Guess what I found?? This is Norway’s Biggest Gaming Convention – SpillExpo 2022! – Ircha Gaming

She’s at Norway’s biggest nerd convention.

1:00 – Cosplayers. Nothing exciting. Just some skanks trying to…I don’t even know. What’s the angle for these women? Are they being paid to attend? I’m thinking no. So…why would they do this? Why would they want to dress as slutty video game and anime characters and be around a bunch of giant fucking nerds? They want to get a date with these horny retards? Do they just like the attention? I don’t get it. It’s a lot of work for little to no payoff.

1:30 – She’s showing some anime body pillows now. Yeah. This is shit that nobody but the absolute rock bottom of humanity would be interested in.

“Never understood the appeal of body pillows but there are fans out there for that.”

They sleep with them. Rub their penis on them. Pretend that it’s their girlfriend. Their anime girlfriend. It’s not hard to figure out. It’s pathetic in the extreme but the appeal is obvious. It’s some weirdo shit that massive nerds do.

1:45 – Whoa. Freeze frame here. If you want the actual time, it’s about 1:49. It’s some fat Norwegian chick in a costume getting her fat tits out. If you’re into this stuff, get your body pillow and go to work.

2:00 – She advertises her website where you can get 10% off…something. Video games? Let me check.

Okay, I’ll link to this but…it’s a good idea, poorly executed.

She sells video games on her website. First problem is that you keep getting prompted for your country and language. I pick the country and language but every time you click another tab, it comes up again. And for a long time, it kept saying “no products available” anywhere I clicked. It wasn’t until the site finally accepted my country and language that the items appeared.

So what are the items? Official Nintendo gift cards and new Nintendo digital games. Shit like this. She’s just a re-seller. She’s making some tiny commission from each sale.

Why would I buy this stuff from her? I can just go directly to the Nintendo website for this shit. The prices aren’t any lower. So what the fuck?

She should be selling USED games. Shit that she gets from conventions, for example. Stuff that she’s actually held. That would be the appeal. And if these games appear in a video, so much the better.

People would want a game that she actually handled. They’d get off on that. Maybe she could lick the game or wipe her ass on it and charge extra for that.

She also has a ridiculously overpriced TeeSpring store. At least the design is okay. Tasteful. Not like that abortion that Bitch Duo did for Erin Plays with the VHS tape and the Famicon disc. But £36 for a t-shirt? That’s a hard pass. Typically, a t-shirt costs about £15.

But again, similar idea to my previous one, sell USED clothes. Sell your old fucking panties. You’re telling me that people wouldn’t buy that shit? And the filthier, the better. You charge MORE for not washing them.

I don’t know why people aren’t doing this. Porn stars do this shit. Sell their old bras and panties and whatnot. Why aren’t there any gamer grrls doing this? Too fucking lazy is my guess. They don’t want to deal with shipping stuff. So they just take the easiest fucking route. Put some shit on TeeSpring, take a few god awful pictures for Only Fans or whatever, and call it a day.

No. Put some effort in and you can make some money. Not even a lot of effort. I know that it’s a pain going to the post office to mail a bunch of packages but if people are paying $50 or whatever for your old, soiled underpants, isn’t it worth it? You were just going to throw them away anyway.

And it would be innovative. It would be something different. Nobody else is doing this, as far as I’m aware.

How much money and publicity did all of that bathwater generate? Similar premise.

It would also be less degrading than fucking Only Fans and whatnot. If some loser wants to buy your old panties, fine. What’s the big deal?

She also has her Patreon on there. For £23.50/month, you can get a mug after three months. So this mug costs nearly £75. Are you fucking kidding me? NOBODY is going for that.

She has 24 “patrons”. Yeah. This is abysmal.

Now, if she said, “I’ll send you a pair of my used panties if you subscribe at £25/month for three months” that would make a whole lot more sense.

Let me state that I’m not interested in Ircha Gaming’s fucking panties. I’m simply saying that from a business perspective, if she would sell her used panties to the horntards, she would make money. Plenty of it. Fucking any of these women who I talk about would make money from this.

And look at this ridiculous tier. For £9.50/month, one of the “rewards” is a “potential shout out.” What the fuck does that mean? MAYBE she’ll give you a “shout out”. Somewhere? What…it’s shit. And that’s the ONLY additional reward that you get for this tier.

For £5/month, which is the basic tier, she’ll add you to her friends list on Switch, you get access to a private Instagram, and you’ll get a “role” on her Discord. Whatever that last one means.

This makes more sense. I mean, she’s not going to talk to you or play games with you on Switch, but if she WOULD do that, that would be a good reward. And the “private Instagram” is clearly implying that there are some jack off pictures there, but in reality, there aren’t. It’s just a con.

Anyway, nobody is biting. Used video games. Used underwear. These are my ideas. She’d make stacks of cash. I should be managing some gamer grrl. I’m full of great ideas. And these gamer grrls are universally completely clueless about what they should be doing. They seem to have no idea what people want. And they refuse to put any effort into anything.

9:00 – Let me preface this by saying that I feel bad for saying the following.

She met a woman who goes to her Discord. This woman is…how to be tactful about this…rotund. Very rotund. And Ircha Gaming says that she hung out with her and went shopping with her. I don’t know how accurate this is. I suspect that they only spent about five minutes together, if that. There’s no footage of them shopping or anything, after all. But this is fucking sad. A giant nerd trying to make friends with a “Youtuber” by probably paying for her Patreon and shit like this. This woman probably has the £75 mug. And Ircha Gaming feels obligated to spend time with her.

“You are so cute”.

And compliment her. False compliments. Come on. She’s fucking 400 pounds. No exaggeration. Would you hang out with her and go shopping (which I don’t believe anyway) if she WASN’T giving you money? It’s pathetic for both of you. Ircha Gaming is taking advantage of lonely people and these lonely people are pathetic for giving money to these disgusting “Youtubers”.

9:30 – She also met “Norway’s two biggest Youtubers”. She means by popularity, not weight. Sara Høydahl and Viktoria Skau. Really? These women? Two chubby, plain-looking women? Too much Smalahove for these gals.

Imagine getting fat from eating too many sheep’s heads. Anyway, let me look these ladies up.

There’s one of the recent videos of one of these women. She did a two part series on Jeffrey Dahmer. Why? It’s related to the recent movie but…why? It’s all in Norwegian so good luck understanding anyway. She has 111,000 subscribers, which is good, but not anything amazing.

But why Jeffrey Dahmer? If you’re so interested in murderers, why not Anders Behring Breivik? Wouldn’t this be more relevant to her audience? Talk about a local murderer. Fucking scumbags trying to profit off of murderers.

The other woman, Viktoria Skau, who’sthe fatter of the two, doesn’t even appear to be on Youtube. She’s TikTok only. 71,000 followers. And her videos do seem to have a fair number of views for what are…really, really, REALLY plain videos. They’re just quick slideshows of pictures that she took during the week. Nothing interesting. “Here’s what I ate at a restaurant” type of pictures. Who gives a shit what this fat chick was up to?

She also dances sometimes, but not often.

I don’t get it. People in Norway must be starved for entertainment if they find any of this shit even remotely engaging.

10:00 – She also met Nathan from her Discord server. Same as that obese woman from earlier. So did she hang out with him and go shopping with him?

No. Why the fuck not? He’s like 1/3 of the size of that woman. Why doesn’t she talk about how cute he is? He’s clearly much more attractive than that enormous woman. Why doesn’t he get any compliments?

So then this guy asked her to sign a video game that he had. She did so and made a special point of saying that she left a “special message” inside.

Then this guy gives her a picture that he drew of her.

What the fuck? Why doesn’t she give anything back? Why can’t she even compliment this guy’s appearance? She talked about how cute that 400 woman was. Why not show Nathan some love? That fat chick didn’t draw a picture for her.

It’s disgusting. No matter how unattractive a woman is, these pretend lesbians will talk about how hot they are. And no matter how attractive a guy is, these women will never give a compliment. Why not? Why do women get off so easy in this compliment game and why do men have it so difficult? What’s so hard about saying, “Nathan is a good looking guy”? That’s all I ask. She doesn’t have to gush like she did over that mastodon. Just, “Hey, you’re looking pretty good today, Nathan. Thanks for stopping by.”

Then she just talks about that fat chick some more. She talked about that fat chick THROUGHOUT the time that she was talking about Nathan.

So that’s the video. Unbelievable.

  • “I am an American but my family immigrated here from Norway about 100 years ago. My wife and I are planning a visit to “the old country”. I may have to make it coincide with this event!”

Yeah. So you’re not Norwegian, you fuck. I think once 100 years have passed, the culture is no longer being passed on. And do you suppose all of his ancestors are Norwegian? None of his ancestors decided to marry an American? An American who wasn’t full-blooded Norwegian? For three or four generations? Fuck off.

The guy has GREAT-GRANDPARENTS who came from Norway. Or maybe it was their parents who were from Norway. It’s preposterous. This guy doesn’t know Norway from a hole in the ground.

  • “How are you hotter than all these other female Norwegian streamers?”

What he’s saying is true but the question is idiotic. It is surprising that these plain-looking women are doing so well in Norway but maybe Norwegians aren’t such superficial people. Although, Ircha Gaming did make a special point of talking about how hot these ladies are. Even that 400 pound woman.

  • “was so much fun meeting you! it was one of the best days ever❤️❤️ i love ypu so much!”

That was from that large woman. Now that I see her channel, I feel bad for saying so much cruel stuff. She looks like she might be in high school. And she’s probably only about 300 pounds.

But I didn’t even say anything cruel until Ircha Gaming had to point out how hot this girl is. That’s when I became annoyed. Because come on. Why does it have to be like this? Fuck these disingenuous compliments that women love giving each other.

Ircha Gaming replies, “Awesome meeting YOU!!!” and there’s an emoji with hearts for eyes. So more disingenuous compliments. Wow! You’re such a babe! I love enormous girls.

It’s just…DON’T MENTION APPEARANCE. That’s all that you have to do. She didn’t mention fucking Nathan’s appearance. Do the same thing with this girl. What’s so hard about that?

Anyway, to this girl, I apologise for my cruel comments. It’s Ircha Gaming who I have a problem with, not you.

  • “your looking adorable and dazzling as always and have a happy thanksgiving weekend.”

Yeah. Happy Norwegian Thanksgiving. Everybody gathers around the Thanksgiving sheep’s head. And you go around the table and compliment everyone’s appearance. Only to the ladies, though. The guys can all fuck off.

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