XXX-MAS Philly Premiere – Newt Wallen

0:00 – He’s talking about some comic book called Koni Waves or something, that a friend or “friend” of his made. He talks about a crowd funding tier for this that included a script that Newt wrote. What an incentive. You can read some poorly-spelled, poorly-written, probably plagiarised tits and gore script from Newt.

1:15 – Newt boasts that he shat out this script in two days.

3:15 – He finally starts talking about XXX-Mas. What a showman. He was leaving me in suspense.

It’s “premiering” in a cinema that he works at.

I’m starting to zone out. I’m five minutes in.

6:00 – Shout out to that crack addict prostitute who Newt pays for.

7:30 – Newt is in this piece of shit “movie”. He plays a cameraman for porn movies. He says that he didn’t want to read the script, he only read his lines.

He goes on to say that…he ad-libbed everything. So…this is a disaster. He has no idea what the movie is about and he’s just ad-libbing everything.

This seems to be what all of the “movies” that Newt has some involvement with are like. They have some shit script but then don’t bother following it. On the day of the shoot it’s just, “Hey, say whatever.” Why even have the script then?

And you know it’s going to be shit. These aren’t professional actors. Even if they were, it’s a rare ability to be able to ad-lib something halfway decent. They’re ad-libbing an entire fucking movie? These fucking dopes with no talent? Whores and plagiarists? Is this what you want to see? There’s your marketing angle: ad-libbing whores and plagiarists.

8:15 – He has a death scene and suggests that the faggots on Reddit would enjoy it.

9:30 – Newt says that he’s going MC the “event” and PVC Bondage Guy will be there. He’s hyping where to get the tickets and whatnot. They’re $10 and only available on some website. You can’t buy them at the door. Why the fuck not?

But anyway, this is all a big selling point. Come see Newt and PVC Bondage Guy.

11:00 – Newt says that “internet trolls” from Reddit were reporting this movie to the city council as pornography. Newt is outraged by this. How dare these “trolls” report a movie called XXX-Mas as pornography? This movie that stars actual whores?

How does he know that they were from Reddit? It sounds like concerned citizens.

So Newt had a meeting with the city council and the mayor and explained that it’s not porn but there are “boobs and butts” in it.

Imagine this meeting. Newt Wallen with the city fathers explaining tits and gore to them.

Is it possible for a mayor to ban somebody from their town? I bet that the mayor was checking the statutes after that meeting just to make sure. “I want this fucking cretin out of my town.”

11:30 – “Then I have to go down this fucking rabbit hole and explain to these professional, older people, ‘Okay, so there’s this thing called Cinemassacre and there’s this thing called Monster Mania (sic), and I used to work for this company and do this thing. And there’s this Reddit group. Then there’s this crazy guy in England who used to write a blog about me every day.'”

Why on earth would he explain all of that? They’re just wanting to know if XXX-Mas is a porn movie. And from the way he described it, it sounds like a porn movie. Focus on that. You don’t have to talk about Reddit and blogs.

Oh, I see. He’s blaming Reddit and me for reporting this. Newt, get it through your thick skull that I’m not fucking reporting you to the mayor. I don’t care about any of this.

12:00 – Then Newt suggests that I should get a hobby. I have one. Talking about you. But for the 100th time, I am not involving local authorities in any of this.

12:30 – Newt says that he was concerned that he was going to affect the prosperity of this “movie” with this meeting with the mayor. He says that he was afraid that he was going to get labelled a “smut peddler”. You know…for this “movie” called XXX-Mas starring actual whores.

15:00 – Newt says that he want to explore more acting roles.

Then Newt ends this video with a disgusting sexual half-joke.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go work on my list of people to report Newt to. There’s the mayor, the city council, everyone who owns a cinema in the state of Pennsylvania, The Writers Guild of America, Jessica Chastain, The Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society, and Gayguru dot coach.

12 thoughts on “XXX-MAS Philly Premiere – Newt Wallen

  1. Uh yeah, I don’t believe for a fucking second that meeting took place. I think he just wanted to cry like a baby on camera and list anyone and anything online that *drum roll*…knows how full of shit he truly is. You victim complex scumbag.

  2. Then there’s this crazy guy in England who used to write a blog about me every day

    I thought you were from Scotland? The only thing I know is that Scots hate being called English because Americans conflate the UK and England. And I understand why.

    Used to? He must not know the new address.

  3. “Newt says that “internet trolls” from Reddit were reporting this movie to the city council as pornography. Newt is outraged by this. How dare these “trolls” report a movie called XXX-Mas as pornography? This movie that stars actual whores?”
    Who on reddit specifically? The only ones who paid attention to you on reddit were on the Truth subreddit who has now banned discussion on you. Can we see some evidence of these other trolls are please? Oh right, there is no evidence. Just more lies.

    No one on reddit is reporting your movie Newt, It’s mistaken for pornography because it’s title and plot make sound like a porno. Simple as that. How delusional and devoid of self-awareness can you get?

    Loads more will talk about you now though thanks to Hhbomberguy’s video. The number of people aware of your dishonesty have just increased tenfold. Congrats, you are finally getting more attention.

    1. Here’s a serious question though. Is it illegal to film a porno in some places? Obviously not everywhere. It exists. Does it require a special film permit?

      Does XXX-mas even have a standard film permit to begin with? Who actually says Xmas as ecksmuss and not Christmas?

      1. It has to require a special permit or zoning or something for adult entertainment.

        Cinemas can show whatever they want, as long as it’s not pornographic, I guess, even complete pieces of shit like XXX-Mas. That’s why in the video, he says to contact your local cinema and ask them to show XXX-Mas. Not that any cinema would because there’s zero demand to see that but they can show whatever.

        Like how you can rent a cinema out for a private party or something and they’ll show whatever you want. It’s a similar concept. I can’t imagine that issues like payments and rights fees are an issue for XXX-Mas.

        1. I like how newt posts get the most comments. I once worked at a theatre and it was rented out twice in 3 years. You know how the opening reel says you can rent a theatre? I must have gotten questions that everyday even though it almost never happened. It cost like $200 and had to be done before the regular business day. It was stupid and a waste of money. But somehow 2 kids begged their parents enough to do it.

          1. $200 doesn’t seem bad. I know that this was probably years ago but even years ago, tickets were…I don’t know…$5 to $10. You get 20 or 30 people and that would just be the regular price of going to the movies. And maybe you get some free popcorn or vouchers or something on top of that. And you can watch what you like, I guess. I don’t back in the days when you had to get physical film reels what their library was like and any associated rights fees that may or may not have been paid but certainly today you can just get anything. I went to a cinema and they played the movie off of a regular DVD. I don’t know if that’s standard or what but I saw the DVD menu so it clearly just the DVD.

    2. He talks about his stuff on his own sub-reddit.

      If anybody found anything out, it was from that. He gave plenty of notice about this movie screening. I’m not saying that anyone should have reported him. To the contrary. You’d be a complete lunatic to report him. But it’s not impossible that it could have been somebody from Reddit. There are the usual suspects. Well, one suspect. GarbageStabber.

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