Erin is Taking a Break from Youtube and Twitch

“Hi, I’m really sorry I haven’t been streaming & putting out as much video content lately. I’ve been dealing with some very serious family health issues and care taking. I hope to return to more consistent content production eventually when things get more under control”

She’ll be back next February along with James & Mike Mondays.

But I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe one or both of her parents got carpal tunnel syndrome.

Voultar, one of the horntards who has a Youtube channel that Erin appeared on, says, “I hope everything is getting better.” Erin says, “Thanks, hope things get better with you too”. What’s wrong with Voultar? Possibly nothing but Erin didn’t know what to say. Erin never knows what to say.

Oh, look at this. Joe from Game Sack left a reply. He’s crushed. Joe is a big Erin Plays fan. “Please, take your time. Real life is more important.” Words of wisdom from that fucking desperate pervert who’s trying to steal the love of Mike Matei’s life. Go back to ogling Newt Wallen’s penis, you fucking faggot. But Erin replies, “I try to remind myself of that”. Oh sure. Erin is usually so totally dedicated to her Twitch and Youtube “career”. She works a good five hours a week on this shit.

Horny Goriya, Erin’s lesbian Youtube love interest leaves reply too. We’re getting all of the big time perverts coming out for this tweet. “Sorry to hear. Wishing you and your family the best. It’s good that you’re able to help out and support your loved ones, but don’t forget to take some time to take care of yourself too.” God. She’s even boring in text form. Erin replies, “Thanks so much. I’m trying to find a balance but it’s not easy!”. Oh yeah. Erin is just so self-less. Always thinking of others. Like that time when she said you should ask your elderly neighbours if they need anything from the store during covid.

There are 40 other replies but they’re from people who DON’T have Youtube channels so Erin didn’t deem any of them worthy of a reply. Fuck these peasants who may or may not have jobs. I only deal with Youtubers.

Galactic Chat Wave Radio leaves a Star Trek gif to express his feelings. Uh huh.

BMK Retro Gaming says, “Take what time you need. Those who enjoy your content, (myself included), will still be around when you’re ready to go again”. He’ll be ready with his dick in his hand for your return, Erin. Don’t you worry.

Jamie A Rose leaves a picture of two anime school girls hugging each other to express his feelings.

And finally, Edwina says that her nudes are in her profile. Probably the most interesting post on here.

Oh, and Jared Genesis replied to that spam post. He’s…he’s an odd fellow.

So that explains the lack of hot new “content” from Erin. How will I cope? I need to know what colours she likes. I need to know what things she thinks look like other things. I need confirmation that everything that somebody in the chat says is “cool”. I need to see the worst fucking video game footage ever recorded for every game complete with totally ignorant commentary that betrays her complete lack of interest and lack of knowledge about video games. I need a total personality blackhole in my life.

Oddly, ShiShi didn’t reply to that message. Somebody should do a wellness check on him. Maybe he decided that life wasn’t worth living in a world with no god awful Erin videos.

11 thoughts on “Erin is Taking a Break from Youtube and Twitch

  1. Man I’m sure you see the hits from Texas. Im always refreshing the blog to see what hot hot take you have regarding these “entertainers”. I’ll give a quick glance to Erin or newt every now and then; your blog really boils it down. You suffer so I don’t have to. Cheers bud.

  2. It’s interesting you say that. I’ve mentioned checking who comes here before and I know people would get creeped out by it so I didn’t go into detail. But John Riggs would check out the blog regularly because I kept getting hits from Yakima, Washington. I think PVC Bondage Guy came to the blog regularly. I got a lot of hits from some small town in Pennsylvania. That Baron guy who sometimes left comments said he was moving to Japan and was currently in Korea and that checked out.

    But I got a new hit counter thing a couple of months ago because there was an issue with the old one. The new one isn’t as detailed, doesn’t list the location and whatnot, so I can’t creep on the people who come here any more.

    1. Hello, yes I visit the site everyday currently in Tokyo. The thing is that I usually visit on my spare time during commuting, but for any reason the IP address on my phone is banned. So when reading on the phone I need to use a VPN to access from Mexico.

      Unfortunately that VPN would allow me to read but not to comment. It says that commenting from VPN addresses is not allowed.
      On regular WI-FI I have no issues.

  3. there are comments from people without a youtube channel, so erin is not replying to them. this is just too good to be true. i love this stuff.

    1. Yeah I was about to say. Awfully not subtle that she only responded to other (idiot) youtubers. Good lord.

    1. Eh. I appreciate your dedication in watching hours of Newt Wallen livestreams but that was just a two minute discussion briefly touching upon his fondness for PushingUpRoses and Erin Plays with no explanation for either of them.

      1. I used to entertain the idea that PushingUpRoses could be a regular subject on the blog. Of course I had largely forgotten what she was like. Then I took a peek at some of her videos and was so sorry.

  4. there is something inherently funny about the thought of Erin possibly having to travel and take care of ailing family. not because illness is funny, but because you know whether they’re bedridden at home or in a hospital Mike will be tailing along, ignoring all conversation outside of initial greetings, and hooking up a NES in their living room or hospital room and complaining about the input lag or something and yelling at the screen all hours of the night while her sick parents or whoever are suffering and just want some rest.

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