Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit – Announcement Trailer – Cinemassacre

I wouldn’t normally cover an advertisement but reading the replies on TheCinemassacreTruth on Reddit made me realise some things about who these people are.

It looks like a shitty 8-bit platformer. And the video is interspliced with annoying clips of Jimmy pretending to play the game with his horrendous acting.

It’s going to be released as an NES cartridge so they’re going for the uber-nerd collector market but it’s also going to be released on Switch and Steam and whatever. There was another one. Playstation 5, maybe.

From MegaCat Studios. I can’t say that I’m familiar with their work. Let me look this up.

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. James seems to make all of his decisions based on how far people are from his home. And look how that turns out. Screenwave are complete dogshit and ruined his channel but at least they live nearby.

They’re on Wikipedia at least. “A major element of their business model of publishing new video games for “retro systems” has involved including a physical manual and case for each of their releases.”

So it’s a company based on a gimmick. What’s the market for these nerds who want to collect physical copies of “new” NES games? It can’t be huge.

Very few of their games have their own Wikipedia page. A lot of this looks like shovelware garbage. The few games that did have Wikipedia pages says that the game had “mixed to average” reviews. That means that they sucked. Let me see if there’s anything on Steam.

Eight games.

  • Positive – 1
  • Mostlly positive – 2
  • Mixed – 3
  • Insufficient reviews – 2

It doesn’t scream quality.

It’s just three guys cranking this shit out. I mean, good for them, but in terms of quality of the games, it seems low. This isn’t a passion for these guys, this is just a way to make money. They seem to make deals with old IPs and then crank out a shitty sequel or remake, cashing in *nostalgia*. Exactly what they seem to be doing with this AVGN game.

Limited Run Games are the other people involved. I’m thinking that they’re just involved in the distribution of the NES physical copies.

But anyway, you look at the comments on Reddit, even on this hate sub TheCinemassacreTruth, and people are chomping at the bit to play this no doubt shitty game.

  • “This looks fun”
  • “Slobwave games are always fun. I’ll probably buy this.”
  • “Looks fun, I love me some homebrew retro games.”
  • “pretty glad this is happening, i liked avgn adventures quite a lot, hopefully this’ll be about as good”
  • “James is cringe but the game itself looks good”

These are the biggest fucking nerds on the planet. These are people who usually do nothing but make homoerotic pictures of James Rolfe and the various men involved in some way with AVGN. And posts about Mike Matei’s penis. These are the same people who really looking forward to play this game. Giant gay fucking nerds.

I never played those AVGN games. They looked like total shit. Even if they were good, which I don’t think they were, why would I want to play as The Angry Video Game Nerd? Why would that be an IP that would appeal to me? A fucking Youtuber?

Would I play an Erin Plays game? I mean, I guess I’d be obligated to for the blog but were it not for the blog, absolutely no chance.

And choosing a game based on IP…what adult even does that? As a kid, I’d get a Spider-Man game or something and even if it sucked, which it did, I’d still play it. But the fact remains that it sucks.

As an adult, I’m a little more savy. I choose games based on whether or not they’re good games. And this does not look like a good game.

Why spend $30 on this, or whatever the physical release will be…$70 when you can get any number of good games for that price? Because you want to run around as an 8-bit James Rolfe? Killing these generic enemies? I’m just guessing on those prices, by the way.

I wouldn’t mind a more realistic game where you play as James Rolfe. We can just take the mountain climbing video for instance. The controls would have be bad like in Lester the Unlikely or something but fully 3-D. It would simulate James’ poor health and poor walking shoes as he attempted to climb that mountain. You get a couple of twigs to very slightly improve the controls. Poop is obviously a powerup. There’s some sort of an emotional meter in the game and when it gets too low, he starts crying about his children. It should be virtually impossible to get up that mountain. But perhaps you can unlock a character who’s a normal 40 year old man who can get up the mountain, no problem.

And that’s just the mountain video. There’s loads of shit that could be done. A Guitar Hero game based on Rex Viper but you’d be playing as James Rolfe so it would be extremely difficult to hit any of the notes.

What about a management sim game where you’re Screenwave and you have to motivate a retard to do his job while dealing with homosexual men on Reddit and balancing the books and whatnot.

There’s loads that can be done. But what do we get instead? A boring as fuck cookie cutter platformer that was cranked out in a week by three guys in Pennsylvania on a shoestring budget. And the boys on Reddit are all about it.

These are the same people who talk about watching AVGN videos multiple times. Are they insane or am I insane? I’ve seen probably all of the AVGN videos but…just once. Like a normal person. Right? I’m not going back and watching again. A Youtube video? What’s the point? These videos weren’t even enjoyable the first time.

Jimmy talked about writing another book. I wonder what that’s about. He could just do an episode guide. I guess. I mean…who would buy it? These fucking gay nerds on Reddit, I suppose. But he’d have to have actual interesting stuff to say and given what was in the autobiography, I don’t think that’s possible. Maybe get a ghostwriter. And not fucking Justin Silverman. Get somebody who’s qualified. For once.

I had the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode guide.

Oh. “Companion”. I “always” “forget” that it’s called Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion. I had the first edition. The blue one there. The show was still going on when I got it so it didn’t have the last…I don’t know…couple of seasons in it. But apparently there’s a second edition which I think has every episode in it. I read it and it was interesting. As a 12 year old, anyway. Talked about behind the scenes shit for each episode.

I read Barry Williams’ book as a kid too. He did an episode guide on the Brady Bunch. He was Greg.

I was going to get the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 episode guide but then I got the internet and that was like a big thing to me. I no longer had to look for these episode guides because everything was on the internet. If I wanted to see some nerd’s opinion on each episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, now I could do so.

Oh yeah. It’s still up.

It’s completely baffling how little AVGN stuff was in his biography but the man is a retard. Who can ever guess what he’s going to do next? You know it’s going to be stupid and the wrong move but in what capacity?

2 thoughts on “Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit – Announcement Trailer – Cinemassacre

  1. Another AVGN game? Is it a rehash of the previously released games? James is just coasting on cruise control.

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