This Mini PC Intel is Perfect for What I Needed – John Riggs

A terrabyte server for your gamer girls porn? He’s downloading every video that his favourite ladies upload. Plus all of their Instagram pictures. Plus all of their Twitter comments.

His long-suffering wife is yelling in the background, “John, can you please help me with the kids? The youngest one is banging his head into stuff again. And your two daughters are sons now.” “Sorry, honey. I have to work on my gamer girl archive. Talk to you next week after I come home from the latest nerd convention.”

This is a product that he received for free in return for a “review”. He even admits this. He says that he’s seen similar shilling videos for this exact same product. He also maybe just got straight up money for this. He has an affiliate link that earns him pennies for every click and if you actually buy the product through that link, he gets dollars.

0:30 – John Riggs thinks that this product would be good for Steam. He goes on to say that he gets Steam codes from other companies trying to get him to shill for their games and he can’t use them because he doesn’t have a “Steam Deck”. Or something.

Hey…John Riggs…do you own a COMPUTER? That’s all you need to run computer games. Steam sells computer games. It’s nothing special.

Saying that, you need a decent computer to play modern games. Everybody knows that. And this piece of shit that he’s showing is NOT a decent computer. This is not something that you want to play games on. According to somebody in the comments, it doesn’t even have a graphics card. What is this? 1995?

I remember back when graphics cards were a new thing. I never got one. I mean, who gives a shit? But people would buy dedicated graphics cards to play Doom or whatever. I thought, “Surely, it can’t make that big of a difference.” It probably did but I still somehow survived the 1990s and played Doom.

Then in about 2008, I bought a laptop. This was the first computer that I had in the UK. I had gone quite a few years without a computer. It was a difficult time. I had to watch tv like a caveman. And go to internet cafes to check my emails. But I finally amassed enough money to get a laptop. Big laptop. Like 19 inch screen or something.

So I get it home and my Polish roommate, who worked in IT, started talking about what a piece of shit it is. “It has an integrated motherboard. Everything is just on the motherboard. It’s like £50.”

Look, I don’t give a shit. I’m just happy to be able to check my emails at home and play these old games that I haven’t played in three years.

I got my last two computer from Chillblast. You can customise the computer that you want and then they build it. The idea is it’s for people who are too lazy and/or not nerdy enough to build their own computer. So you have somebody else do it.

I’m happy with the computers that I got. The last one lasted ages before the graphics card died. And it still ran modern games. I made sure to upgrade the RAM or…whatever to try to future-proof it. And you can tell them to put some cool lights in there and a racing stripe and you’re ready to go. No problems. And customer service is great.

Not an affiliate link. I’m not making a penny from that. That’s just genuine promotion. An oasis of truth in a world full of dishonest fucks like John Riggs.

0:45 – Then he suggests that he’s going to do “PCVR” stuff with this computer that doesn’t even have a graphics card. Good luck with that.

1:30 – John Riggs says that he gets his 14 year old neighbour to reformat his computer. To that neighbour, I suggest staying well clear of John Riggs.

3:30 – John Riggs goes on a bizarre rant about how he needs the computer to be “plug and play” and he doesn’t have time for those “big box” computers that take an age to put together.

What the fuck is he buying? I’ve never had a computer that takes a long time to set up. You get the computer. You plug your mouse in. You plug your keyboard in. You plug your monitor in. You plug the computer and the monitor into a powerstrip. And you’re done. You turn it on and it works.

4:15 – Now he’s talking about how easy it was to set up. But…he’s just talking about Windows. When you start a new install of Windows, they make you run through a bunch of bullshit. Create an account, I don’t want to create an account, create a password, shit like this. It’s not really anything to do with the computer.

5:30 – He’s playing something called Poppy’s Playtime. It looks like it took quite a while to load. And now it looks to be playing at like five frames a second. It’s some shitty indy game. Even this is barely playable on this piece of shit computer.

7:00 – Then he finishes the video by saying hey, it’s great. This is exactly what I needed. I needed a way to play my 15 Steam games.

God, this is fucking awful. The computer is a total piece of shit. And for whatever bizarre reason, John Riggs doesn’t seem to realise that just about any computer will run Steam. You don’t need a fucking “Steam Deck” like he seems to believe. I’ve been running Steam for 20 years. When did it come out? Okay, 19 years then.

How can somebody as fat and beared as John Riggs possibly be this clueless about computers?

Let’s check out his Twitter. Pad this out.

Did he get rid of his pronouns? I thought that he had his pronouns here before. He claimed that it’s totally normal in the state of Washington to tell people your pronouns. Uh huh. Sure it is.

He claims that he was in something called All Sorts. It’s a movie not noteable enough for Wikipedia.

There are scam affiliate links in his Twitter. And A LOT of them. This is shameful. His Twitter is more scams than it is actual messages.

Oh, his wife is on Twitch now.

REALLY annoying voice. And she’s playing Fortnite with…some guy. But I don’t think it’s John Riggs.

Oh, here’s John Riggs with Horseface. There’s a crossover I wasn’t expecting. She’s wearing half a top, of course. That’s always…revolting. Justin Silverman is there as well. And then just…two other guys. Maybe two guys from Screenwave? New interns? Who knows?

And then Horseface replied to this with…pictures of herself. Pictures of herself in half a top. What’s the relevance? Who gives a shit? She’s a fucking moron.

John Riggs posts a lot about food too. Sugary food that he’s purchased or wants to purchase. And sometimes Chinese food.

4 thoughts on “This Mini PC Intel is Perfect for What I Needed – John Riggs

  1. Twitter is weird and messed up anymore. I don’t have an account but it’s a pain to use. Now the most popular posts go on top rather than newest. Ah who cares. But of course this is one of the top 3.

    “My oldest is trans. On his 16th birthday we legally changed his name to Leo Phoenix Riggs. He’s never been more happy in the past few years than right now.

    We’ve cut unsupported family completely out of our life. If someone has a problem that’s their problem.


    Trans men are not men. “Trans men” are women because if they were men they would be called men and not trans men, which means a woman that wants be thought of as a man. But that was July 2021. Which means his DAUGHTER is probably over 18 now and free to do whatever. Hopefully she doesn’t get the surgery but nothing is stopping her. It’s a shame because he used to show his kids having a good time. It looked like a nice family on the surface.

    He cut everyone out of his life that disagreed with this? What if your mother, just concerned says “oh Johnny I just don’t know…” cut out of the family for life?! This crap didn’t exist when I was a kid but it was common that if you were doing something weird, even unintentionally, someone would smack you upside the head and say “don’t be a fag.” Sometimes this was my parents! It helped re-enforce common sense, the fear of being hit over the head and called a fag. We need to bring that back.

    But instead grown adults are fully unhinged and approve of this crazy shit for their own kids!

    There’s also something strange about certain kinds of gamers and computers. They want a PC that’s a “console.” They turn their nose up at PCs for some reason. Maybe 30 years ago it was a pain to set up a game and there were costs and etc. but they are the same these days. A PC and an Xbox X or PS 5 all do the same thing. But there’s a certain strain of autism with hardcore Nintendo fans. I knew a guy who was very deeply autistic. Not literally but he was a super obsessed and obnoxious Nintendo fan and he used to be so proud of how Nintendo consoles weren’t computers like PlayStations were. The Wii couldn’t play DVDs! This was awesome to him! This is kind of how this PC box thing feels. The non PC console non console. So you can have 15 steam games and still not offend the gods of Nintendo by selling out and using a PC. It’s weird. Can’t fully explain it. But you see it a lot. Beating their chests about having consoles hooked up to the tv, instead of a computer and monitor. Having muh physical media on the shelf. You know so I can hold the box and look it at. And worshipping games like Earthbound and hating GTA or anything similar. That’s the kind of weird autistic feeling a lot of these people have.

    Then there’s the book of cereal boxes. Good god!

    1. Twitter is still organised by date for me. I don’t have an account either. I’m using it on my computer. Maybe it’s different on phones.

      But it is disgusting that John Riggs is selling out his own children. And for what? So purple-haired freaks can recognise how “woke” he is? This is going to help him have sex with these women?

      He knows full well that this is all bullshit. We’re about the same age. Why the sudden 5,000% increase in people wanting to become “trans”? It’s Jewish media-fueled hype.

      He’s said before something like, “What do you want me to do? Throw them out of my house?” No. Have a discussion with them about how this is all bullshit. You can leave out the Jewish conspiracy theories if you like. But do some parenting, you fat fuck.

      His kids wouldn’t have even done this if John Riggs was an even remotely suitable father. What the fuck is going on in that house? If it was just one kid you might think, well…these things can happen, I guess. But both of them? It’s a red flag that some real weirdo shit is going on in the Riggs household.

    2. Lol he’s ended lifelong relationships with his family all because his child became trans and it apparently devolved into nothing but a my team/your team thing in his mind. Truly the thought process of a deluded jackass. Believe me John; your family does think you’re a nutjob too. Rightfully so.

  2. “And your two daughters are sons now.” lmao brilliant.

    Can you imagine being a “parent” and… nowhere else in your bloodline had anyone switched gender, much less two from the same brood, yet it happens to you and you’re just fine with it? “Nothing amiss, everything normal.”

    How stupid can you be?

    John Riggs is a bad parent.

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