It’s in her Discord. The link should be on there, unless she removed it by the time you see this.
Here’s a screenshot:

I’m dating a man 17 years older than me
I’m so glad I tried dating an older man
Not sure I can ever go back
There’s no context to this. She rarely posts on this Discord but one day, she just woke up and decided to post this.
And you look at the replies…nobody gives a shit.
She posted an almost identical comment when she started dating a “chocolate” man.
Everything has to be some weird, sexual fetish with her. How about dating somebody because you like them? Have you tried that, SupaNeurodivergent?
Here’s another gem I mined from her Discord. No screenshot, just take my word on this one.
I want to check it out for sure
I actually am wanting to get into dnd
She’s a big Dungeons & Dragons fan, guys. Maybe get your 52 year old boyfriend to play too.
Fucking Dungeons & Dragons. What woman would possibly want to play this? What adult man who isn’t a giant fucking nerd would want to play this?
Erin pretended to want to get into Dungeons & Dragons a while ago. What happened with that? We haven’t heard anything about it since. Maybe this is one of the things that she’s been so busy with lately. Dungeons & Dragons campaigns.
And that Discord is nothing but horntards licking SupaCrazy’s giant fucking ass.
Imagine going to this woman for psychiatric treatment. How come we never hear about SupaMentallyIll’s job search? Did she ever get a job as a psychiatrist or what? Last I heard, she was going to…fuck, I don’t know…Boston or somewhere to do some…program? I guess? Or to look for work? I don’t know. And that’s the last update that I saw on her job search. This was before the global pandemic that wiped out half of the earth’s population.
Oh, her Twitter is public now. What a treat.
It’s nice when 250 pound, middle aged women think that they’re sexy. Hey, confidence. I’m all for it.
Although, I suppose that it does cross into delusion when you start an OnlyFans or a Fansly or whatever. And SupaMastodon did have that infamously bad OnlyFans.
Do you suppose Mike ever lies awake at night and wonders what his life would have been like had he gone with SupaLunatic instead of Erin?
Well, for one thing, he might have a partner who actually brings in some income. Maybe not as a psychiatrist but surely, SupaManiacal is doing some job. How else is she supporting herself? She never seems to be in any long-term relationship. She just goes from guy to guy trying to itch whatever bizarre fetish she has on a particular day. She’s going to be fucking some American Indian midget next.
SupaNuts also seems genuinely interested in video games, much unlike Erin. So Mike would like that, I guess. Even though she only seems to be interested in RPGs, which I don’t think is a genre that Mike particularly likes outside of Legend of Zelda, if you want to call that an RPG.
Her Youtube videos are horrible. They’re probably just as bad as Erin’s videos, although in a different way. But maybe with Mike’s guidance, SupaPsycho could start putting out some interesting content. She’s certainly more interesting than Erin. I mean…who isn’t? She has some personality, I guess. She’s certainly “different”. So maybe if Mike catches her on her manic days or avoids her manic days or whatever is best, he could get some good videos out of her.
Mike has plenty of experience dealing with the mentally ill. Look at what he did with James Rolfe. He took this deeply autistic man and made hundreds of thousands of dollars off of him. And he was able to mask James’ autism for many years. Screenwave couldn’t do it.
I think on the whole, you have to give it to SupaDemented over Erin in terms of who would make a better girlfriend. Sure, she’s nutty as a fruitcake but just the fact that SupaSchizo has a job (I assume) is a huge plus for her. Erin is just a complete parasite. She brings no money in and she’s constantly taking expensive trips to visit her parents. And no personality AT ALL for Erin.