Visual Proof Protection Prayers Work – Ghost Behaviorist FIles – Chris Bores

I laughed just from the title. I thought that he was going to do some, “You don’t see any ghosts, do you? My prayers must be working” thing.

But no. Let me watch this again to try to piece together exactly what he was talking about because I didn’t get it the first time.

0:00 – “Hey guys. Ghost Doctor Chris here.”

It’s just funny.

“I wanted to do this video. I don’t know how good it’s going to turn out.”

Not good at all, as it happens.

“As you know, I bless my house nearly every night.”

I didn’t know that. Sounds like crazy person talk, Dr BORES.

“I do a hedric(?) protection prayer so that nothing gets in.”

Or something.

I’m not even 15 seconds in.

Then he points the camera at the ground. It’s nice and he doesn’t seem to have any light on his camera. Or at least not enough. He says that there was frost the previous night. Not unusual for Ohio at this time of year.

Then he shows a “thin strip” in the dirt where he walks around his house every day doing this “hedric” prayer or whatever. And there’s frost, apparently, in this strip of dirt.

That’s it. That’s the proof that ghosts are real. There’s frost in this shallow canal around his house.

First of all, you can’t see ANYTHING. I didn’t see as much as a single snowflake. I also didn’t see this path around the house.

But let’s assume that there is some kind of path around his house because he’s walking around his house every day doing his “hedric” prayer. He does it so often that it leaves a little indentation around the house. Fine.

Let’s also assume that there’s frost. Why wouldn’t there be frost in this indentation? That would be the last place that the frost would melt because it’s better protected from the sun. You don’t have to be a scientist to know this. This is observable nature.

But, inexplicably, he places some kind of importance on this. Who the fuck knows why.

The comments are just people shitting on Dr BORES. I don’t think that there’s a single person who believes any of this nonsense that he talks about.

Oh wait. Here’s a genuine comment. A lot of these “positive” comments I assume are just people being sarcastic.

  • “If someone you know has been, targetted by a spirit or demon and it seems theyre beyond reproach, is it best to just cut off ties incase its effecting you by proxy?”

It’s a fine question. What should you do if a loved one is being haunted by ghosts? Ironically, this gentleman is thinking of “ghosting” his friend in his time of need.

People are going to Chris BORES for ghost-related relationship advice like he’s a demon Dear Abby.

Like fifteen years ago, some male relative by marriage wrote a letter to Dear Abby complaining about my bitch of a sister. And even though this guy was right about his description of my sister, Dear Abby tore into him.

But it’s just insane that a heterosexual man, under the age of 80, would have written a letter to Dear Abby in like 2010. Abigail van Buren was LONG DEAD. Her daughter had taken over years earlier. The newspaper industry was largely dead as well.

How old is this woman anyway? Holy shit. 83 years old. And that’s the DAUGHTER. This guy was writing to a 70 year old woman asking about familial relationship advice to a NEWSPAPER in 2010.

Apparently, the Dear Abby column still exists. In what capacity? How many newspapers can there be any more? And she’s 83. Maybe it’s time to retire. There’s no way she’s writing that shit any more. She has a team of people around her who are just propping her up Weekend at Bernie’s style.

At least whoever owns the rights to Ann Landers has the sense to end the column gracefully after the original author died.

This is apparently the sort of place you can find Dear Abby nowadays. Some weird website that collects zombie advice columns.

And look at that picture of Jeanne Phillips aka Dear Abby. She doesn’t look a day over 50. Because the picture is at least 30 years old. I distinctly remember that exact same picture being used in the newspaper 30 years ago. What a fucking scam. Update your photo.

Wow, this website also carries Miss Manner. No way does that still exist. That was fucking ridiculously antiquated even 30 years ago.

Holy shit. Not only does it still exist but she’s still alive. She’s 86 and still cranking out these condescending articles.

Anyway, back to Dr BORES.

He starts by saying “happy Holidays”, which is weird because Chris is a big Jesus nut. The war for the word “Christmas” has truly been lost in the US. Even Jesus freaks think that it’s normal to say “happy Holidays.”

“I had an interview with a big show. It’s called The Bert Show.”

Oh sure. The Bert Show. That’s the big time.

Speaking of antiquated bullshit…radio shows? Who’s listening to this stuff?

Let me see if I can find anything about The Bert Show…in Toledo, I guess.

There’s some radio show in Atlanta with some old guy named Bert (I guess) as the host. I assume that this is it but I don’t know. It doesn’t look big. Not noteworthy enough for Wikipedia.

0:15 – “I was going to talk about the spirit world, some of my hospice work that I’ve done in the past.”

What? He’s going to old folks homes and conning these people? What else can he be suggesting? Why would he talk about working in hospices alongside his “spirit world” “work”? He’s targetting people with mush for brains with this bullshit.

So anyway, Dr BORES called this radio show (the “interview” was done over the phone) but then Dr BORES’ phone started acting up. He’s talked about his haunted phone before. If it’s in warranty, just take it back to the store and they’ll give you a new one. It’s not a big deal. The warranty covers haunted phones.

As a result of Chris’ phone cutting out, they ended the interview. Chris listened to the interview afterwards and realised that they just cut all of it out and made fun of him. Dr BORES is an understanding guy, though, so he didn’t hold it against Bert from The Bert Show. That big time celebrity.

Apparently, you can listen to it but I won’t be doing that.

Then they called him back and asked if he has Skype. Speaking of things that are old-fashioned.

But Dr BORES arranged a Zoom meeting. Unfortunately, ghosts were infecting his internet connection. So he did a blessing and there weren’t any problems after that.

Did you try turning your router off and on? I find that that usually works better than doing a blessing.

  • “Chris, do you believe it’s possible for spirits to infest a Discord server? I’ve been having strange occurrences with my mic over the past two weeks. And something tells me this isn’t some ordinary run-of-the-mill technical issue. It’s been incredibly frustrating for myself and several of my friends, so I would love to get your take on this whenever possible. Anyway, thanks for posting really amazing and insightful videos on the subject! My friends and I are super huge fans. Hope things have been going well on your end, and that you and your loved ones have been having an amazing holiday together.”

Is this the same guy as the previous comment? No. Somebody different. Can a ghost infect a Discord server? Well, if they can infect Dr BORES’ phone and his internet connection, I have to assume so.

A lot of comments about his channel getting hacked. That’s right. It seems to be up now, though.

I notice that Jared Genesis leaves a lot of comments and they seem to be legitimate comments, supporting the nonsense that Dr BORES says. Jared Genesis is an…odd fellow.

Here’s a video where Dr BORES says that ghosts are haunting all of his family’s car batteries. Then he plugs his ghost book.

9 thoughts on “Visual Proof Protection Prayers Work – Ghost Behaviorist FIles – Chris Bores

  1. the claim that ghosts do exist can have some credence lent to it if you do it the right way, but it’s not easy. maybe not even possible. but proving their existence with electronic devices that set off a blinking light to signal their nearby presence is not the way to do.

    btw great post, as always. little known secret, but Chris Bores is a gold mine of entertainment. definitely worth checking out and writing about more often. mostly now that the avgn and erinplays have visibly fizzled out

    1. Gimmick infringement from Horseface. And it’s so absolutely absurd. She’s at least 35 years old. Even PVC Bondage Guy, who was in her mid-20s, said, rightly, that she if she was going to get into this, it has to be now.

      And she’s clearly a casual fan, at best. Somebody says “PC” and she doesn’t know what that refers to. Even I know what it refers to and I haven’t watched wrestling since I was in high school.

      She thinks that doing pilates and having a recommendation from Gerry Cooney, who was just trying to have sex with her, is going to ever get her a paying job as a wrestler? She’s completely delusional.

      JOHN RIGGS comments that he’s doing wrestling classes, though. Speaking of delusional people. This is what we want. A 45 year old fat man with arthritis who can barely move and has no wrestling experience getting in there and grappling with some sweaty man in little underpants.

    1. He still pokes into Reddit every once in a while to roast user profiles and it’s pretty funny. I am hopeful we see a full article soon, but he has mentioned before that some stuff may be going on, and that can make writing extremely difficult.

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