How Final Destination 2 Traumatized A Generation! – Tony from Hack The Movies

We’ve got Horseface. She’s not getting any more attractive, is she? It’s almost shocking. Either I forgot how unattractive she is or she’s looking a whole lot worse, from what was already a low start.

0:15 – She starts by saying, “I get to be in the sun all the time” which is a vague reference to her living in Florida now. But…you wouldn’t even know this unless you go to her Twitter. And even then you wouldn’t know it. She only had a few, vague tweets about it.

What about that nerd-bro boyfriend she had? That didn’t last long. I assume that he didn’t move to Florida too.

Yeah. She deleted the tweet. That guy’s out.

Well, good news for Newt. Kind of. Maybe. Perhaps Horseface is back on the market. Of course, she lives 1,200 miles away now but small details. And it’s unlikely that she’s single anyway. Remember that Marine Corps boyfriend she had for NINE YEARS and she never mentioned even once, allowing the horntards to believe that she’s single?

Horseface is complaining that she missed her flight. She tweeted about this too. She should got there early like a normal person but she’s still blaming the airline.

I think that I’m seeing part of the problem with Horseface’s new appearance. She’s badly sunburned. I think.

Oh, Horseface says that she was waiting for her boyfriend. A mystery man who we’ve never heard about before. I don’t think that it’s the guy from six months ago because she deleted his existance from her Twitter. It’s some new guy. Perhaps some guy who she’s known for less than six months and moved across the country for.

Then Tony says that he missed a flight before because he fell asleep on a toilet. What? Did I hear that right? I wasn’t really listening, to be honest. Let me rewind this.

Yeah. He fell asleep on a public toilet in the airport. Who the fuck does this? He’s sitting there taking a dump, presumably, and then falls asleep? This is giant fat guy behaviour.

4:00 – Oh, Horseface is talking about hot chicks. Always riveting stuff.

I’ll say this about Horseface. At least she’s wearing a full top for a change.

6:15 – “I strictly remember this.”

I don’t think that that’s a phrase, Horseface. “Distinctly” is the word.

Horseface is kind of shiny as well. Maybe she has suntan lotion on.

11:15 – “I know that people love the Sawls, I know that people are diehard Sawl fans.”

Just listen to this and tell me that she’s not saying fucking “Sawl” instead of “Saw.” Somebody in the comments says “Better Call Saul”, which I think is a reference to Horseface’s pronunciation of “saw”. Tony has this same issue. It must be a rural Pennsylvania thing.

Oh, and then Tony calls her out on it. Horseface claims that it’s a “Philly” thing. The city, presumably, not the female horse.

I’m at 26 minutes. I’m done. This is boring. Come on. They haven’t changed the formula since the last time I watched this.

While those dullards were droning on, I was thinking of Horseface and Miami and cocaine and Scarface and The Godfather and my time in the casino industry. Those places are always mobbed up, doesn’t matter what kind of casino it is. Little riverboats, Indian casinos, all full of organised crime. Mobster Indians.

Actually, if you look at the origin of Foxwoods Casino, it was bankrolled by Chinese organised crime figures. And the “Indians” were a scam. Half of them were white, half of them were black, none of them were Indian. They were just a group of grifters who traced their distant ancestry to a couple of Indian sisters. So these people, trying to get money out of the government, formed a “tribe” in like the 1970s. They bought a bunch of mobile homes and some land and that was their “tribe”. A bunch of white folk and a bunch of black folk. They raised chickens and shit. Then, after being a “tribe” for the requisite number of years, they registered themselves as an Indian tribe with the government and were able to get money from the government this way. And by the 1990s, they teamed up with these Triad members to start a casino.

I remember in the 1990s, Donald Trump was widely quoted as calling these Indians “fake”. And people were outraged by it. But he’d say, “Just look at them and you’ll see that they’re not Indians.”

He was dead on. They’re 100% fake. I’ve seen them. It’s a white woman with feathers in her hair calling herself “Laughing Woman” (actual name) and a black dude with some kind of beadwork jewelry thinking that that’s enough to make him an Indian. No. They’re complete frauds. This was all a big scam. Donald Trump was right to call them out and he got abuse from this because on the face of it, it wasn’t PC. “You can’t make fun of Indians.” BUT THEY’RE NOT REAL INDIANS. What that Pequot “tribe” is doing should outrage actual Indians.

Here’s an article from 2016 that references Trump’s remarks, which mirror my own views, as somebody who has seen these “Indians” and worked in their mobbed-up casino.

People use his remarks to discredit him and paint him as being anti-American Indian. But what he’s saying is true and those “Indians” are a farce. They’re just a loose affiliation of white grifters and black grifters who came together to con the government out of money by claiming to be a tribe.

Anyway, I read something about a regular there who always lost his money. Everybody always lost money. Nobody makes money in the casinos. I don’t know how much this guy lost but he was obviously addicted. And he said, “Every day when I leave this place, I hope that somebody kills me.” That always stuck with me.

Even in this video, which was clearly made to show that Trump was right, and includes pictures of some fake “Indians” at the end of video, people in the comments STILL say that Trump was wrong and he’s racist against Indians. I did see at least one informed comment, though.

  • “Trump is right. Most of these people are white and african american.”

It’s true. Here’s a more recent video:

A black woman and a white man. Maybe that guy is mixed race but he sure as fuck isn’t an Indian. It’s a fucking scam.

Here’s another good one:

Enormous, fat white people and fat black people struggling to learn “their” language. It’s a dead language because the tribe was eradicated 200 years ago. But these fucking grifters are putting a show on becasue they’re getting millions of dollars from the government and however many millions or billions their casinos and hotels get.

They seemed to focus on the homeboy with the rotten teeth because he looks the most Indian but look at everybody else.

Where was I going with all of this? Oh, yeah. Fuck Horseface.

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