Adam SquarePainter, James AVGN REX VIPER interview & GillyTheKid Too Many Games – Cinemassacre

1:45 – This is where the video starts.  The first part of the video was just a long preview of what’s to come.  They’re “interviewing” some guy who’s in Rex Viper.  This guy also makes pixel art.  And through him, they were able to get a hilarious “interview” with James Rolfe.

So it’s two white guys and two black guys in this group.  They’re all friends, I guess.  And at least one of these black guys isn’t your typical guy who happens to be black.  This is one of those, “Yo, yo, yo.  You know what I’m saying?” kind of black guys.  Let’s call him Keyshawn.  He’s the star of the show in this thing.

Keyshawn: We just drove all the way from New York, man.  From New Jersey, actually, just to be here.

He’s so fucking baked on the jazz cigarettes that he doesn’t even remember where he’s from.

Oh, they give his social media handle.  It’s LvngLegacy.  Let me look this up.  Maybe I can use his real name.

Oh my god.  His name is Tyreke.  I actually almost went with Tyrone instead of Keyshawn but then I thought, “No, that would just be straight up racist, not to mention unimaginative.”  But it would have been close.  

Here’s his Instagram:

He has a lot of cosplay pictures.  GAY cosplay pictures.  He’s holding his penis in some of these.  And his shirt is open in almost all of them.

2:00 – Let’s continue where we left off.  I’ll use his real name from here on out.

Tyreke: You know what I’m saying?  So we here now, it was only like an hour drive, for this game swap convention.  So you all going to see…I think they call it Angry…what is it called?  This guy knows more than me, man.

He doesn’t have a fucking clue who the Angry Video Game Nerd is.  Never even heard of him.  So he kicks it to his Italian-American homeboy GoCarlo.  He’s the guy who owns this channel.

Oh my god.  Here’s another one of GoCarlo’s videos:

It’s from the same convention.  It’s an “interview” of Tony from Hack the Movies.  And I just randomly clicked through and Tyreke is there and asking who Tony from Hack the Movies is.

Maybe I’ll look at that video another time.  Let’s proceed with the current video.    

2:45 – Anyway, GoCarlo sets everything straight and then introduces Dr Suave.  

GoCarlo: And yo.  Shout out to Suave too.

Suave: (does the “hang ten” hand gesture, which presumably has some kind of street gang connotation in this context) Yo.  What’s good?  How are you?  Hopefully you all doing good.  What’s good?  What’s good?  Yo.  We at the game swap convention.  We going to see what’s up.

Holy fucking shit.  These guys are going to “interview” James Rolfe.  Just wait for it.  Jimmy almost pisses his pants.

Tyreke: This guy came up with a whole new drip, man.  Let me see it, man.  Look at his hair, man.  He got a whole star.

And Suave dropped his head down to show the star that he has styled into his cornrows.

Suave: For real.  

Tyreke: With that being said, let’s get right to it.


3:00 – So now there’s…oh my god…there’s James Rolfe, wearing a mask because he’s petrified of covid, Suave, GoCarlo, and Tyreke.  

Then they just show the “interview” like mid-sentence.

Suave: — So the Seaman episode.

Jimmy: Oh.  Yeah.

Suave: Yeah, it’s all good.  I’m all about that.  

Jimmy: Mmhmm.

Tyreke: Yeah.  Guys, I’m not going to sit here and act like I know this thing but I will speak on what I do know.  Guys, we’re here to escort.

Jimmy: (petrified) Yeah.

Tyreke: We’re escorting AVGN to his panel.  Let’s escort him.

Jimmy: Yep.

I swear that I’m not making any of this up.  It’s these two ghetto black guys, speaking Ebonics, the one guy is boasting to Jimmy that he doesn’t even know who Jimmy is, and Jimmy just keeps saying “yeah” and the like, as he tends to do.  He wants no part of this.  

Who can blame him?  These two guys are complete buffoons.  But it’s hilarious to watch how uncomfortable Jimmy is with all of this.

Tyreke: So the Seamen episode, if you guys don’t know, is that you use a microphone.

Jimmy: Mmhmm.

Tyreke: And they actually talk back to you.  That’s like the first — think about it —

Jimmy: Yeah, yeah.  The only game that…well…there’s a few games with a microphone.  That’s…uhhh…one of them.  (nervous laugh).  Oh!  Sorry, I’m walking the wrong way.

Oh my fucking god.  Why would James’ handlers let this happen?  Where is Screenwave?  There are these two ghetto black guys escorting Jimmy in the wrong direction.  Where were they planning on taking him?  

Jimmy: Oh no.  Here it is.  We go downstairs.  

Tyreke: So if you think about it, guys.  That’s actually the very first time, that I know of, when it comes to artificial intelligence.

This is so bad.  There’s so much to say about all of this, but I just have to move on.

Tyreke: Of things talking back to you, especially in a video game.  

Jimmy: Yeah…that was a good episode.  That was one of my uhh…one of my favourites, I think.

Tyreke: Yes.

Jimmy: It ranks pretty high, I think.

Tyreke: Yes.  Definitely, definitely, definitely.   So before you go get down, is there anything else that you want to say?  

Jimmy: Ummm…keep on gaming.

Then Jimmy gives Suave a left-handed handshake and runs like hell.

What the fuck was this?  How was this allowed to happen?  What is Jimmy paying these incompetent fools at Screenwave for?  

Then there’s some bullshit with this guy from Rex Viper.  I didn’t watch any of that.

11:30 – Jimmy enters and GoCarlo says, “I’m your biggest fan.  I can’t wait to see Rex Viper live.”

This is being presented out of order.  This all happened BEFORE those two ghetto black guys “interviewed” Jimmy.

12:15 – This GoCarlo guy is REALLY kssing Jimmy’s ass.  It’s hard to watch.  He says, “Your movie Kung-Fu Werewolf from Outer Space inspired me to make a similar movie.”

You want to know what Jimmy said?  “Yeah.”

By the way, I reviewed Kung-Fu Werewolf from Outer Space here:

GoCarlo and this Rex Viper guy are going HARD on the ass licking and Jimmy just stands there, in his mask, saying, “Yeah”.  He doesn’t contribute AT ALL.  And frankly, I can’t blame him.  What are you going to say to these fucking lunatics?  Who would get excited about seeing James fucking Rolfe?  And talk about how inspiring his shitty childhood home movies were.  Fuck off.  Nobody cares that you made similar movies when you were a child.  

15:30 – The video ends with this guy comparing meeting James Rolfe to meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger.  What the fuck.

So…this was awful.  Screenwave needs to be fired immediately.  James needs somebody with him every second of the day.  At least when he’s out in public.  

Where was his wife?  Why isn’t his wife doing this stuff?  She’s never in any of this shit.  Why not?  Hire a babysitter.

Well, I guess it’s for multiple days, isn’t it?  So let the children’s grandparents watch them.  As far as I’m aware, Jimmy’s parents are still alive and live in the area.  I don’t know about Mrs Nerd’s parents.  They may or may not be alive and nearby.

Or just have some flunky at Screenwave follow Jimmy around.  What’s the big deal?  How much is Jimmy paying these people?  I think that they own the channel.  They’re making a fortune off of this autistic man.  Just send a handler to be with him at these fucking conventions.

And what kind of a ghetto black guy goes to a nerd convention?  And does fucking cosplay.  Is this what passes for a thug black guy these days?  That faggot couldn’t keep it real if his life depended on it.  

3 thoughts on “Adam SquarePainter, James AVGN REX VIPER interview & GillyTheKid Too Many Games – Cinemassacre

  1. So besides the obvious awkwardness and cringe of what James even bothered uploading, the copious amounts of further cringe from pretty much anyone related to HTM posting on Twitter about that con is some wild shit. This is how these people spend their time. It just kind of blows my mind how hard they publicly want to be seen as normies and freaks.Also I thought this was Jess originally, but no it's just that twink who likes hanging out with and apparently dating actual groomers: yeah take your pick. This is clownworld.

  2. I didn't at first. Half of them have nonsense names on there especially. Had to find pics really to nail it down.It's fucking crazy how they all retweet each other though. Like even the most minor tweet and they all sound an alarm and have to multi retweet it. Half their feeds is them just doing that. I'm talking like 6-7 people here. You have to scroll through so much of that shit to even see ones they made themselves. Deranged marketing strategy.

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