Retro Ali is Working in Disney World

This is surprising. I thought that she lived in…what’s that meth capital….oh, Baltimore. How far is Baltimore from Disney World? She must have relocated. You’re not doing that kind of commute.

Wow. I had no idea that Maryland was so far north. I thought it was a Southern state. It’s 900 miles from Baltimore, Maryland to Orlando, Florida.

She moved for this. To work in Disney World. A company infamous for their low pay and union-busting activities. Unbelieveable.

I suppose that there’s always a steady stream of emotionally-stunted complete dopes who are willing to work for peanuts in order to be around people dressed as their childhood cartoon favourites. Who needs a fair wage when you can high five some immigrant in a Pluto costume?

She’s in her early to mid 30s. She thought that this was a suitable career path. Poverty wage bullshit in the Happiest Place on Earth.

Super Awkward Gal works in Disneyland and she’s complained in the past about the low wages. But more recently, she’s been singing the praises of the company and how “food and beverage” is her life’s goal realised. So maybe there’s some sort of indoctrination programme.

I’ve been looking for work myself. It hasn’t been going well. I sent maybe 20 resumes out, which isn’t much, but I’m applying to every job that I’m qualified for in my field. Not just random bullshit. They’re all pretty much entry level jobs. No interviews.

I did apply to a somewhat more senior position recently and they seemed to treat my resume with more respect. Maybe something will come of that. Maybe this is the problem. People don’t think that I would be interested in an entry level job. But of course, that’s not the reality. People need work and they’ll take whatever. You can’t wait for a CEO position to become available and there aren’t enough CEO positions available for everyone.

I suspect that ageism is a factor as well.

If worse comes to worse, I have a skill. I can do home-based work but it doesn’t pay very well and I wouldn’t want to work from home all the time. Although, if I go down this route, I’d be able to move where ever I want, which could lead to some exciting adventures.

Retro Ali is excited about her job. She compares it to the first day of school.

I don’t remember ever being excited for the first day of school. The last day, sure. But the first?

I remember having thoughts like, “God, I was such an idiot last year. I didn’t even know how to do fractions or cursive writing or…” whatever. Reflecting back on what I was learning this year in school compared to where I was at last year.

Every year, for a few years in middle school I would have this thought. Then it ended. There weren’t any big scholastic milestones, I guess. But imagine if that had kept up, every year you were learning something big and exciting to the point where you thought you were an idiot last year for not knowing it. I’d be building my own rocketship now.

Ali thinks that the Venezuelan immigrant woman in that Mickey Mouse costume is her boss.

And she’s going to Disney University, one of the most prestigious universities in the country. Let me look this up.

Apparently, it is a place where actual college students can go. Kind of? Something? But it’s not accredited. And employees have to go to this thing for their first day of orientation.

Orientation. Fuck you. I’m not a “team member”. They use some similar derrogatory term in Disney World. “Cast member” or something. No. I’m working here. I’m a worker. Can you afford me that level of diginity? No, they want to con you into thinking that we’re all in this together. The CEO of Disney is making millions and you’re eating cat food but we’re all on the same team here. Don’t get any class struggle ideas in your little head.

And her badge gives her home city. I was right that she’s from Maryland. She censored the city. But I had this same shit at some dogshit casino job that I worked at. We had to wear name badges and they put your home city on there. “It’s a way for the patrons to be able to connect with you. Oh, you’re from such and such city? I’ve been there!”

I don’t want to “connect” with the “patrons”. They’re scumbags and you’re a scumbag. I’m just here to do a job. Not make the casino experience special for these degenerate gamblers and dementia patients who you bus in here.

They try to cram a bunch of corporate propaganda down your throat. “People. Product. Profit.” Those were the three “P’s” that we were supposed to focus on. At this job that pays eight bucks an hour? What the fuck do I care about your profit? Share some of that profit with me and then maybe I’ll take an interest.

But Retro Ali isn’t a switched on worker so she swallows this shit whole.

And here’s Retro Ali with another exploited immigrant.

6 thoughts on “Retro Ali is Working in Disney World

  1. I don’t use the term “worker. We’re not in the USSR digging ditches and then filling them! But I have heard Disney does a bunch of lowball stuff to save money. Honestly I don’t care what any company does but it looks bad when you can’t pay more than minimum and the tickets cost $300. I don’t what the avg pay is but I know for a fact that in the year 2000 or so, the fast food places right outside Disney world paid $15 an hour. So either inside the pays a lot or the real money is else where. And $15 was 5 more than the mid level white collar job I had that I was told to go to college for or else I’d just be a loser in life forever.

    1. It’s not really the cost of tickets that concerns me, I’m looking at the massive profits of the Disney corporation as a whole. And then they’re paying fucking Retro Ali and Super Awkward Gal a pitance.

      According to a quick internet search, the average salary of a “cast member” (worker) at Disney World in 2023 is $16.79/hour. That’s outrageous.

      Here’s a recent Reddit thread suggesting that a lot of the people who work there are homeless because the pay is so low.

    1. I was making $13/hour doing some god awful entry level job over 20 years ago. Surely, wages have gone up since then. And that’s the average wage. People are making less. For working in Disney World.

      1. The US loves exploitation, our whole country was built upon it. Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee pay the federal minimum, which is $7.25 an hour and Two states, Georgia and Wyoming, have some weird workaround where some of their workers make $5.15 an hour.

        Wages in the service sector are so far behind the cost of living, that’s why Orlando is a shithole, and I love sketchy American cities.

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