James Rolfe / Interview w/ Ken Watanabe CW S2 Ep40 Part 1 – Cinemassacre


Okay, I’m going to have to try to explain this one.

The channel is called Creative World.  They describe themselves as, “an American TV talk show by TC Studio”.  Then they continue:

Pandemic has affected everyone regardless of the countries or who they are. Many people are uncertain about their future, especially the young generations. We have started this TV show We introduce established and successful professionals from various industries as well as the diamonds in the rough, and through their experiences and advice, we hope to encourage our viewers and younger generations to live their life positively and take a step toward their goals and dreams.

Are you noticing anything unusual about the use of language?  

The channel started about a year ago.  Here’s their intro video:


It’s a Japanese guy who lives in Santa Monica, California, I believe it was.  And at the end, they tell you the show is on from 6:00 -6:30, on Sundays, on KXLA channel 44.  What is this?  Let me look.


It appears to be a channel showing Asian programming.  Some stuff is in Mandarin, some stuff is in Cantonese, and some stuff is in Korean.  I’m not seeing any Japanese stuff here but…I don’t know.

And what is the content that they’re showing?  Is it like public access stuff where local Asian folk do stuff or are they showing programs from Asia?  I don’t know.

So the Youtube channel is, I think, clips from this tv show.  It’s mostly interviews with people in the entertainment industry.  I guess.  Not people who you would have heard of but…people somehow involved with music or tv or films.  He also sometimes interviews Japanese people who have some kind of story to tell.  They do traditional Japanese crafts or they make sake or they sell ramen or something.

The guy doing the interviews, who I assume also produces this program, is Shin Matsuba.  He describes himself as an “actor”.


He only has six acting credits, all from the past two years, and none of them are impressive.

So James Rolfe is on this show.  This show for Asian people in the Los Angeles area, on a little-known channel.  Let’s check it out.

0:00 – It’s sometimes a little hard to understand what this guy is saying.  He has trouble with “R”s and “L”s like Asian people tend to do.

This looks like a joke.  He has this weird background.  It looks like some wacky Japanese game show.  And everything is subtitled in Japanese.

0:45 – With the introductions over, we get to the interview.  It’s done via Skype or something.  

Wait.  Why didn’t Jimmy do this in person when he was in California recently?  That would have been something.  Maybe the opportunity hadn’t yet presented itself.

Shin: Hello James.  Thank you very much for joining us today.

James: Well, thank you very much.  I appreciate the introduction and the interest in having me here.  So I’m very honoured.

Oh my fucking god.  This is offensive.  “Oh Chinaman.  You honour me very much.”  That’s what he’s doing here.  Just listen to this.  This was a deliberate choice of words.  I’m surprised that he didn’t do an exaggerated bow.

By the way, James has the words “A multi-talented online celebrity” under his name.  Super Gaijin Go Go Man.

Oh, this is edited to shit.  They must have edited out every time Jimmy had to look at his notes.

2:00 – “Where do you get your ideas from?”

What ideas?  James Rolfe hasn’t had an idea in many years.

2:15 – Jimmy is talking about his home movies involving local children.  He describes this as “developing my craft”.  Come on.  

What have you done lately, Jimmy?  What have you done in the past 25 years?  

Imagine you’re interviewing Quentin Tarantino and he just talks about his childhood home movies.  It would be completely insane.  But Jimmy has to go that far back because he hasn’t done anything.  He’s still trying to coast on home movies that he made as a child.  It’s sad.

4:15 – James says that he was still working on wedding videos in 2007.  That’s surprising to me.  Doesn’t seem that long ago, but I guess it was.

5:00 – Now Shin is asking about any hardships that Jimmy suffered and what the breakthrough moments were.  These aren’t very hard-hitting questions.  I’ll just say that.

It was just technical shit.  He had a hard time with releasing videos before Youtube and whatnot.

6:30 – “How has Godzilla influenced you?”

I don’t even know.  I listened to the answer but I don’t know what James said.  He was just waffling.  Something about having nightmares as a child.

8:00 – “Are there any current or future activities that you’re working on right now that you can share with us?”

AVGN.  “That’s how I support my children.”  “I once made a whole feature film on the Angry Video Game Nerd.”


And this is really, really, REALLY edited.  The amount of work that the editor had to do to make James sound coherent must have been immense.

“I’m so happy with how it turned out.  It’s really, really awesome.  It’s really entertaining to me when I watch it.  So I basically made the type of movie that I’d want to see.”

Well…there’s one person who enjoyed it.  

10:00 – “There are some other big projects that I’m working on this year but I don’t want to say what they are yet.”

Uh huh.  

“Some music projects.”

Oh.  That piece of shit.  

“And a book that might be out by this point.  I’m not sure.”

It’s not, Jimmy.

So…nothing.  Rex Viper and that autobiography.  That what he’s working on.

10:15 – “What are the necessary factors to succeed as a creator and a performer?”

What the fuck.  This is James Rolfe.  He spent seven and a half years in special education.  Enough of these job interview-type brain teasers.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

What’s your best quality and your worst quality?

Who’s your hero?

11:00 – Now he’s talking about his childhood movies again.  What the fuck?

11:45 – “What does the word ‘creative’ mean to you?”

Do you ned a fucking dictionary, Shin?  クリエイティブ  Knock yourself out.  Jimmy isn’t giving TEFL lessons here.

Maybe that could be James’ next career.  This Youtube thing is coming to an end soon.  

Oh, but he has children.  I’ve never heard of somebody with children going to Japan or where ever to teach English.  

Wait…what?  Then Jimmy holds up a piece of lined paper that says “SELF” on it.  And it looks like a child wrote this.  What the fuck?  So he had this prepared in advance.  Jimmy was given these generic interview questions in advance and they STILL had to edit this to shit in order to make Jimmy not look like a complete idiot.  Or attempt to.

Anyway, that’s not what “creative” means.  What the fuck was this?  Jimmy needs some TEFL lessons himself.

How to end this?  It was bizarre.  It was boring.  I have no idea why any of this happened.

What alternative media outlet can Jimmy appear on next?  Maybe Russia Today.  Maybe he can appear on Sabado Gigante.  Does that exist any more?  I remember watching this as a kid because there would always be some big-titted Mexican woman on there.

Aw no.  It ended in 2015.

Oh, maybe Jimmy can do an interview with Al Jazeera.  Give his opinions on Israel.  

So get to work, Screenwave.  

2 thoughts on “James Rolfe / Interview w/ Ken Watanabe CW S2 Ep40 Part 1 – Cinemassacre

  1. This video was a bizarre experience. It almost felt like it was an actual joke, like meant to be funny or weirdly racist, but then it continues and is totally serious.I'm a little surprised he didn't heavily advertise this video on social media like he usually does.

  2. It does seem like some kind of racist parody but…no. Where does Screenwave find these people and why would they make James do these types of interviews? He's not getting any new subscribers from these little-known channels. Are they paying for the interviews? I suspect that it's a joke on Jimmy by Screenwave. They're trying to ruin his career.

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