Tuesday Night Late Night Live – Newt Wallen

0:00 – Good Lord. Look at this guy. I’m going to guess that he’s in his early 30s but he looks much older. He’s bald but has stringy hair down to the middle of his back. And he’s using a cane.

That last guy who was there used crutches. Do they know anyone who can walk under their own power?

This guy is a total scumbag. It’s like a parody of a scumbag. Draw a scumbag, you draw this guy.

So PVC Bondage Guy introduces this guy. She says that it’s her “friend” He’s “ConstantlyStonedAI or HiAi in the chat”.

She’s talking about the Discord, presumably. Newt has some Discord. So…is this just a guy who she knows from Discord? Some random horntard? I assume that it is. That last guy was too.

Then this guy leans in for a kiss. Insistently. And PVC Bondage Guy clearly doesn’t want to. But he’s so inept at social cues that he continues so she reluctantly offers her cheek.

Then PVC Bondage Guy immediately starts violently coughing. She’s so repelled by this guy that she had an immediate urge to retch after he kissed her. Newt blames this on this scumbag smoking but I really don’t think so. Anybody would feel violently ill after being kissed by this guy.

Yeah, he’s definitely just some weird horntard because Newt then says, “You better go check on your friend to make sure that he’s not trapped outside in Philadelphia.” So this isn’t a guy who she knows. It’s a horntard. He travelled for this.

0:45 – Holy shit. Who would let their hair get to that state? You’re bald. You’re clearly bald. This isn’t a small patch in the back that you can’t see. It’s massive. Classic horseshoe pattern. Late-stage balding. Come on.

I mean…this guy’s hair is the least of his concerns but…it’s shocking. These are the people who go to Newt’s Discord. These are the people who go to his channel.

It’s the same sort of scumbags and retards who go to Erin’s channel or any of these people. I give Newt credit for actually showing these people. Actually spending time with these people.

Imagine Erin spending time with ShiShi. She wouldn’t do it in a million years. She’s completely repulsed by him. Rightly, of course. But she still happily takes his money and lets him make his creepy comments to her.

Newt is putting these people on display. It’s valuable. Whenever I look up a horntard on Twitter or whatever it’s always shocking. God damn, look at the state of this guy. He’s a genuine retard or he’s 500 pounds or he’s a giant creep. Whatever. These are the people. They’re desperately looking for friends.

Everyone else has enough sense not to engage with them. They take their money but they’re certainly not hanging out with them. Not Newt. Newt says, “Sure, come hang out. You can rub on my crazy friend PVC Bondage Guy. We’re all friends here.” Because Newt is desperate as fuck himself and mentally ill.

1:00 – This scumbag starts teasing Newt’s cat with his cane. And he hasnt’ said ANYTHING yet. He’s just a creepy guy doing creepy shit.

1:15 – “We had about 50 people to the premiere of XXX-Mas. I think people liked the movie.”

Fifty, you say. Well, that is a result. Even if we assume that half of them were friends or “friends” of Newt, that’s still 25 people who paid money to see this piece of shit. It’s 25 more than I would have guessed. Newt must have advertised the movie in every massage parlour and gay sauna in town.

1:45 – Newt is clearly creeped out by this guy, who is still teasing Newt’s cat and still hasn’t said a word. Newt describes the scenario as PVC Bondage Guy “picking up strays and bringing them to my apartment.”

2:15 – As PVC Bondage Guy continues to gag at the mere presence of this guy, he starts creepily brushing his stringy hair. What the fuck? Get this lunatic out of there. Who knows what he’s capable of?

2:45 – He finally says something. It’s barely audible. Like he’s struggling to speak. “The last time I got my hair cut was 2018”.

Dude. Who would possibly let this guy into their home? I know that Newt is mentally ill. I know that PVC Bondage Guy is mentally ill. But come on. There’s a limit.

Then PVC Bondage Guy starts talking about the last time she got her hair cut and this guy immediately cuts her off and says, “Oh wait. Obama was president. So it was like 2006 or 2007 then.” Newt says, “Oh”. Newt is clearly uncomfortable around this guy, as anybody on earth would be.

We don’t care when you last got your hair cut. Nobody does.

This guy is intentionally being as creepy as he can be. It has to be. Nobody is like this normally. I mean, part of this is real, I believe that he’s socially inept (to say the least) but part of this is him putting on an act. He’s trying to be as repellant as possible because he knows that he’s socially inept (and then some) so he cranks it up as like a defence mechanism. “Oh, you people don’t like talking to me? Well, then I’ll reject you by being as creepy as any human being possibly can be.”

3:45 – PVC Bondage Guy says that she knew this scumbag in 2016 or 2017. The scumbag says, “For a lot of people, this is the grand reveal of my face.”

Pause the video at 4:02. Newt is creeped the fuck out.

Then this guy suggests that he should wear one of the masks that Newt has on his wall. Well…it’s not a bad idea.

By the way, Newt I think always has the chat available to read. The chat from the livestream. But he doesn’t have it for this video. I wonder why. Maybe even the horntards were repulsed by this guy and leaving comments expressing their discomfort.

Also, this stream is “only” two hours long. Usually, they’re like five hours. Newt clearly cut this one short. You can see him struggling even this early in the video. He doesn’t want to be here. Or, more accurately, he doesn’t want that scumbag to be there.

6:00 – This guy says that he has a roommate. I just…I don’t even have anything to say. I’m just building the picture of this lunatic. A man in his late 30s having a roommate.

7:00 – PVC Bondage Guy says that she can’t look at this scumbag and breathe. She’s blaming it on his apparently overpowering stench of cigarette (or something) smoke but…I think she’s just repulsed. Who wouldn’t be?

Even if it is “merely” this guy’s stench that’s the problem…fucking bathe. He says that the last time he got his hair cut was 2008. I think that was the last time that he bathed too.

10:00 – Scumbag is talking about his rating system for celebrities. It’s based on how fun it would be to do prank phone calls with them. Newt wants to anywhere but here. Meanwhile, PVC Bondage Guy is choking on her own bile, not being able to stand the the stench of this guy.

14:15 – Newt talks about a guy in a bar saying “nice tits” to PVC Bondage Guy. So of course this is an opportunity for PVC Bondage Guy to talk about how everybody wants to have sex with her. You know, this common point of discussion that men typically have.

16:15 – PVC Bondage Guy is choking on Scumbag’s stench some more and he suggests that he can spray some cologne. The old Dundee Shower. I think it has other names depending on which town or city you want to denigrate the inhabitants of. I wonder why Dundee gets that treatment in Scotland. The people aren’t any more unwashed than anywhere else that I’ve seen.

16:45 – Scumbag tells a story about how he saw PVC Bondage Guy on a bed and “blew a raspberry” on her stomach, which caused her to jump up in fear. PVC Bondage Guy says that she didn’t enjoy it but Scumbag says that she did enjoy it.

This guy sure enjoys sexual assault. I mean…how else is this guy going to have sex? Even the prostitutes who Newt pays for would say, “Sorry, I don’t care how much this guy is paying, I’m not doing it.”

18:45 – Scumbag says that he’s going to squeeze Newt’s ass.

20:00 – PVC Bondage Guy starts talking about her deep passion for wrestling again. This thing that she started watching six months ago and now she’s all about it.

How did she know about wrestling until six months ago? And then suddenly she can’t get enough of it?

21:00 – Newt describes Scumbag as a “man” and Scumbag doesn’t like that. So Newt describes Scumbag as a “carbon based lifeform” instead.

22:30 – Scumbag creepily asks Newt for some “fist” and Newt then reluctantly bumps fists with him.

23:15 – Scumbag says that he wants to beat up Steven Segal and seriously suggests that he can do so. This guy who uses a CANE to walk, is a chain smoker, and considers himself to be something other than a man.

Alright, I can’t listen to this any more. Let’s skip to the end.

2:05:30 – Scumbag says that he’s leaving to smoke and says he’s also going to stand out there for an extra five minutes to “air off.” Try bathing, asshole.

2:06:45 – PVC Bondage Guy said that she wanted to look nice for the “premiere” of XXX-Mas. You know, for the fifty people. When Newt saw her, he said, “Yeah, you’ve got your tits out.” Great.

2:11:45 – Newt is talking about all of his big Hollywood productions. He’s shooting some “blitz porn thing”. Whatever that means. And a “Barbie horror thing” for Donald Farmer. That big shot producer. Then he says that he was contacted today for a “mainstream, network tv thing.”

Really. Do tell, Newt. Where can we see this tits and gore “movie” starring local prostitutes? I want to set my Tivo. Will it be on NBC? ABC? CBS? This will be prime time, presumably. Maybe the CBS Movie of the Week?

2:14:45 – Newt says that he wants to end the stream. PVC Bondage says that it’s only been two hours. Newt says that he has to go to sleep soon.

Newt CLEARLY does not want to continue this with Scumbag. Scumbag is too be a scumbag even for scumbag Newt. It’s unbelievable.

The guy’s stench is so overpowering that it causes PVC Bondage Guy, who you have to imagine has smelled all manner of unpleasant things, to physically retch just from being in his presense.

2:15:45 – PVC Bondage Guy suggests that she’s going to train to be a wrestler.

Look. I don’t want to be offensive. But scroll this video back to 2:15:15 when PVC Bondage Guy was sitting down. She has a considerable gut. She hasn’t had any exercise in her life. She’s a drug addict. She mentally ill. She’s in her mid 20s. I don’t think that she’s going to be a professional athlete. Alright?

And once again, she’s completely obsessed with this thing that she only got into SIX MONTHS AGO.

Where has she been that she just learned about wrestling six months ago? How has it passed her by all this time?

So anyway, PVC Bondage Guy says that she’s going to go Monster Factory in New Jersey for her wrestling training. Do not waste one fucking minute of your time on this, not to mention the money.

She’s doped up to the gills on a cocktail of anti-depressant medication. Presumably. This might account for her weight. She’s also taking every illicit drug known to man. Earlier in the video, she talked about doing mushrooms that only grow on the backs of caterpillars in China. How on earth does she think that she’s going to be a professional wrestler?

Presumably, she doesn’t think that she’s going to be WWE or something. I hope that her goal is something more modest like doing a local indy show for no pay. But even that’s a pipe dream. Look at her. She physically can’t do it.

2:17:15 – PVC Bondage Guy, who hasn’t even taken a single wrestling lesson, says that already has a number of people who want to be her “manager”.

First of all, wrestlers haven’t really had managers in many decades. Secondly…eugh. It’s just so fucking stupid. The whole thing. She suddenly watches wrestling, six months ago, having not watched it her entire life, and now she’s so into it that she’s going to all of the conventions and is going to “train” at a wrestling school. For thousands of dollars, of course. Presumably, these “school” will take anyone who has the money for their “tuition”.

PVC Bondage Guy, take the money that you plan on spending for this wrestling “school” and use it to enroll in a nursing course at your local community college. That’s something that you can actually make money from.

You are not the second coming of June Byers. Stop this right now. You are completely wasting your time and money with this ridiculous, probably drug-fueled fantasy.

2:18:30 – Scumbag intentionally cuts his finger and then presents it to PVC Bondage Girl who begins sucking the blood from his finger.

What is there to even say to that?

Then Newt ends the video, saying that PVC Bondage Guy is “crashing” with him.

Let us never speak of any of this again.

15 thoughts on “Tuesday Night Late Night Live – Newt Wallen

  1. Who is ConstantlyStonedAI? What is his expertise or reason for being there? What is he gonna add to the discussion? No real answers given. Just like with James Rolfe they randomly insert nobodies into their show with no introduction or explanation for why they are there.

    Seriously Newt, don’t invite random drunk strangers from the street into your home. It’s stupid and possibly dangerous.

  2. Well, this is a new low. I don’t think even Erin can do worse.
    I’d really wish Erin would have some of the horntards over. It’d be a sight to behold. But then again, she’s not exactly eloquent, and neither are the horntards, so it might be a quiet stream.

  3. Well, they literally start the video by introducing the guy and saying what his relationship is so that’s not a fair complaint. The whole ‘we never even got a proper introduction’ thing that the boys at TheCinemassacreTruth do is ridiculous. It’s Tony, Kieran, and Justin. Now that you know this, let’s move on. They’re just looking for things to complain about. And this complaint persists even years later. Even when those people are no longer with the channel. They’re still angry about the lack of a proper introduction? Why? Bunch of camp Miss Manners wannabes.

  4. She’s repulsed by him but will suck blood from his dirty finger? Holy Jesus….the depravity and the psychological spiral of “The Newt Show” continues to suprise me. I’ll give him that.

  5. quick! mint salad is doing a live youtube video, supposedly to play a game but the streaming set-up is malfunctioning and the whole spectacle is just her fumbling with some tools. maybe it’s supposed to be entertaining or something. to the viewing pleasure of an audience of 10

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