Full Breakdown of my Short Story: Down and Out in Rural Pennsylvania – PVC Bondage Guy

Somehow I missed this stream. They have a discount JOHN RIGGS here. He’s some nerd from their Discord who actually flew out to hang out with Newt and PVC Bondage Guy. That’s sad for everybody involved. This guy is so fucking lonely that he’s flying out to hang out with internet “friends” of his and Newt is…I don’t even know. Presumably Newt isn’t having sex with this guy. But is PVC Bondage Guy? For money, presumably.

Whether or not anybody is taking advantage of this guy, it’s pathetic. Hanging out with lonely, fat fuck from your Discord. And this guy is exactly what I imagine the average viewer of these videos looks like.

I get a shout out at 1:55:30.

PVC Bondage Guy was reading some weird, long comment by a horntard and Discount John Riggs says that it sounds like fan fiction. Newt then says, “It’s the ghost orgy in the Confederate graveyard.”

Then something is edited out. Who knows or cares what.

But Newt is talking about my short story Down and Out in Rural Pennsylvania. As here:

It doesn’t particularly matter but just to clarify, the story takes place in rural Pennyslvania (so not a Confederate graveyard) and they weren’t ghosts. They were zombies. I even state as much in the story. I call them zombies.

1:56:45 – PVC Bondage Guy calls me the “British blogger guy” and says, “He thought that I still worked for Newt.”

I don’t think this is true. I think that I knew that she wasn’t working for Newt. But the story, which is obviously a work of fiction, has her working for Newt.

Then Newt says, “I think he was the one who contacted the theatre and said, ‘You’re doing something inappropriate with an employee.'”

No. Of course not. I even said at the time that whoever did that is a lunatic.

1:57:15 – PVC Bondage Guy says that the blog has been taken down “a few times” because I’m “super transphobic” against her. I don’t entirely know why the blogs were taken down but it wasn’t because of my “transphobia” against PVC Bondage Guy. I’ve never said anything offensive about her in that regard. I mean, I jokingly go along with her delusion that she’s a man but obstensively, I’m being positive.

This discount John Riggs walks with a crutch, by the way. He’s so obese that he can’t even move under his own power any more. Next stop is the mobility scooter, if he’s not already there.

1:58:30 – PVC Bondage Guy says that she screencapped the story. Well, it’s good that people appreciate my work. But it’s up. You can read it.

1:58:45 – Newt says, “I reported a dude who was making considerable threats to me on Twitter.” I think that Newt is suggesting that I did this. Again, I’m not doing any of this. I’m writing a comedy blog and I’ve told people many times not to harass you. Not that I think it’s any sensible person who comes here. It’s almost certainly that faggot GarbageStabber from Reddit who sent me literally thousands of rape and death threats right here on the blog.

1:59:15 – So PVC Bondage Guy starts summarising the story. She’s confused by the fact that she lives with her mother in the story.

First of all, as should be plainly obvious, I wasn’t writing a biography. It’s a story about zombie prostitutes. Certain creative liberties were taken.

But secondly, I didn’t know anything about her. I knew that she wore PVC bondage outfits in Newt’s videos and that she used to work for him. That’s it. That’s the totality of what I knew. I wrote a story based on that.

“It’s kind of nuts what he nailed about me and what he absolutely got wrong.”

I’d be interested to hear what I got right. I’ve already listened to this and she doesn’t explain. I have no idea what she can be referring to because she seems to suggest that it was all inaccurate. You know…this story about zombie prostitutes wasn’t quite true to life.

Discount John Riggs says, “You can tell that he doesn’t actively follow the lore.” PVC Bondage Guy says, “No, but he does.” Newt says, “He purposely chooses to take certain stances that are not, you know.”

I don’t know. I have no idea. As I’ve said, I knew nothing about her. I still don’t know much about her. What you see on the blog is the extent of my involvement with any of this shit. I don’t care about these, people, with respect. I’m not calling Newt’s job. I’m not spending my time trying to learn more about PVC Bondage Guy. I’ve got other stuff going on. You’re flattering yourself if you think I’m spending all of my time obsessed with the life and times of PVC Bondage Guy.

1:59:45 – PVC Bondage Guy says, “Basically, he’s painting Newt as this sex pest who’s never going anywhere in life.”

Well, she got that right at least.

PVC Bondage Guy “corrects” the part of the story where she goes to a graveyard. She says that that’s sacreligious.

PVC Bondage Guy…do you not understand that this is a FICTIONAL story? Without going to the graveyard, there’s no story. The character is loosely based on you. Very loosely. I had no information to go on. The story was written as a parody of the shitty tits and gore stuff that Newt writes.

Then PVC Bondage Guy takes umbrage with the fact that I had her running away from the ghosts (zombies) instead of having sex with them.

PVC Bondage Guy, write your own fucking story about what you’d do with zombie prostitutes. This was my story. I decide what happens.

2:01:45 – “So I ran away from this ghost orgy and then quit my job on the spot, for some reason.”

She didn’t even get the fucking point of the story.

It’s about these zombies who wasted their lives working in a movie theatre. And there’s a manager zombie, loosely based on Newt, who’s talking about his shitty movie ideas for movies that will never get made.

There are references in the story about how this is a cycle of people wasting their lives. So when the zombies are talking about their own wasted lives in the theatre, going back nearly 100 years, it’s a wakeup call for the PVC Bondage Guy character to make changes to his life. He doesn’t want to be like his lazy mother who watches trash tv all day. He doesn’t want to be like the Newt character. He doesn’t want to be like the zombies. He wants to shake things up and try to do something with his life.

It’s an uplifting, positive story about zombie prositutes that PVC Bondage Guy completely missed the point of.

Then they just go back to their creepy bullshit. Not that this wasn’t creepy bullshit.

So let me give some background about this story.

The story is loosely plagiarised from a book Down and Out in Shoreditch and Hoxton from my favourite author, Stewart Home. I’ve read a lot of his stuff. I’ve also enjoyed Red London and Tainted Love. I haven’t read 69 Things to Do with a Dead Princess, which is his most famous work.

He’s a well-known plagiarist. He’s open about it. Much of what he writes can be described as “tits and gore”. His work is often poorly received by critics.

So this was all added irony when I was choosing what to write about. I was plagiarisng from a plagiarist when writing a story about a plagiarist. And it was a tits and gore story.

Stewart Home writes a lot about skinheads and progressive politics and these are things that interest me as well. Many years ago, there were rumours that I was Stewart Home and this information reached him and he seemed to find it amusing.

Down and Out in Shoreditch and Hoxton isn’t my favourite book. I’m not a psychopath. But it’s my favourite book by Stewart Home. It’s a book about zombie prostitutes and time-travel. So if you’re interested in that sort of thing, check it out.

13 thoughts on “Full Breakdown of my Short Story: Down and Out in Rural Pennsylvania – PVC Bondage Guy

  1. Lol who the fuck invites a complete stranger off discord to your literal home? I mean I’m used to these two being total nutjobs, but that is such a dangerously crazy thing to nonchalantly do.

    1. It’s a horntard from Discord. They know him to some extent. I don’t see a problem with it. But something shady has to be going on with this. Who would fly just to hang out with Newt Wallen? He’s paying PVC Bondage Guy for sex is my guess.

      1. I find many problems with it lol. In their eyes however they never would, but that’s fucking crazy to have some loser off discord come to your house. You don’t know anyone from a social media platform you’ve never met beyond some lame back and forths you’ve had with them online. They could still easily not be who they portray themselves as. You don’t bring the fuck to your house. You meet at a public place.

  2. Nobody needs to “paint” Newt as a sex pest who isn’t going anywhere in life. He literally is someone who pesters women constantly about sexual things and has amounted to fucking nothing in life but a public failure and a plagiarist liar. But yeah, downplay who you’re hanging out with all the time because you’re apparently an absolute loser too “lady” lol. Real subtle.

  3. Crazy how 10 years ago, everyone joked about transgender people, but now if you so much as question them, you are seen as human garbage who deserves to be banned off the internet for not going along with what they claim they are.

    1. There’s no such thing as transgender really. It’s all made up because you can’t become the opposite sex. That term was invented a few years ago to make people stop saying transsexual because then the people who push this insanity can say “yeah well gender is just giving male or female qualities. Inanimate objects can have gender yada yada” to try and confuse or shut up people when reality hits them. Really most of them are just transvestites. Men wearing women’s clothing and vice versa. Has PVC bondage Guy had the addadictomy? No. So she’s still a “woman” in that sense and will forever be a woman anyway. She’s probably this way because her parents told her she wasn’t allowed to randomly fuck strangers under their roof and she took offense to that.

      1. There’s this movie called “what is a woman?” And the guy in it goes to a sex change doctor who is a man who cut his dick off and asks a bunch of questions about being insane and the doctor, who is a man who cut his dick off, says there’s no mental illness. He then asks what about if someone wanted to cut their arms and legs off and this doctor says “yeah that person would be diagnosed as insane” ha ha the irony

        1. i never understood their “what’s a woman” spiel. their rationale is that you can’t define a woman unless you are one. how this works is everyone’s guess

  4. Discount John Riggs, that is spot on. Here we would’ve called him John Riggs region 4, in reference to that, back in the good old days, latam would get only region 4 DVDs, which we all knew were the same as those sold on the US but with a lot of features stripped down. So “Region 4” became synonym of “the same but shittier”.

  5. John Riggs here should really reconsider EVERYTHING about his life.

    Okay I take that back, all 3 of them should.

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