Erin’s Facebook

I didn’t even know that this existed. But she’s been doing this from 2018 to May 2023. Her last post was promoting the video where she dressed up as Jessica Rabbit.

Every single post for nearly five years is just her promoting her latest Youtube video.

Why on earth would anybody “follow” this? It’s just an ad. “Go watch my video. Go watch my video. Go watch my video.” If people are interested in that, they’ll subscribe to your Youtube channel. Why would they go to your fucking Facebook?

On Facebook, she should have been giving people an insight into her life, her thoughts, whatever random observations she has. I would take ANYTHING. Give us something, Erin. Give us something so that the audience can get a better idea of who you are as a person.

No. Just “Here’s a video. Go watch it.” It’s completely insane.

The problem is she doesn’t do anything and she doesn’t have any thoughts or opinions. Her blog posts were horrible. HORRIBLE. “I like Mayor McCheese and I like this obscure band that nobody has ever heard of.”

By the way, on her Twitter, she never mentions these obscure bands that she raves about on her blog. It’s always the same mainstream 2000s pop bullshit. Britney Spears, Weezer, whatever. So those were just complete lies on that blog. I mean, it was a promotional blog so she was presumably given those bands to write about but still. No journalistic integrity.

Why not write about the times when you’re going to visit your parents? She goes twice a month. Tell us. Show some pictures from the airport. Some wacky airport food. Complain about the prices. Complain about delays. Give us ANYTHING to give some insight into your life. It’s just normal. It’s how you get people interested in you. It’s how you build an audience.

You don’t have to say anything controversial. You don’t have to tell us what you think of Trump. Tell us about what tv shows you’re watching now. Tell us about a movie you saw. Tell us what you ate for lunch. ANYTHING.

Erin doesn’t get it. Completely clueless. A total charisma vacuum.

That guy posted a lot of comments. He hasn’t posted in years but when he did post, it was always the same picture of him and his wife. He got a covid vaccine, he supported Joe Biden, and he supported the Special Olympics.

Good for him. With those three posts, as sparse in content as they were, I know more about that guy than I do Erin. There’s something clearly off with that guy, by the way. He seems to be able to write normally so I don’t think he’s retarded but…something isn’t right. Maybe it’s “just” autism.

Here’s another of Erin’s fans. Every single post is furry porn.

God, I don’t even want to link to any more. Let’s just say that there are a lot of old, fat, bearded men who post about Star Trek and may or may not be mentally challenged. This is her audience.

Then she just gave up on posting five months ago. These unbelievably low-effort posts that are just promoting her videos.

Why doesn’t she talk about music? “Here are my top five Britney Spears songs.” Anything.

She could just as well do this on Twitter but she doesn’t. Twitter is basically the same thing. All she does is promote her videos and there’s the added “bonus” of her re-tweeting somebody else’s shit about *nostalgia* from before she was born.

Oh, here’s something:

She must have been at her parents’ home recently. And she was going through a scrapbook that she made as a child. It’s a printed page from Yahoo about one of the Spice Girls.

So she was always boring. It’s just mindboggling. How is it possible. What is she doing all day? Is it literally nothing?

One of the few insights that we’ve got into her life is that she sleeps a lot (this is from Mike saying that sleeping is Erin’s favourite activity) and that she cries in the bathtub (she made some odd reference to Ernie the puppet crying in a bathtub, which suggested that she thinks that this is normal behaviour).

So…is that it? She sleeps 14 hours a day, cries in the bathtub, gets fucked in the ass for Youtube promotion, streams on Twitch, makes god awful Youtube videos, and eats? That’s her life? Oh, and visiting her parents twice a month.

It’s very peculiar. Her and Retro Ali should compare notes on who has the most boring Twitter.

Is Pam any better? Surely Pam gives her opinions on shit. Let me check.

No. I’m not seeing anything. It’s all just promotion. Why would I go to a Twitter that’s just you promoting your fucking videos? That’s what the “subscribe” feature on Youtube is for.

John Riggs surely uses his Twitter properly.

Yeah. I mean, I guess. There’s nothing interesting on here but he posts pictures of food and talks about trvial shit that he’s encountered recently. Everything isn’t “go to my Youtube page”, although he does that as well, of course.

It just seems like common sense to me . I can not imagine having a Twitter or a Facebook and the only fucking thing you put on it is “Go watch my video.” There is absolutely no point to this. Aren’t these women bored of this shit themselves? They never get the urge to express an opinion on something? There’s no opinion to be found in their empty heads.

7 thoughts on “Erin’s Facebook

  1. It’s all promotion because they only do YouTube for money. You could add fame but fame still equals money. Someone like Mother Teresa is the only person I can think of who was famous but not rich. She didn’t do her life’s work to get rich but the fame was probably a good thing which inspired others.

    But not gamer girls fuck no!! They see the 9000 other people who are rich by doing nothing and try to hop on board. But it’s not working. Not in the 6 figures range. Do any of them crack $10k a year? Doubt it.

    If any of them were doing it for their own enjoyment then the who facade would drop and you’d see something honest. Maybe I wouldn’t be interested but you could tell it wasn’t fake. Wasn’t for clicks wasn’t for money.

    I like the channels on YouTube that are just people broadcasting their interests. Often it’s an irregular schedule and they are nobodies with no recognition but when you find the right ones it can get good. Until too much money creeps in at least.

    1. Yeah, but I’m looking at it from the point of it being a business. If she would write something about herself, we would know more about her, and that would make her more interesting and people would be more likely to subscribe.

      I think the problem is that there’s nothing to know. She’s an empty husk of a human being. No personality, never done anything, doesn’t have any opinions.

  2. I had drawn the same conclusions for this fat tech influencer woman I mentioned before (named Kino). All she does is produce ads (90% of her Instagram posts are blatantly sponsored), and that’s it. I keep thinking about the reasons behind this. In the case of this Kino fatso, she has mentioned that she does have a full-time job and also does freelance digital marketing. It may be understandable. Still, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites are made by the posts of millions of people with full-time jobs. Everyone finds time to post about what they are thinking or eating or their Starbucks beverage. Somehow, these “online influencers/content creators” do not have time for that. Heck, even Elon Musk keeps his Twitter feed alive.
    Erin seems like the most boring person alive. Every once in a while, she does post an Instagram Story that is usually just a cryptic repost of an unknown account. Or, who knows, maybe she spends her day meditating and is quite close to becoming illuminated and being promoted to Budah.

    1. Years ago, I planned on building a Taoist shrine. I never got around to it. Maybe Erin is embracing the ecoteric religions of the East. She has the time for it. She has nothing but time.

  3. her real name isn’t Erin. it’s just a monicker that she uses for her gaming persona on the internet. if she does have a facebook or any sort of social media profile at all, it has no bearing nor mention of her gamerrgirl online character. maybe to preserve herself from stalking horntards.

  4. Oh, when I saw this title I thought it was gonna be, like, a personal profile, not some cheap ass creator page.

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