Rex Viper’s YouTube channel! – Cinemassacre

0:00 – “Look what I did. I started a Youtube channel. Yeah.”

Sure you did, Jimmy. Was it Mike or one of the Screenwave flunkies who started the channel? Because we know it wasn’t James “Seven and a Half Years of Special Education” Rolfe. Creating some kind of online account is too challenging for him.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve started a Youtube channel.”

It’s all agreed and accepted that Mike Matei started the Cinemassacre channel. So what channel is Jimmy talking about that he started? Constant fucking lies from this retard.

0:15 – From now on, this is where I’ll be posting all of the band’s content.”

Again with this shit? YOU will be posting the content here? Why can’t he just be honest. You can be honest and still vague about who’s doing the actual work. “From now on, all of the band’s content will be posted here.” What was so hard about that? It leaves it ambiguous as to who will be uploading the videos. But for whatever bizarre reason, Jimmy wants you to think that he’s the one uploading the videos. He’s the one who started the channel. It’s all James fucking Rolfe.

“Sure, I could post it on that other channel of mine.”

You mean the one that’s 50% owned by Mike Matei and 50% owned by Screenwave? Is that “your” channel that you’re talking about? God, the fucking nerve of this fucking lying sack of shit.

That’s some hair, by the way, Jimmy. Holy shit. Just shave it.

0:30 – “Rex Viper is working on an album. Covers and medleys of retro video games and movie songs.”

Absolutely nobody wants this. NOBODY. I don’t even understand the fucking band. Nobody does.

The songs aren’t parodies. They’re just…I don’t even know. They’ll take a word from a video game and combine it with a word from a movie and make a shit song out of this. None of it makes sense.

0:45 – “Workout music for nerds.”

No. Nobody is working out to this. Not a single fucking person on earth. But it’s nice to know what he thinks of his audience. They’re nerds.

Maybe some of them are. Almost certainly some of them are. Maybe a lot of them are. But I think that most people who watch the videos are fairly normal people. They’re just on Youtube. They subscribed to this guy ten years ago. They check out the videos once in a while. They say, “Well, that sucked” and then they go about their day. No big deal.

“Honestly, it’s something that I would listen to.”

Well, we’ve found one person who likes Rex Viper. James Rolfe. He really enjoys his own product.

How about joining us in reality, Jimmy? Rex Viper is the worst fucking thing in the world. It even edged out cancer. And yet Jimmy is listening to this trash and saying, “Hey, I’m really digging this. Those Rex Viper lads have it all figured out.”

No, Jimmy. It’s awful and you need to realise this. Not everything you do is great. Indeed, AVGN was a total fluke. It was successful despite of your involvement. You’re not some creative genius. You’re a straight up, no fooling, retard.

1:15 – “If you want to support the band, you can buy our new shirt.”

Awful design. And it says “retro nerd rock”. Yeah. That’s what I’m going to wear, Jimmy.

And the shirt is $35. THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS. I was thinking $15. $20 tops.

Anyway, he (or, more accurately, some intern from Screenwave) will be putting all of the Rex Viper shit on this new Rex Viper channel. This must be some algorithm thing. Because Rex Viper is presumbaly poison for the Cinemassacre channel.

Then you read the comments. About 90% of them are from those faggots on Reddit repeating the same three “memes”. These are the only people who want this shit. Gay men who have absolutely nothing going on in their lives.

Rex Viper is awful, no question, but am I going to make cute little Photoshops of Dino as a woman? No. Why would I? I like women. But this terrible “band” is a convenient excuse for those fags to do their faggotry.

9 thoughts on “Rex Viper’s YouTube channel! – Cinemassacre

  1. so many opportunities for creative names and rex viper was the best they could come up with. are the “songs” at least half decent?

  2. Yup, nothing but memes in the comments alright. Guess Screenwave isn’t doing the usual censoring done over at the main channel. They usually sanitize anything but sycophantic praise.

    I assumed Rex Viper was dead because it’s been so long since James said anything about them and he has a history of ending things without officially announcing a cancellation. And because his fanboys only care about AVGN specifically.

  3. Well… I usually say it’s better to do something shitty than not doing anything at all. I like music, and I wish I could start a band, produce an album, and get people to listen to it, even if just to criticize and make fun of me. So if James is up to it, OK, anything I could say would just be out of envy,

    But what I do not condone is, again, the relentless use of forced nostalgia. Heck, not one song or one real video has been uploaded (that I know of), and he is already shoving his half-assed merch down our throats. Do you like music? Fine. Wanna create an amateur music YouTube channel! Go for it!. But please, stop the money squeezing. Yes, it’s how he earns a living, but it’s getting pathetic.

    1. i’m not sure doing something shitty beats doing nothing. exposing one’s incompetence and ineptness makes for prime examples of public embarrassment, humiliation and cringey moments that you wish you could wipe out and forget. it’s fine to do something as a hobby. but it pays to be self-aware if you decide to be seen by others. let alone as a adult.

  4. “No. Nobody is working out to this. Not a single fucking person on earth.”
    Some guy in the comments on one of the vids says he always jumps rope to this song

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