Is Blade 2 The Best Blade Movie? – Tony from Hack the Movies

It’s Tony at his home with two guys. I’ve seen one of these guys before on this “show”. He mentioned that he’s from Cuba about 17 times. Or maybe his parents or some relatives are from Cuba. But otherwise, he’s fine. I don’t know the other guy.

But let’s look at Tony’s home here. It’s full of shit on the walls. Comic book posters and toys and whatnot. And he has loads of shelves that are full of DVDs and toys.

How old is he? This is the bedroom of a very spoiled 14 year old boy.

You know what I have on my walls? Nothing. I’m an adult. Well, I have an art print but it’s not some fucking comic book shit. It’s classy. And what do I have on my shelves? Nothing. I don’t even have shelves. I’m an adult. I don’t need shelves. I don’t need to display my toys. I don’t have any toys to display.

Why limit yourself with this shit? Tony is a big fat guy. And I think that he’s below average height. And his job is…what it is.

These things are already limiting his potential dating pool. It’s tough for fat guys to find dates. It’s tough for guys who are shorter than average to find dates. And it’s tough for guys with jobs like he has to find dates.

He doesn’t have much control over these things, though. There’s nothing that he can do about his height, of course. He could go on a diet but how many fat people successfully lose weight and maintain it? And he could get a normal, respectable job but he’s not going to just waltz into a job as an investment banker or something.

So those things are hard or impossible to change. But what’s easy to change is his fucking interior decorating.

The vast majority of women would look at this room, say, “What the fuck have I gotten myself into”, and leave. And these would be women who already overlooked Tony’s height, weight, and unimpressive job at Screenwave Media.

Sell all of this shit. Put it in storage. Hide it in closets. I don’t care. Just get rid of it.

Not even nerdy women would be interested in this shit. Do you think that nerdy women want to find nerdy men? No. They want to find big, jacked up, 6’2″ doctors like every other woman. Just because they’re nerds doesn’t mean that they don’t have standards.

Only absolute bottom feeders would endure this room. “Okay. The guy is fat. He’s shorter than average. He has this embarrassing job. And now this fucking room of a 14 year old boy. Whatever. I’m no prize pig myself. The guy is willing to overlook all of my shortcomings so…fine. Who cares that he has toys and comic books shit all over his apartment? It’s better than being alone with my cat.”

Anyway, back to the video. Is that red thing behind Tony a ViewMaster? Oh my god, I think that it is. You see the window in other shots.

What is he doing with this? Looking at stereoscopic images based on the 1960s Spider-Man cartoon?

I had a bakelite ViewMaster from the 1950s. I also had a couple of the cheap red ones from the 1970s or 1980s like Tony has and enjoys. But ViewMaster was a product for adults back in the day. They’d have reels of Niagra Falls and whatever. Just scenic shit. I had some like that. But in the 1960s, it became a children’s toy and the reels were all of comic book and cartoon characters.

My favourite reel was some kind of claymation dinosaur thing. They were just pictures of dinosaurs in various scenes. Somebody obviously made a diorama and pictures were taken of the diorama. It was cool. Check it out, Tony. You might enjoy it. It was called The Little Yellow Dinosaur. It’s currently $12 on Ebay.

Okay. So I made it to 13 minutes. I just don’t care about this. I don’t care about fucking comic book movies. As mentioned previously, I’m an adult.

And you expect people to watch this for 90 minutes? It’s preposterous. They’re just summarising the fucking movie. “Oh, I really liked it when this character got brutally killed.” Great. Speak to a psychiatrist about it. I’m not interested.

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