Destiny Fomo is Mad Thirsty – Song

So somebody called Tim the Jonin made an album called Finesse. One of the tracks is called Destiny Fomo is Mad Thirsty.

I’m not a music critic by any means but let’s check it out.

It’s surprisingly competent. It’s ass-licking to an extent, and buying into the myth that she’s into video games, as opposed to just a prostitute who’s using video games to milk money from horny retards. But it’s more nuanced than that. I wouldn’t say that the lyrics are deep but they are somewhat critical of her, as in:

“Destiny Fomo, she’s the queen of the night. She’s chasing attention, it’s her game to play, but beware, it’s just a role she’ll slay.”

Queen of the night. A reference to her prostitution?

“In a world of pixels, she reigns supreme, with every click she’s living the dream. But deep down inside, there’s a void to fill, her thirst for fame is a bitter pill.”

Somewhat a reference to this all being fake.

“She’ll pose a selfie, with just the right pose. Capturing hearts with a digital pose(?), but in the end, it’s just a facade, a virtual charade to keep her feeling high.”

He seems to enjoy rhyming “pose” with “pose”, unless I’m mishearing something, but more references to this being fake.

Even if this guy doesn’t know to what extent this is all a fraud and the lyrics are just about a sort of imaginary version of Madam Fomo and he wants to give some depth to the character, it’s still unknowningly discussing her shitty behaviour. Enticing horny retards with these “sexy” pictures.

“Next time you see her on your screen so bright, remember it’s just a show in the virtual light.”

More along the same theme that she’s a fake.

“Destiny Fomo she’ll keep playing her part, but true happiness is (something) in the heart.”

Same stuff.

Then it transitions into like a softly-spoken version without instrumentals.

“Turn down the lights, she’s searching for love.”

Well, if you have $100 she’ll give you some loving.

So that’s that. It was surprisingly well put together. The instrumentals and the singing and whatever were…I don’t know…fine? Good? It seems to to have been recorded semi-professionally. I don’t know if it’s one guy playing multiple instruments or this is all being done on a computer or what.

The lyrics weren’t of the sycophantic variety that I expected.

So what else does he have? The songs seem to be video game, Superman, and Dragonball-based. Sometimes it’s just somebody’s name who he presumably doesn’t like and then “sucks”.

259 Chester Street seems to be an entirely different singer and style. It seems like a black guy doing some rap. This is why I’m thinking that this is done entirely on a computer. Using AI or something. I don’t know what the capabiltiies are. But again, it seems to be reasonably well done. I mean, it’s not a guy in his mother’s basement just recording this shit.

These songs seem to be in different genres. Rap, soul, Korn. And the singers are definitely different. I Miss Pagan is a woman. This has to be AI.

So you can check these out or just use whatever AI program he did and crank this shit out yourself. But he’s also on Youtube.

He has a bunch of short videos which I think all have AI-generated thumbnails. Or most of them anyway.

In one video, he discourages you from going out in the sun. Says that it’s dangerous and you should just take vitamin D pills instead.

His most-viewed video (with 20 views) is this one:

“Is masturbating to porn good for your mental health?”

I don’t think that it’s AI. You wouldn’t use this voice if you could help it. And it seems to be the same voice in all of his videos. The video is fucking hilarious. I laughed the whole way through. He says “and things of that nature” at least five times in this three minute video.

0:30 – He says that it’s a “logical fallacy” that masturbating to porn can turn you into a serial rapist. I note his use of “logical fallacy” because I wasn’t sure if this was actually the same guy who made that album. But one of the songs is called, “Vegan Gains Theme Song – Logical Fallacy”. So I’m pretty confident that it’s him.

I think that he’s from New York from the accent. And CLEARLY mentally ill but fairly lucid. His argument, as bizarre as it is, is pretty sound. People do make the correlation between porn and raping or at least have historically.

1:45 – He suggests that masturbating too much can lead to depression. I don’t know. Maybe. It seems more like a sign of depression than the cause.

2:00 – “There’s one time, I was jacking off four times a day.”

It’s fucking hilarious.

So he suggests that you should jack off, or masturbate, if you will, in moderation. Well, that’s sound advice. We can all agree with that.

Then he ends the video by saying that if you masturbate too much, you can become a rapist. Again, I think that he has a point. You read about rapists and they would masturbate excessively. They’d be preoccupied with it.

There’s only one comment.

  • “I see it’s done wonders for your mental health”

He replies, “Clearly you live on the internet” and “Try going out every once in awhile go out and get some air”

But put sunscreen on. He advises in that sun video that if you go out, you should always put sunscreen on.

Should you start taking testosterone? Well, let’s find out.

By the way, video game footage plays while he talks. It was the same in the masturbation video. In the sun video, it was just a picture of the sun.

0:00 – “This is going to be a hard no.”

Interesting. Go on.

He suggests that there are natural ways to boost your testosterone: working out and eating more protein. Again, I think that’s totally sensible and probably backed by science.

Then he continues that if you have a genuine need for testosterone, you should talk to your doctor. This is all good advice.

He says you shouldn’t take testosterone because it can thicken your blood and whatnot. That’s certainly a valid reason not to take it.

So that’s the video. He suggests that you should work out and eat protein instead.

Then he has videos about working out and eating meat. So he’s putting his beliefs into practice, I assume.

“Misconceptions with people with mental illness.”

He talks about how people with schizophrenia and psychopaths and things of that nature aren’t all murderers and bad people. It’s just a mentall illness. You can have these conditions and still be a good person. Yeah, of course.

1:15 – His former friend, who was not a qualified psychiatrist, had a habit of trying to diagnosis him and this bothered him. That’s totally reasonable to be upset by that.

He has a second channel here:

Both channels have only been up for a month, by the way.

Metal Jesus Rocks Exposed.

0:00 – “Today we’re going to be exposing…I don’t like using that word. It sounds dirty to me.”


This is about Metal Jesus inflating prices about video games. He goes to some price charting website to show that Metal Jesus was over-stating the price of games. That’s good.

He has a few videos about a guy named Ivan. He doesn’t much care for Ivan. In this video, he’s suggesting that Ivan is gay for him. And I think he’s using an AI voice. It’s of some posh English guy.

Anyway, aside from the Ivan obsession, I say stay the course and good luck with your mental health.

4 thoughts on “Destiny Fomo is Mad Thirsty – Song

  1. Metal Jesus is a fucking asshole. Good on this guy for fighting the good fight even if no one knows about it. But you know Metal Jesus does. He scours the internet for anything said about him and tries to shut it down. Fuck that mother fucker.

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