R.I.P. Regal movie quotes commercial – Newt Wallen

Now Newt is announcing the death of COMMERCIALS.

And he’s in his car with this couple who are absolutely petrified of black folk. Especially the toddler range and the elderly.

I don’t even know what he’s talking about. I’ve never seen this, of course. It’s some commercial that plays in movie theatres in the US, apparently. Maybe elsewhere. I don’t know. I haven’t been to the cinema in…since before covid.

1:45 – Newt makes numerous references to people having “punchable faces” and this culminates in Newt saying, “If I had cancer and had one wish, it would be to hunt this guy for sport.” An odd comment to make given that Newt did have cancer. And also this constant reference to people’s appearance. It opens up comments about your own appearance. I’m going to take the high road here but it’s just not a good idea.

2:30 – He makes a reference to the 2012 shooting in a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado.


You know…because there’s a COMMERCIAL that he doesn’t like. Twelve people died. Isn’t that hilarious? I wonder if Newt Tweeted their deaths. Was there Twitter in 2012? I think so.

Then this horrible woman makes some kind of “joke” about wanting to make a commercial where somebody shoots people in a movie theatre and then picks up a Pepsi and promotes the taste of Pepsi. What? What is any of this? It’s not comedy, I’ll tell you that.

3:45 – Now she’s talking about a commercial about “A white kid who’s pretending to be black”. I have NO IDEA what she’s talking about. With any of this. But I have to assume that it’s more racist fucking bullshit from this fucking hillbilly Klanswoman.

4:30 – Now she’s describing a commercial where there’s a pirate…and a bird…and somebody wants food…and…then there’s an old lady…and somebody’s dancing…and…WHAT? Look. Get this fucking toothless meth addict out of here. I don’t have the slightest fucking clue what she’s talking about. And she’s a horrible, horrible person. As ugly inside as she is on the outside.

5:45 – Now Newt is pronouncing Fanta with a short “a” sound. Is he fucking retarded?

And then to answer that question, Newt says that “Fahn-ta” is “Basically, Nazi soda”.

What? That should be right up your alley then. You fucking piece of shit.

This horrible woman also pronounces it “Fahn-ta”. Have I been saying it wrong all this time? I don’t think so.

5:45 – Then this woman says that “Germans make good stuff.”

So you’re thinking, “She’s going to talk about cars or some other high end product, right?”

No. She starts talking about a RETRACTABLE LEASH.

Then Newt starts talking about a tits and gore movie about Nazi torture. Or something. And how much he enjoyed the movie. What a fucking piece of shit.

7:15 – Interesting pronunciation of “Nuremberg” from Newt. “Norm-berg”.

8:45 – Newt talks about somebody stealing somebody else’s ideas (I dont’ know what or who) and then says, “Plagiarising motherfuckers.”

9:00 – Newt says “I can smell your cunt.” Why does he say this? I don’t know. I don’t know anything that’s going on. But there’s a lot of laughter. I’m missing out on some quality jokes, I guess.

9:45 – “I’m an old man and my joints don’t work perfectly any more.”

What? Am I the only person in his 40s who’s in reasonably good health? Mike always says the same shit about how he’s old and decrepit. And he gained like fucking 100 pounds. JOHN RIGGS said something about how he has arthritis or something. Most of these guys on Youtube are fucking obese. I mean…I don’t know what to say. It’s important to take care of your health. You should not be broken down at 40. This isn’t 10th century Europe and you’re not a serf.

10:45 – Now Newt is talking Cardi B. I have no idea why. None. However, this is a good excuse to end the video. I’m not going to waste my fucking time with this shit any more. I’d rather jack off to the Wet Ass Pussy video.

5 thoughts on “R.I.P. Regal movie quotes commercial – Newt Wallen

  1. I’m almost 47 and still in good shape! I’m never tired. Never ache, rarely sick. Nothing. I don’t even have grey hair or going bald. I know it’s genetic but poor health speeds it up. Maybe it’s from having an actual job and while it is white collar it still requires leaving the house and being mobile and maintaining a normal sleep schedule. Also maybe being forced to have a budget because I’m not a millionaire or have this magic pot of money from patreon every month that I can just blow on going out and eating big.

    Fanta was invented in Germany in1944 that’s true but it was a way to keep the Nazis from seizing the Coca Cola factories. Because they seized every non German business and shut it down. This was a way to create something “German” and not get in trouble. But some idiot wrote an article on cracked.com 25 years ago and everyone just says Fanta and Nazi in the same sentence and sound smarty.

    1. I could swear that I’ve never seen Fanta in the US. They sell it in the UK. I have it once in a great while if I’m at Subway or something. I think that I’ve only tried orange flavour. The other flavours are much more obscure. Certainly, Subway only carries orange.

      1. There is Fanta in the US. There was a huge ad campaign where a groups of girls in different colors danced or something. Maybe it depends on the region.

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