Get Ready for a Trivia Adventure with Reset n’ Zap! – Zap Cristal

Mike Matei will sometimes play a hack or homebrew or whatever and talk about how he’s probably the only person on earth who ever got this far into the game. He’s said this numerous times. He obviously finds it interesting. And it is interesting. Somebody made a game, they obviously spent a long time making the game, and then you’re the only person who has ever taken the time to play the game for this length of time.

I feel the same way about the Zap Cristal n’ (sic) Mr Wright Way II podcast. I’m the only one watching this shit. I’m like the explorers of old but the territory that I’m charting is the deepest depths of unwatchable shit. Maybe I’m going to discover something interesting. That would be a welcome change. Or maybe it’s just all shit. But it’s shit that nobody is watching but me. I’m the only person on earth to ever experience this podcast.

1:00 – Zap says that they’re going to inter-VIEW each other. Weird pronunciation of “interview”. Emphasis on the “view”.

1:15 – “I came up with the idea that is detrimental to you keeping your job as co-host.”

I…don’t think that Zap used the right word here. I think she meant more like…I don’t know…”essential”? “Mandatory”? It definitely wasn’t “detrimental” in any event.

They’re going to ask each other ten questions each. Eugh. This is death.

2:45 – Zap’s first question to Mr Wright Way II is, “Did you always want to become an independent artist?”

Eugh…let’s hear him out. Maybe he can make something of this shit question.

Oh fuck. He’s not. He’s just talking about music. I thought that maybe he would have talked about other jobs that he wanted to do. Like as a kid. Maybe, I don’t know, a fireman? Garbageman? Something? Anything?

No. It was always music with this guy.

I’m losing the will to live. He’s still talking. He says that he wrote poetry. He took a poetry class. He considered himself a poet. And this turned into rap, of course. He’s a poet of the streets as they say. Go fuck yourself.

6:00 – He gives a sample of a song that he wrote in middle school. The lyrics are “I will always love you from the bottom of my heart” repeated indefinetly. Oh my fucking god. Come on. Just end the answer, please.

7:30 – Now it’s Mr Wright Way II’s turn to ask a question. “You’ve talked a lot about moving from Puerto Rico to the US but what I’ve never actually axed (sic) you and what I’m interested in getting to know is what was the biggest adjustment you had to make living in Puerto Rico to living in the US?”

“Change of customs and traditions” is Zap’s answer. OH COME ON. I’m trying really hard to get through this. Can ANYONE provide an interesting question OR answer?

Zap gives the example of people hugging people and giving a kiss on the cheek in Puerto Rico. She says that it’s similar in Europe.

Let me tell you that it absolutely is not. I don’t know how those homos operate in France but in the UK, definitely not. Northern Europe, same deal. They give handshakes to family in Northern Europe.

It’s just how it is. There’s a wide range of customs throughout Europe. Try to kiss a stranger on the cheek in Scotland and see how many teeth you walk away with. It’s the same as in the US. They’d think that you’re fucking gay. Probably rightly.

10:45 – She mentions needing to call people “sir” and “ma’am”. That’s true. There’s a lot of that false civility in the US. But not much of the real civility.

They have false civility in the UK as well but they don’t call anyone “sir” or “ma’am”. It’s manifested differently.

12:00 – Now it’s Zap’s turn to ask a question. You better bring the goods Zap because if this sucks dick, I’m stopping the video.

“What are the challenges you face within your niche?”

This could not have been a bigger fail of a question. Totally done.

(In case the reference isn’t clear, Bret Hart says, “Booker T, let me axe you a question.” He used this line a number of times with Booker T. I was looking for the particular clip where it’s the two of them and Bret says, “Let me axe you a question” and Booker T just nods and says, “Alright” but I couldn’t find it.)

3 thoughts on “Get Ready for a Trivia Adventure with Reset n’ Zap! – Zap Cristal

  1. The last video you covered by here still doesn’t have 100 views! Hanging on at 99!!! Nobody watch it! I pissed myself at the opening because she says something like “next me is my………” like setting it up for him to say husband but then just silence. Like he has no idea what to say.

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