PVC Bondage Guy Having Sex with Newt Wallen for Money

For the first 40 minutes or so, it’s PVC Bondage Guy talking about going to a wrestling convention and the wrestlers all wanting to have sex with her. She mentions that she only started watching wrestling TWO MONTHS AGO but now she’s all about. She’s really into ECW because of all of the blood and cutting and whatnot.

Two months. She’s been watching wrestling for two months. And now she’s going to wrestling conventions. And some guy who she met there, who of course wants to have sex with her (everybody does, apparently) is taking her to WrestleMania.

What 26 year old woman suddenly gets into professional wrestling? And she’s only watching stuff from the 1990s. ECW stuff.

Who gets this obsessed over ANYTHING? Let’s say that you decide to take up crocheting as a new hobby. Are you going to go out and buy every type and colour of yarn you can find and get to work on an ornate tapestry? Do you go to knitting conventions? No. You take things slowly. You learn the basic stitches. You make a shitty scarf.

It screams mental illness. Everything she does screams mental illness.

Speaking of which, she talked about not “correcting” some wrestlter who used female pronouns for her. You know…because PVC Bondage Guy is a man. That’s what she wants us to believe. Like we’re fucking retards.

Not even retards. Because a retard would say, “Wait a minute. You don’t look like a guy. Why do you want us to say you’re a guy?”

If it doesn’t pass the retard test, you’re not a guy.

So anyway, Newt is talking about a video of his that got flagged for nudity. It had PVC Bondage Guy in it.

46:15 – After shooting this video that got flagged for nudity, PVC Bondage Guy said that she did a review that she tried to upload to her OnlyFans.

PVC Bondage Guy: I’m currently running into some minor issues.

Newt: I hope you’re not a minor

I’ll come back to this creepy comment later.

47:00 – PVC Bondage Guy says, “We’re big proponents of talking about mental health.”

Don’t be. Keep it to yourself. Nobody gives a shit.

Why do the mentally ill seem to want to tell everybody that they’re mentally ill? At least the mentally ill on Youtube. And it’s overwhelmingly women. Newt does it too because he’s an effeminate faggot.

What makes mental illness so special? Let’s say that you have a physical illness or condition. Incontinence, for example. Would you go on Youtube and constantly talk about shitting yourself? I mean, you can. And I’d be sympathetic. There’s no shame in being incontenent. But we don’t want to hear about it every fucking time you upload a video. Talk about something else. Don’t you have other things going on in your life? Are you completely defined by your medical conditions? It’s ridiculous.

And there’s nothing wrong with keeping some things private. Again, there’s nothing to be ashamed of if you have incontinence or mental illness or whatever. But why advertise? Why not keep some things to yourself? Because we don’t need to know your full medical history. I’m not your fucking doctor. It’s irrelevant.

But these mentally ill losers, and they are losers, make no mistake. Being mentally ill does not give you a pass from being a loser. These mentally ill losers LOVE talking about themselves. They can’t get enough of it. They love talking about their “meds” and all of the crazy bullshit that they do. Because they think that they’re more important than you. “Look at me and all of this crazy shit I do. Aren’t I wacky?”

Go get a job. How would that be for a wacky idea?

By the way, in this video PVC Bondage Guy reveals what her job is. He/she/it works in a bowling alley.

How is the bowling industry in the US holding up? In this day and age, what with the internet and all, are people still going bowling? Are the young people joining leagues and whatnot? I think that bowling peaked in the 1960s and has been on a steady decline ever since.

I went to a bowling party for my school band when I was a kid. Just about everybody knew how to bowl. Even the girls. I didn’t. I never went bowling because my parents were completely absent. So that was an awkward party for me. But everyone else knew how to bowl. It was normal to go bowling. Some of them were in leagues.

But not kids nowadays. It’s impossible.

I was watching a bowling show just recently that had actors from the Brady Bunch on it.

I won’t spoil it but Barry Williams is clearly the only one who knew how to bowl. But his partner Maureen McCormick was whacked out of her mind on cocaine. So who will win? Find out.

Back to Newt. Newt says that he’s been going to therapy for two years. Nobody cares. But just wait. We’re building. Let’s see what good all of this therapy has done for Newt.

47:30 – PVC Bondage Guy says, “At this point, I don’t think it’s a secret. You guys have probably figured this out. But I have been making some form of adult content since literally the day I turned 18.”

Then Newt makes a joke surprised face.

PVC Bondage Guy continues, “That’s not why I’m here. That’s not why I’m talking to you guys. If you find it, you find it. But it wasn’t under Metz. It wasn’t under my deadname either.”

Nobody cares.

50:00 –

Newt: We had a bet with the Discord that if we reached 12,000, we would fuck.

PVC: Which you guys have been waiting for forever.

Newt: We’ve known each other for eight years.

So since she was 17/18. Uh huh. This is the call back to that “minor” “joke” that he made earlier.

Newt: And it was always a joke but do we want to give away anything? You can. Anyone who sees the review is going to see you topless so that’s reason for them to sign up for it.

PVC: That’s true. I did do the review topless.

Well, she is using my idea. I’ve long advocated for topless OnlyFans reviews for these women to make some easy money. But now that it’s happened, this is just sad.

Then Newt says that Blue Chew contacted him for an ad recently.

Then they just change the subject. Newt got up to jerk off and PVC Bondage Guy started talking about wrestling again.

52:00 –

Newt: Was it good? Was it awesome?

PVC: It was good. I have no complaints.

Newt: I hope not.

They’re talking about this sex video that they apparently made.

What a complete scumbag. There is no bottom to Newt’s scumbag behaviour.

PVC Bondage Guy, as she repeatedly makes clear, is mentally ill. And he’s clearly taking advantage of this woman sexually and for Youtube pennies.

53:00 – PVC Bondage Guy says, “I asked my brother to get my old laptop because it has my old sex partners spreadsheet.”

That must have been an awkward conversation. I mean, in a normal family it would be. But not with this family of lunatics.

54:45 – Newt says, “It wasn’t awkward or weird or anything like that. It was fun.”

Sure. Nothing awkward about having sex with a deeply mentally ill woman, 20 years younger than you, while filming it for money.

I think that I can skip the next seven hours of this stream. I’ve got other stuff going on in my life. I can’t watch this derranged bullshit the rest of the day.

What was the point of any of this? I get that Newt is a horny loser who has sex with prostitutes and that PVC Bondage Guy will have sex with anyone but how does this advance the channel at all? Or how does it improve their lives? Newt made it clear in this video that he’s not interested in having a relationship with PVC Bondage Guy and he just wanted to have sex with her. Because he’s a scumbag. So where does any of this get us?

It’s just bringing PVC Bondage Guy and Newt further into their mental illness that they love talking about so much. None of this is healthy behaviour, of course. It’s degenerate and exploitive behaviour. Is he going to bring this up with his alleged therapist? “Oh, I had sex with a deeply mentally ill woman half my age recently. That’s good, right?”

What about his dear mother that he cares so much about? Is she going to say, “I’m proud of you, Newt. I’m proud of you for fucking that lunatic half your age”? Is his mother going to tell Newt that she loves him? She’d have to be mentally ill herself to have any love for this piece of shit. I know that it’s her son and everything but fuck him. Sometimes you have to cut your losses. She probably wishes that she got an abortion.

15 thoughts on “PVC Bondage Guy Having Sex with Newt Wallen for Money

  1. I thought they were already fucking. Why else would she stick around? And nobody could certainly be paying for sex for this long and not be broke. Also he’s shown his cock to her in a video or something. So I just thought they were.

    Alcoholism is the only other problem I’ve heard people always talk about. I’m an alcoholic. They can’t shut up about it. Now that may be to tell people hey don’t drink around me or whatever so maybe it’s kind of a warning in that way. But Jesus God is it annoying. But this “mental health” horseshit!!! Fuck! I don’t even want to write about it!! They aren’t really mentally ill yet they are at the same time. You know what I mean? They won’t go on a killing spree but want hugs and “understanding” or something. Yes that right dear. Pat, pat. You’re mentally ill. I understand. Feel better now?

    Fuck. Off.

    1. He showed his dick and she was clearly uncomfortable with it. She sticks around because she’s mentally ill and wants the miniscule e-fame on being on Newt Wallen’s YouTube channel.

      1. Yeah I didn’t think about that. Usually when I show girls my dick that’s the last time I talk to them. And I don’t have a YouTube channel with fame to offer.

  2. I believe they would like to be considered “extreme” or “edgy” as in: “wow these people are are sick and still upbeat about it, I think I can relate and (some magic happens) I will subscribe, like and donate money”.

    It’s the same pattern as their supposed obsession with retro shit. They are trying to lure people in, either put of sympathy or pity. This is what happens when you devote yourself to being a “content creator” but have zero carisma, zero talent, zero things to talk about: showing skin is the only thing left.

  3. So does this mean Newt is gay? since PVC bondage guy believes she is a man? Now I guess Newt can pretend he is in the LGBTQ+ community and fake that for a while. It’s very sick when you think about it and much worse than the Mint Salad situation. Who is paying to watch this sex tape on OnlyFans? This is going to end horribly for PVC Bondage Guy as Newt doesn’t care at all about her and might use her for a little while longer or until he finds a new Horseface Killer. What a scumbag POS Newt is!!

    1. Newt also says he took out his penis in front of Joe from Game Sack and 8-Bit Eric, and he claims they were awed by it. Sounds pretty gay to me. Bisexual at best.

      1. Ate shit Eric is the filthiest fucking pig on YouTube. And that is saying a lot. Just look at how disgusting everyone else is.

    2. I wonder if PVC Bondage Guy tells all of these guys that she has sex with that she’s a man. Because that’s bound to put a lot of people off. Not everybody is as open-minded as Newt. “Whoa, sorry, buddy. I didn’t know you were a guy. Thanks for telling me before things got awkward.”

  4. I’ve been waiting for “doomsday” for a good many years now…i don’t mean that I’m excited for it. It will suck and i’ll most likely die. But, the one silver lining. The one positive takeaway from it (when it happens) is…no more worthless fucking noise. No more virtue-signaling dipshits running around screaming “racism”…while “being racist”. No more “muh mental illness” no more Covid Karens…no more “Jock sniffers” talking about “the big game” no more left vs right false collective fucking morons, arguing who’s puppet is better and on and on and on adfinitum. Instead it will be the silence of mass death and groaning from starvation. Terrible. To be sure, but goddamn, not a whole lot worse than the “noise” today. At least it will be “real”.

    1. Right on brother! I don’t want to be preachy but the Bible says “the meek shall inherit the earth” it’s true!! Because even back then they already knew. Societies collapse. The proud and boastful truly know nothing and when it comes down to living off your own hands, that’s where we will survive while the rest each other until they are all gone. Sure when the west falls it’s gonna be BAD but we’ll make it if at least by nothing else we can laugh at all you mentioned above and the shitty life they can’t handle and swore could never happen

  5. Have you seen the Ideas Man new videos about how he would “reboot” beloved franchises. He calls it Re-newt (so clever!) and the first one is about Ghostbusters. he scheduled a bunch more and I’ll just leave it to you to review them……

  6. motivated by a post from this blog, i set out to check out mint salad’s youtube channel. what i found was nothing short of sad. the woman is clearly troubled and yet she’s being exploited by a whole raft of losers. i can’t bear to think that someone would have the nerve to take advantage of someone so mentally underdeveloped. it’s akin to sexually abusing a child. i used to subscribe to the idea that we should live and let live but it clearly doesn’t apply in cases like this and women like mint salad should be lawfully forbidden from using the internet as nothing good to her can be accrued from her exposing herself like this while perverts keep encouraging her to debase herself. if she’s really an orphan there should at least be relatives who care about her and are willing to do something about it

  7. lol i tried to find this blog using google and was getting only inane urls about gamer girl sites meant to be taken literally serious but duckduckgo returns the intended result right away.

    looks like you struck a chord with the highers up of google so they blacklisted you

    1. Yeah, Google does seem to bury it. I can only find the blog by searching for “gamergirlsblog.com”. So it is on there. Just really buried.

      But when I search for “gamer girls blog” I get the post on my CinemassacreTruth subreddit that advertises the blog. So that works. The vast majority of the referral links I get are from that subreddit. So maybe it’s people searching Google for the blog and finding that post.

      There are people who find the blog through Google, though. It’s my top search engine referrer. DuckDuckGo is a close second, though. And yeah, DuckDuckGo gives me the blog as the top result for “gamer girls blog”.

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