high standards of Silvermania so they refused to use the footage.

1:00:45 – A couple of years later, Screenwave tried to buy these porn review videos from the people who owned Silvermania.  Or something.  I thought it was Justin Silverman but…

Here’s the problem.  It’s very hard to follow what Newt is talking about because he doesn’t use the proper names of the companies or the people.  He’ll say, “The people I used to work for” when talking about Screenwave or “the red haired woman” for Horseface McGee.  I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.

This is what I’ve managed to piece together, having watched this section three times now.  He did porn parody reviews with Horseface for Silvermania (or maybe it was Underbelly).  There was some sort of a rift at one of these companies and Justin was removed from the company.

Two years after making these porn reviews with Horseface, Screenwave wanted to purchase these videos.  Silvermania (or Underbelly) owned the rights to these videos.  Newt wasn’t involved with either company at this point.

The company refused to sell these porn reviews to Screenwave.  As a result, Screenwave started Rental Reviews instead.  

This is according to Newt and his convoluted story.  

1:01:00 – Newt is now talking about Rental Reviews.  “I was supposed to be part of it but obviously somebody else got my part.”

Who?  Use the fucking names, Newt.  Nobody is going to sue you for saying, “Tony got my part in Rental Reviews.”  Nobody fucking cares.

“But I used to write their notes and stuff like that.”

The interviewer jumps in, “Are you allowed to say who got your part in Rental Reviews?”  Newt replies, “No, I’m not going to get into that.”

Why not?  There’s not a single person on earth who cares.

You know, I’m watching this video and it dawns on me: who is this for?  Who would possibly watch a two and a half hour “interview” of Newt Wallen for fun?  This is strictly for Newt Wallen historians, and I’m the only such person.  

1:02:30 – Newt says that somebody working at Screenwave sold their channel to Screenwave.  Who is he talking about?  Justin, I guess.  But who the fuck knows?  If you can’t give the fucking names, just don’t talk about it.  This is maddening.  

No, actually I think that he’s talking about Tony from Hack the Movies.  Tony sold his channel to Screenwave so Screenwave owns Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies.  

Newt finds this objectionable and says that he (Newt) owns his own channel.

1:02:45 – “My Matrix review got 22,000 views.”

How to put this delicately?  People watched because of the drama of Newt getting fired from Screenwave.  They weren’t tuning in because they cared about Newt’s opinions on this old movie.

1:03:00 – He explains why the video did so well.  “Because of the title I put on the video and also because it got shared on a certain hate group.”

Well, at least he’s aware of the reasons.

The interviewer said that he read the Youtube comments and they seemed positive.  Newt admits to deleting the negative comments.  He specifically mentions that he deleted comments that referred to Horseface, although not using her name, of course.

Newt seems to have this bizarre idea that people hate Horseface because she got him fired from Screenwave.  Does anybody think that?  I can’t stand Horseface but it never even crossed my mind that she was responsible for Newt getting fired.  Newt was responsible for Newt getting fired.  He can’t seem to accept that.  Horseface had nothing to do with it.  Horseface didn’t tell Newt to plagiarise movie reviews verbatim.  That was Newt’s bright idea.

1:04:00 – Newt claims that he was the one who came up with the idea for Talking About Tapes aka Hack the Movies.  So not only did Newt come up with the porn review videos, which sort of became Rental Reviews, but he also had the idea of continuing Rental Reviews albeit on Tony’s channel, which is owned by Screenwave.

1:04:15 – Newt says that he brought the Movie Dumpster guys on to Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies.  He says that he’s no longer friends with them.  He’s bitter because he got them on to the show and now they don’t talk to him any more.  Same as with Horseface and Tony and whoever else.

If what Newt is saying is true, that he was the ideas man for Rental Reviews and Talking About Tapes and he brought all of these people in and all of these people subsequently stopped talking to him over that plagiarism thing, he’s right to be bitter.  

One can make the case that Newt was rightly fired.  But you’d be hard pressed justifying that you should stop being friends with somebody over that plagiarism shit.  Who cares?  Those people are complete dim-witted scumbags for doing that.  

1:04:00 – “I brought the girl in.”

Which girl, Newt?  Horseface McGee?  Why can’t you just say it?  There’s a non-disclosure agreement in place saying that Newt can’t even say “Crystal Quin.”  

1:04:30 – “That became that dude’s job.  That was his job now to watch movies and edit movies.  I still had all of the other jobs that I had to do.”

This is an interesting behind the scenes thing.  So when Tony started doing Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies, which is owned by Screenwave, that became his full-time job.  This accords with what Tony himself has said.  A year ago, or whenever, Tony said that he’s no longer working on Cinemassacre.  

So while Tony only had Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies to concentrate on, Newt still had other jobs that he had to do at Screenwave.  He was the producer or whatever for Peg Warmers, for example.  And whatever other jobs he had.  Administrative stuff, maybe.  Oh, and he had to write those reviews for Monster Madness and maybe other stuff.

He’s right.  It’s bullshit.  

1:05:00 – “I also didn’t get paid for that.”

He’s talking about Hack the Movies/Talking About Tapes.  That’s bullshit too.

Tony from Hack the Movies invited me to be a guest on his, presumably defunct, Godzilla podcast.  I had no intention of doing it but I suggested that I should get paid.  I mean, he’s making money off of this, why wouldn’t I get paid?  Why would I do it for free?  I was thinking something in the region of $200 would be suitable.

Now, the Godzilla podcast makes pennies so $200 is probably unfeasible.  Tony isn’t getting $200 for these videos.  But from my perspective, why would I do it for free?  This is taking time out of my day, I have to watch the fucking movie, and this is all for a video that Tony would own in perpetuity.  And he’s going to edit it to make me sound like a complete idiot and there’s nothing I can do about it.

So I declined.  

Newt actually works at the company, the company that owns Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies, and he’s not getting paid for those videos.  Tony, presumably, is getting paid.  At the very least, Tony is getting paid for these videos because that’s his full-time job.  His only job at Screenwave is to make Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies.  

And then you have to assume that Tony is getting some kind of payment based on how well the videos do.  That’s why he’s obsessed with the view numbers.  

I assumed that everybody on that show was getting something.  Horseface and Johnanna and whoever.  But maybe they aren’t.  If not even Newt was getting paid, why would they?  

So why are they doing it?  Does Horseface even work at Screenwave?  I think that she does but you never hear about it.  Who would do any of that shit for free?  Especially knowing that Screenwave and Tony (either directly or indirectly) are making money off of this.  

You’re going to volunteer your time, you’re going to watch all of these fucking movies, take notes, then shoot the video, humiliate yourself for all of Youtube to see, all just to enrich Ryan Schott so that he can buy more pinball machines for the arcade wing of his mansion?  Who would do that?  

If those people on Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies aren’t getting paid, or if they’re getting paid a pittance, they should all quit.  Let that charisma blackhole Ryan do all the videos.  See how well these videos perform then.

1:19:00 – Newt is talking about how he likes talking about movies with other people.  “I can’t talk to my staff about it because they’re all like 17”.

I don’t think that that woman in the PVC bondage gear was 17.  

They’ve been talking about horror movies and Star Wars for the past ten minutes or so, by the way.  I don’t care about this.

Okay, I’m at 1:30:00.  I can stop now.  They were talking about Batman.

Well, if the remaining almost one hour of this video is anything like the past 20 minutes, I can breeze through the rest of this quickly.  I don’t give a fuck about their adolescent movie discussions.  

Part 4:

12 thoughts on “Two and a Half Hour Interview of Newt Wallen (part 3 of 4)

  1. “Every idea was mine””Every idea I publicly have however involves porn stars and D-movie horror plots!”See he can claim all this shit too because who is going to bother refuting it? What would they do write a youtube comment on the video correcting him? Send an angry message to the channel guy himself? No. Nobody at Screenwave is gonna do that. So if he's lying he can just keep doing it and develop it into this mythos surrounding his exit.I can't even imagine what it was like to work with him. Every new example of how awful it surely must have been is added to such a large pile at this point.He's also definitely lying about Movie Dumpster. I've known Joe from Movie Dumpster for a long time and he's a really chill dude. His co-host is a spaz but harmless, but the real point I'm making is Joe is way too nice a person to be sucked into the Screenwave/HTM void unfortunately. The guy just really likes talking movies and knows a lot about the movie industry and actors. I guarantee Newt is lying and what really happened is he got shitty with everyone months ago and said things he shouldn't have to everyone. So I think Joe was like “nah not going to have that drama around me.”Obviously Horseface doesn't talk to him for a different reason, that being she's basically obsessed over by him and it's creepy. Which is ironic since she craves attention.

  2. Tony from Hack The Movies here. I know we don't get along and I don't very much like you but thanks for this recap. This interview has been full of lies. Feel free to ask me to clear anything up and I'll do the best I can.

  3. You're too cynical. I got the feeling that Newt was being genuine throughout this. He didn't say anything too outrageous. Yeah, he says that he came up with the idea of Rental Reviews, at least in a second-hand way, but that's totally feasible. A show where you review movies? I think that loads of people have had that idea over the years. And the guys from Movie Dumpster have been on Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies just recently. A few times. Maybe they were also there when Newt was there. I haven't checked the chronology.

  4. What were the lies? You have the summary. Spoiler for part 4: nothing happens. I don't think that Newt said anything outrageous or was trying to cause any drama. But if he said something that you disagree with, by all means correct it. Maybe it's just a difference of opinion as opposed to a pack of lies, as you suggest.

  5. Wait what? I really don't think I am lol. I think you need to put these pieces together.He doesn't just say he came up with one idea. He constantly says he comes up with all sorts of things without any evidence. I just really don't believe him and all his fanciful stories of his past that few people can corroborate just scream a dude who embellishes a lot. I've been around a few in my lifetime and they're all Max Landis level people basically. I think Newt is “genuinely” one of these people. I used to think he was maybe just an unfortunately unlucky person who fucked up and it cost him a lot, but he seems more and more like a weirdo shithead as evidence mounts. You must see that too. You write about all of it basically. The guy has clearly become less defense worthy over time.And I really just brought up Joe because out of all the people he could be snubbed by, I think it would involve some pretty idiotic things said to actually get Joe of all people to blacklist you too. He's a calm and easygoing person consistently.

  6. Yeah, Newt goes on a string of ideas that he claims were all his but it's plausible. I saw one of these porn reviews with Horseface. It's very similar to what happens on Talking About Tapes. Same format. Two people behind a desk talking about a movie. Rental Reviews was basically the same thing, just without the desk. Obviously, Newt didn't invent this format. It's been around for a long time. But introducing this idea to Screenwave and to Tony in particular, it makes sense. Newt has said before that people don't believe his stories about shit that happened to him while working in the cinema. Why would he make these stupid work stories up? Who cares? A fat guy was watching porn off in the theatre. Fine. I believe it. Why wouldn't I? Why would he make it up? It wasn't a funny story. It didn't make Newt look good. It's just some wacky hijinks that happened at his job. People have these types of stories.I lost a lot of sympathy for Newt the more I saw from him (the constant pity partying, the Horseface obsession, the video where he made fun of former employees) but I can't think of any outright lies. Tony (and I think it's really him but it doesn't really matter) suggests below that the video is all lies. That seems preposterous to me. He found something offensive in what I viewed as an inoffensive, drama-free video.Who's more likely to be telling the truth? Tony has to keep presenting the company line. Newt is free to say whatever he wants. Maybe there's just a slight difference between the accounts of Newt and Tony. Slightly different perspective. It doesn't mean that anybody is lying. But nothing that Newt said in the video seemed particular crazy to me.

  7. Ok well feel free to clear up anything he said that was a lie then.I don't think any of us have specific questions really, but if you noted multiple lies that were told what are they exactly Tony?I honestly want to hear you out and know dude.

  8. Well it's two things.It's not the stories where he mentions some basic shit that happened at an old job like some guy masturbating in the theater that are unbelievable. It's the ones where none of it makes any sense and he tells the same stories all the time so it's like a lie he has come to believe really happened in his mind. This happens to pathological liars. They repeat the same crap so much they actually think the entire story including all the embellished parts are verbatim what really happened.The guy surrounds himself with this aura. He surrounds himself with constant stories and acts like he's gone through so much that he has a tale for every moment, but at the end of the day this IS still a man who plagiarized for a video so he IS still a man capable of not being honest. He is objectively not an honest person.So what I'm really saying is this all just makes sense after all these tales I've heard him say and how he goes on and on at the drop of a hat that he's this type of person that embellishes (I call it lying, because it is dishonesty) for attention. The guy is definitely capable of making stuff up and being dishonest. He chose that path too. Nobody is claiming these things unwarranted.I have “job stories” too. But that many? With that many “hijinks”? And all the other non-theater stories he has? Like what is he, the fucking Cryptkeeper spinning tales at the drop of a hat?If you don't think he's a dishonest person and his stories are therefore highly suspect, that's okay. But you must agree he's a douchebag for even being that guy in the room every time. It's obnoxious.

  9. Newt never once mentioned him drinking in episode cause he lost his passion for film. I think he mostly drank in the episodes with Crystal. Im pretty sure he was pretending to be drunker than he was but that's just a personal theory. 2.I wont speak for crystal but I never said he couldn't use the midnight show stuff we filmed. He can totally use it. I just didn't want to be associated with anything new he was doing. The scenes are done and he should use them instead he's gonna reshoot these wraparounds for like the 5th time.3. Underbelly had nothing to do with Rental Reviews. Justin came up with the idea at a 4th of July party. Newt was never even considered for the main cast of the show. How could he be? He was working full time at the theater. I'm sure Justin asked if we could shoot there and we did. MAYBE he said he could be on an episode here and there. I don't know. But he was never considered for the show and I sure as hell didn't replace him. It made way more sense for all of us in office to be in the cast. 4. Newt never said anything about selling the channel to be objectionable until after he got fired. 5. Newt Didn't create talking about tapes. After Rental reviews ended I wanted to keep shooting stuff on the set. Not to get to personal but a lot of the set is my collection and my late grandfather's collection. I like having it there. SO I started doing solo reviews that were gaining traction. I had wanted to try the rental reviews formula for awhile (I used to review movies with friends for years but this is before I found a big audience.) Newt was sad about some project and I asked him to do Wishmaster with me. It did well. The only reason he became kind of the main cohost was because he wanted to be on camera, he was in the office all the time, and because of covid I couldn't get the guests and friends I wanted right away. 5. He had absolutely nothing to do with getting movie dumpster on the show. I had known joe for years and we always wanted to work together. In 2019 I guested on his show and he came on my syphon filter show. We also got him to do the make up for Spawn games AVGN. I asked joe to be on the show then I asked Sean to be on the show. Not to get to into conspiracies but for some reason all the “scheduling issues” we were having trying to get joe on the show disappeared once Newt left. Do with that what you will. I've been wanting to keep quiet and move on about all of this but the dude wont shut his mouth. I know he reads this site too so that's why I'm responding here.

  10. Thanks for weighing in on the minutia. There's not a huge discrepancy between the accounts. The biggest things that I took away from this interview is that he was doing Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies on top of his other duties (while you only had Talking About Tapes/Hack the Movies to concern yourself with) and that he wasn't getting paid for any of this.It may be nothing to do with you, there may be a “valid” business reason why he wasn't getting paid, and it's probably not something you'd wish to comment on anyway. But it is bullshit.

  11. What did Newt actually say to you guys when he was fired Tony?He couldn't have just gone silently. I mean I wouldn't ghost someone for only plagiarizing so he must have said some bad shit to you guys, right?

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