Retro Ali is Back Making Videos!

Well…kind of. She’s doing “shorts”. And she’s doing it as her anime girl avatar. Because she gained 50 pounds and can no longer bring herself to appear on screen.

I haven’t talked about Retro Ali in a while. Her thing was “reaction” videos where she would “react” to mundande things by screaming and doing an o-face like a chimp. Obviously exaggerated. Obviously just an attempt to pull in horntards.

She’s doing the exact same thing now but with her anime avatar. Are you fucking kidding me? Does she honestly think that this is going to work?

So what happens in this video, please do not watch it, is you see Ali’s fat hands going through a newly-opened deck of Pokemon cards. And her anime avatar is at the top of the screen.

She reaches a card that she wants and she starts screaming like a fucking baboon. And the anime character’s face changes slightly because the anime character is vaguely linked to Ali’s actual facial expressions (which she refuses to show because she’s now overweight).

We’re supposed to jerk off to this? To a cartoon girl opening her eyes slightly? THIS is going to change the world of erotica?

It’s the dumbest fucking thing in the universe. I HATED Retro Ali’s videos. Every fucking video was the same. She’s watching “Nintendo Direct” or something and will make stupid, exagerated faces like she’s getting fucked in the ass by Electabuzz.

And the retards in the comments would say, “Yeah! You looked really cute when you made the o-face! I came twice!”

It’s completely insulting to even a retard’s intelligence. Why is she so invested in these stupid commercials? Take a fucking Valium. I have NEVER been as excited about ANYTHING as Retro Ali was these fucking COMMERCIALS.

So she’s taking that same “winning” formula and applying to to her anime character. This is never going to work, Ali. Just go on a fucking diet. It’s not that hard.

I was watching Mike stream some Ninja Turtles hack for five hours recently. Somebody in the chat suggested that he get in on this anime girl avatar action. Mike declined and said that the only people who do that are people who are afraid to get on camera.

That’s clearly what it is. Retro Ali gained 50 pounds and suddenly doesn’t appear on camera any more. It’s this stupid fucking anime girl.

I can’t understand the audience for this. She has a boring as fucking personality too so it can’t be that. You want to watch a boring anime girl screaming like a jackass over mundane stuff? Why? Who’s doing that? Who has this fetish?

2 thoughts on “Retro Ali is Back Making Videos!

  1. I watched it against your advisement. She does scream like a fucking baboon. Like if a rabid animal is tearing your limbs apart it’s the last thing you’d hear as you scream for help.

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