Lemmings (SNES) – Neighbor Nerds – Cinemassacre

I watched this a couple of days ago for my own “enjoyment”. I like Lemmings. I had the game as a kid for the PC. Maybe a year ago, I downloaded some bootleg version that has all of the levels from all of the games and I think adds shit to it. That was cool but I didn’t get too into it.

So I’m interested in the subject. That helped. And James and John seem to have some familiarity with the game. James does, at least. I mean…he at least knows what the different abilities do. He didn’t seem to be a pro by any means. So that helped too.

But I thought, “What’s the point of this?” It’s all heavily edited. It doesn’t seem as badly edited as other recent Neighbor Nerds things but it was still…if you’re not going to show the full gameplay, what’s the point? We’re just supposed to be here for the witty zingers that these two dish out? What witty zingers? James is a corpse.

You either need the gameplay or some really funny back and forth. This has neither. There’s no hope for witty dialogue with fucking James there so showing the gameplay is the obvious choice.

“Who wants to watch two hours of these James and John playing Lemmings?” Lunatics. But the people are out there. Why not?

I seem to recall James & Mike Mondays that were over an hour. Not a problem. Nobody complained. And I watch some of Mike’s multi-hour streams. You just watch as much as you want and then come back to it later. It’s not a big deal. And if you don’t watch the whole thing, that’s fine too. Doesn’t every minute count in terms of how much you get paid?

Maybe there are long stretches of James not saying anything. But is that even a problem? You don’t have to regale us every second. If people are interested in the game, the gameplay will be enough.

Speaking of Mike, he was playing Borderlands 2 recently with Bitch Duo. Bitch Duo doesn’t even call himself Duo any more. He was there as “Judith Light”. Mike regularly referred to Bitch Duo using female pronouns. And Bitch Duo was perfectly cool with it.

Bitch Duo also played with Mike under the guise of “Inspector Gadget” a little while ago and again had no problem being referred to as Inspector Gadget.

I don’t know why Bitch Duo puts up with this. Who is Bitch Duo anyway? It’s the only person who Mike ever plays with. And Bitch Duo is MUCH better at video games than Mike. He was letting Mike have all of the items in this Borderlands game and he was still completely carrying him.

Why not play with the horntards? It’s ridiculous. It’s a game that I think let’s you play with a team up to four players. Get three of the whale horntards to play with you as a little bonus for having given you THOUSANDS of dollars over the years. He can’t do it.

Also baffling is when Mike and Erin will stream together but they’ll switch off instead of playing together at the same time. The chat is screaming at them to play together but they don’t do it. I get that Erin sucks at video games but Mike just has to tone it down a little. He doesn’t have to completely crush her. Pretend that you’re playing against a little kid. Or he can completely crush her. That works too. I mean, who gives a shit? You’re hardly exposing Erin as a being shit at video games. People already know. They don’t care.

This is also something that James and John can do. They did that with this Lemmings video. There’s a two player mode which they’ve acknowledged that few people know about. There are probably loads of similar games from the 8 and 16 bit era. Games that had two player mods that few people actually played in two player mode.

Game Boy games would be great for this. How many people used the link cable? Fucking nobody. But there are probably loads of cool two player modes in Game Boy games.

5 thoughts on “Lemmings (SNES) – Neighbor Nerds – Cinemassacre

  1. The problem with these videos is that, as you have mentioned in other posts, those guys are charisma blackholes… They are exactly the type of people I would never be associated with. MAYBE I am like them, no charisma, fat, bald, and permanently looking to the past… but nobody likes to be reminded of that.

    By the way, I just watched the last video from Erin… she sounds almost defensive: “don’t complain if I don’t pronounce the Japanese names right”, or “I did not care for this game enough to play longer”.

    I also remember once I somehow managed to watch her on Twitch, streaming whatever. She had written all over the place, in different fonts and formats “THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WITH THIS GAME, I AM NOT AN EXPERT”.

    But, to be honest, her videos kinds show the overall state of YouTube lately… all the creators are either blatantly bombarding their audience with ads and sponsored content, or uploading just once every six months, or quiting all together.

    I mean, it was ok when we all were teenagers or in our 20s, but watching a fat bald man talking ONCE MORE about how “Nintendo and Sony originally worked together to create the PlayStation” is just… well, just don’t. Erin seems to be hitting that mood. Just inertia.

    I am leaving Japan tomorrow and going to Singapore for a week, to later visit Malasya. Japan was great, but without a visa I need to leave. I guess the upside is that I will be far away from Akihabara, the promised land for those generic John Riggs.

    1. Yeah, she got defensive about her horribly pronounced Dragon Ball names. Even I knew that she was way off with the pronunciations.

      Anyway, enjoy your trip. Singapore is blocked from the blog, though. There’s some bot spammer who always uses Singapore IPs.

      1. So was he actually…arrested? Or is this some grift by these idiots? Either way it’s cringe, vague, and part of a universe I want nothing to do with as usual. That entire friend group is deranged perverts and drugged up freaks. Fuck ’em.

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