Idle Hands is a KILLER Comedy! Bonus Director Interview – Tony from Hack the Movies

I know that I said that I wasn’t going to talk about Tony any more as a result of his support for autistic orphans getting urinated on by their fat, controlling, violent, hillbilly pimps but I’m making an exception for this fucking creep show.

He’s in a hotel, next to an unmade bed, with this fucking 300 pound “professional cosplayer” who he met off the internet. He was in Florida for some nerd convention that I guess people from Screenwave went to. But he’s not with Screenwave any more. Is he? I think that he still has some involvement with them, they’re taking a cut of whatever money he makes from Youtube, but I don’t think he’s working for them any more. So…why did he go to this thing?

I’m perplexed by this woman’s legs. Is she wearing some kind of multi-hued pants or…are her legs multi-hued? I honestly can’t figure it out.

Couldn’t Tony at least make the bed for this? It’s so low-effort. Or maybe this was intentional. He’s trying to boast over having sex with this unemployed wildebeest. Not that wildebeests usually have jobs.

I’m eight minutes in. They’re not saying anything interesting. Of course. So I’ll just fat shame this woman for the rest of the article.

How on earth is this woman making a living doing cosplay? She’s literally 300 pounds. At least.

And you look at her cosplay, on the few pictures that she has on Instagram…and they’re awful. In some of them she’s trying to look “sexy”…I guess…but in others, it’s just weird shit. Weird shit that I don’t want to see. Nobody wants to see this.

Who’s paying for this? Enough that she’s apparently able to live on this?

There’s no way. Nobody is paying this woman.

Well, wait a minute. She didn’t say that she was living off of cosplay. She merely said that she’s a “professional cosplayer”. That simply means that somebody paid her one time. I guess I can believe that. Maybe. Once. Some horny lunatic.

She also has an online store where she sells posters of the three photos that she seems to have of herself.

I just don’t understand why these people are so adverse to getting jobs. Are jobs really that bad?

So we’ve got this 300 woman claiming to be a “professional cosplayer”. Good for her…I guess. She’s feeling confident about herself. “Hey, look at me. I’m a sexy…fat chick”. Okay, you go, girl. This is some real feminism.

I’m not suggesting some kind of pogrom against fat chicks. They have a right to exist. But…do they need to be in the “sexy” professions? Is it so crazy to say, “Only sexy chicks should be in sexy professions”?

Obviously, it’s a form of a discrimination. Just like you need certain qualifications to be a doctor. But I don’t see the guy working at your local delicatessen saying, “Hey, come on. I should be able to perform heart surgery too. Let’s open the profession up. Enough of the discrimination.” There need to be standards for jobs. Different jobs requiring different qualifications. You can be fat and still work. There are plenty of jobs that fat people can do. But “cosplayer” should not be one of them. Not the “sexy” variety, at least.

By the way, this woman is extremely shiny. I don’t know what this is. Tony’s jizz, I guess.

I’m 28 minutes in. I’m bored out of my mind.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate fat goth chicks. I do. But…know your limits. You can walk around in your black outfits and do your wacky makeup. I’m all for it. Work with what you’ve got. Maximise your potential. But always have in the back of your mind, “I’m a fat chick. Not fucking…Jayne Mansfield.” I need to update my references. I don’t know who the hot chicks are today. Or for the past 70 years.

But…come on. I’m not jerking off to this woman. Not in a million years. I’m sure that she’d be a perfectly fine receptionist in a dentist’s office or something. But sexy cosplayer? Fuck no.

7 thoughts on “Idle Hands is a KILLER Comedy! Bonus Director Interview – Tony from Hack the Movies

  1. I would only be guessing the answer as to why, but on reddit she posted a pic of her thighs where she cut herself multiple times and claims she has nerve damage and can’t really feel them (I guess?). So yeah, Tony is already a waste of brain cells, but his company for this weird hotel vid seems *real* well adjusted despite being all excited for the topic.

  2. Because fat equals big tits. That doesn’t mean those tits are worth seeing, not that they will maintain a round shape when freed from her bra. Probably something more like that statue I saw at a museum of Romulus and Remus being fed by a wolf.

    But you can see them, like two jiggly basketballs bouncing on her knees. And since fat equals big tits, retards will come crawling. However the bar is so low because in the immortal words of Chris Rock “if pussy was a stock the value would be zero because you flooded the market with it.” It’s all these losers (who are also 300 lbs) can get. They should be thanking Hid they can get anything and so here we are.

    1. I didn’t even think that they were particularly big. I was going to mention this, how it’s unfortunate to be overweight and not at least have big tits but I didn’t want to be too crude.

      1. No it’s very normal to have this logic. My girlfriend has said many times that if you’re a fat chick you better have some big ass titties or what is the point of your existence at all lol. She ain’t wrong. It always looks cursed otherwise. We all know this.

  3. is it me or did they change the thumbnails of the avgn videos YET AGAIN? i remember them being mostly comprised of mike’s title cards. then this was changed to jimmy making the cuck face superimposed on a still of the video, with some lousy photoshop thrown in for good measure. now it’s different again, with jimmy holding the controller on the right and the box of the game being reviewed taking up the entire left part of the screen, apparently to showcase its art style. what is at play here?

    1. I have no idea. I watch the videos once and then move on. I have never rewatched an AVGN episode. Once is enough for me. In the cast of the Screenwave era, more than enough.

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