Is the Barbie movie “WOKE” ? – Newt Wallen

0:00 – He says that he was invited to an “exhibitor screening” of this. Because Newt is a big shot.

6:15 – Newt summarises the movies for six minutes. It does not sound like anything that I, as a heterosexual man, would be interested in, by the way. But then he says that when he came out of the “screening”, one of the other “exhibitors” said “That was so woke.” Newt takes exception to this.

“I wanted to challenge him on what ‘woke’ means to him.”

But I was too much of a pussy so I’ll just make a Youtube video about it instead. That part is implied.

Newt says that this guy didn’t like the “feminist agenda” and Newt challenges this saying, “Barbie has been a feminist icon since the 60s.”

On what planet, Newt? I believe that feminists have long been opposed to Barbie’s unrealistic body proportions and the stereotypical jobs that the doll has had (dancer, babysitter, stewardess, et cetera). It was only really in the 1990s that Mattel, under pressure from feminists, started giving the doll a wider range of jobs.

6:45 – “It’s a movie about women and what it’s like to be a woman in a male-dominated world.”

I don’t know anything about the movie. I don’t have a tv and don’t read any news where this shit is discussed. But I’m not going to to go to a Barbie movie to learn about important social issues.

7:00 – “As straight white dudes, why are we gate-keeping Barbie?”

What are you talking about Newt? I don’t know anything about the movie. What’s the issue that’s being “gatekept”?

Then Newt says that he understood why people didn’t like the all-female Ghostbusters because Ghostbusters was a property that mostly appealed to boys. But he says that he didn’t like the movie not because it was an all-female but because it was a terrible script.

Yeah. Newt. I think that was the general consensus. It’s only these “feminist” critics who argued that people didn’t like it because it was an all-female cast.

8:00 – Now he’s talking about the Little Mermaid remake. He finds it offensive that people didn’t like that the character was black.

11:15 – Now he’s summarising the movie again. What the fuck? We already went through this.

12:30 – Newt says that he understands women because, “I’ve had a lot of female managers and essentially every girlfriend I’ve ever had has been my boss.”

Umm…is he going to go somewhere with this or is he just going to leave this ridiculous comment on its own?

No. He just leaves it.

14:30 – “Does it have a message? Yeah, it has a message and maybe if we listen, as dudes, we can learn something.”

I’m not going to a fucking Barbie movie to learn something. It’s just insulting to my intelligence. I don’t watch this shit. I watch slightly more highbrow fare.

14:45 – “So to the guy who came out of the screening and said that it was woke…”

…I’m still a giant pussy and couldn’t say anything to your face so just made a cowardly Youtube video instead because I’m a passive-aggressive little bitch.

Well, fair enough, Newt.

Then he waffles on for five minutes and the video ends.

Let’s go back to that manager comment…try to figure out what he was talking about. “I’ve had a lot of female managers and essentially every girlfriend I’ve ever had has been my boss.” And he’s saying this in the context of…this makes him understand some kind of female perspective? I guess?

No, I’m not getting it. What does having women managers have to do with anything? Why would that be the test? If you have a lot of female managers, you understand women better? It doesn’t make any sense.

I could maybe see the opposite having some merit. “I’ve had a lot of female co-workers so I have a greater understanding of what it’s like to be a woman.” And this would be in the context of having a lowly job. But that would just give you the understanding of what’s it’s like to have a shitty job, regardless of gender.

I don’t know. Traditional wisdom is that female bosses are worse than male bosses because women try to overcompensate but personally, I’ve never experienced that. I’ve probably had a roughly equal number of male and female bosses. And there’s a roughly equal number of shitty ones of both genders. I haven’t noticed any pattern.

I’ve probably had roughly equal numbers of male and female co-workers. And I can think of some real bitches when I look back at female co-workers. But I can also think of plenty of assholes when I think of male co-workers. I don’t recognise any gender bias.

Some people are just unpleasant. Like Newt Wallen, for example. Or Erin Plays. You can’t assume things based on gender. And is anyone even doing that? What the hell was his point with that manager comment? I’m going to stay up all night trying to figure this one out.

2 thoughts on “Is the Barbie movie “WOKE” ? – Newt Wallen

  1. Yet another example of Newt copying Tony for video titles. They’re all parasites though so I’m hardly giving Tony originality points.

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