Happy Days (1970s) – Monster Madness 2023 – Cinemassacre

Well, I’ll try it out, Jimmy but if this is another snooze-fest I’ll have to talk about This Ain’t Happy Days XXX.

0:30 – He says that the first 1970s Halloween special he thinks of is Halloween at Grinch Night. Or something. I’VE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF THIS!

He’s just mentioning various Halloween episodes of tv shows and then stating why they don’t fit his autistic definition of a Halloween episode. James…we don’t fucking care. We don’t care about your fucking self-imposed rules. We don’t care about your fucking choices. Just get on with it.

1:45 – He finally talks about Happy Days. “For anyone who might not be familiar, it’s just another one of those sitcoms.”

Great analysis, Jimmy. If it was so ordinary, why did it have an enduring legacy? Why do we all know Happy Days but nobody talks about Mayberry RFD? Or Chico and the Man? Actually, maybe people do know Chico and the Man but only because Freddie Prinze died during the run of the show.

But let’s look at the big sitcoms of the 1970s. Brady Bunch, Barney Miller, MASH, WKRP in Cincinnati, What’s Happening, Soap, Hogan’s Heroes, Good Times, All in the Family, Sanford & Son, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Maude. Are you telling me that Happy Days bears any resemblance to those shows?

“Oh, I can’t decide. Should I watch Hogan’s Heroes or Happy Days? They’re so similar. What does it matter?”

Fuck off, you special ed retard. You should have got Newt the intern to plagiarise this shit.

2:00 – “But this one’s kind of special because it takes place in the 50s and early 60s so it invokes a lot of *nostalgia*. Not that I lived back then but regardless, it brings you back to a simpler time.”

He’s so fucking stupid.

What made Happy Days unique to me as a kid is that I thought that the show was from the 1950s. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I figured out that the show was made in the 1970s. As a kid, I probably wouldn’t even have appreciated the concept of a show from the 1970s making a *nostalgia* show depicting the 1950s. It was all before my time. It could have been 100 years ago.

But no, 1950s *nostalgia* was popular in the 1970s. Numerous examples of this. Grease, American Graffiti, The Godfather, the start of oldies music stations.

This is how things go. *Nostalgia* is always 20 years in the past because the people who were 10 in a particular era are 30 now and they’re purchasing this shit. They want the *nostalgia* products.

2:45 – Now he’s finally talking about the episode. I just know he’s going to summarise this again. Why wouldn’t he? That’s what he did for the first one. Why change a “winning” formula?

5:15 – He actually explains the various names of the Fonzie character. I’m done, James. THIS IS AWFUL! UNWATCHABLE!

Summarising a fucking episode of Happy Days. You call this entertainment? This is an insult. This is a waste of everybody’s time.

So This Ain’t Happy Days XXX. I think that this was one of the early “This Ain’t (Whatever) XXX” movies that started in…I don’t know…the 2010s? Let me look this up.

It came out in 2009. Then it spawned a whole series of other movies which may or may not have been from the same studio.

But this Happy Days porn parody was remarkably faithful to the show. I mean, in terms of the set, anyway. It was impressive. It seemed to be one of the first reasonably big budget porn movies in many years.

The costumes were also great. Very authentic. Even the undergarments. The Mrs Cunningham character is wearing a pointy 1950s bra.

The writing was good as well. There was an amusing use of the Happy Days insult, “Sit on it.”

Raquel Devine as Mrs Cunningham was great. Missy Stone as Joanie…I guess that she looks like the character but it doesn’t do it for me. Richey gets his dick sucked by some random cheerleader played by the late Riley Evans. With condolences to her family, she doesn’t really do it for me either.

There were a couple of other scenes but I don’t remember them and I can’t find the video. All I can find are the inferior sequel called This Ain’t Happy Days: Fonzie Loves Pinkie.

The final scene with Mrs Cunningham and Fonzie is widely available, though. That’s the only scene that I ever watched more than once.

I remember reading a review of this movie and the guy was complaining that there wasn’t any incest. Instead of Richie getting it on with Joanie, he’s just fucking random cheerleader, for example.

I suppose that I see the point but this was probably a conscious decision. The movie was made by Hustler, so a respectable company at least as far as porn companies can be respectable.

Also interesting is that Mr Cunningham is an entirely non-sex role. Couldn’t they do something with him? I suppose there aren’t many female characters in Happy Days, which is why they had to bring in random cheerleaders. I think in the sequel Jenny Piccolo is getting fucked by somebody. I suppose that that could have been an option for Mr Cunningham.

What about Arnold? They could have done something with Arnold, either the Mr Miyagi version or the Encore Frozen Foods Pitchman version.

Ralph Malph and Potsie are both in a scene. They’re fucking Joanie.

Anyway, there were a bunch of other movies in this franchise. I think even Good Times got a porn treatment. Who wants to watch that? Florida getting it on with Mr Bookman or whatever.

I think that Jimmy’s next video is going to be about Alf. As far as I’m aware, there’s never been an Alf porn parody so I’m going to be in some real trouble. I can talk about Max Wright fucking those homeless crack addicts again, I guess.

5 thoughts on “Happy Days (1970s) – Monster Madness 2023 – Cinemassacre

  1. Thanks for covering this. I often let videos play on this site so the channel knows we’re watching them but I refuse to give this mother fucking god damn smug autistic asshole one more view or one second of watch time. He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve any of his fame and fortune and he was never funny, entertaining or creative. He’s nothing. He’s just some retard that won life’s lottery by his friends pushing him in front of a moronic audience that thinks any time someone screams shit fuck and ass, that it’s comedy. Fuck him!

    Oh yeah but you’re reading this. Yeah only to see how awful it is and to read GGB’s insights and opinions.

  2. This is what he’s doing this october? Review old episodes from goddamn old sitcoms? I can’t even be bothered to hatewatch this, just sounds so incredibly uninteresting and dull.

    It’s not like he has no choice but to scrape the bottom of the barrel for obscure shit like this. There must be loads of horror films made in the last decade or so, but this stubborn dullard can’t be bothered to show interest in anything made past 2000.

    1. I thought it was a decent idea. I don’t like horror movies. And from the clips that were shown of this Happy Days episode, it did seem like an unusual and interesting episode.

      But the execution is awful. He just summarises what happens in the episode. There to be an entertaining way to talk about these episodes. This isn’t it.

  3. Thanks for an insightful and funny summary. I watched the Addams Family episode, and it was excruciatingly boring, so I’m glad I skipped this one.

  4. I can’t decide if this or last year’s monster madness is worse. Guess it doesn’t really matter anymore.

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