Briz & Diddles (feat. Petee Puff) – Pass Me Dat Herb – CannotBeTamed

Pam was in a music video. I learned about it by skimming her latest video. As here:

She talks about it at the two minute mark. She calls the song “Pass Me That Herb”. She makes a point of annunciating the word “that”. The actual title of this song is Pass Me Dat Herb. The “dat” really annoyed Pam. She doesn’t go in for that street lingo.

I’m reminded of a news reporter who, when talking about the film Gridlock’d, would always refer to it as “Gridlock D”. He would pronounce the “D” separately. He was in his 60s, I’d guess, a white man, and he surely knew that it was pronounced “gridlocked” but he was making a point.

Oh, that’s right. Tupac Shakur was in this. This must have been around the time that he was killed. I recall Rush Limbaugh sort of breaking the story by saying, “Tupac, or One Pac as he’s called now, or I guess No Pacs now.” This was a reference to Tupac having a lung removed shortly after the shooting and then dying shortly thereafter.

Mainstream America in the 1990s wasn’t big on gangster rap. But haven’t we moved on from this? We still have Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining deriding black culture by refusing to call the song by its proper name. And yeah, all of the people in the video are white, with the exception of Pam’s lesbian girlfriend who’s Asian, but this is still black culture.

Actually, this brings us to another problematic aspect of this video. It’s appropriating black culture.

Oh, I should talk about the video. I haven’t actually seen it yet. I’ve skimmed it to make sure that Pam is in it but it was so fucking “cringe” that I couldn’t watch it in its entirety.

It’s some kind of rap/hip hop shit. Yo yo yo. And it’s fucking…these two middle aged, white Canadian guys pretending to be black Americans from the inner city. I assume that it’s a parody but I don’t know. Their “songs” are about video games…I guess?

It’s a similar thing to Rex Viper, I suppose. And everybody likes Rex Viper.

There are surely loads of “bands” like this that do the nerd convention circuit. But are any of them even remotely successful? Is anybody making a living from this? I can’t see how.

Let’s check out the video.

0:30 – So we’re introduced to Briz. He’s some douchebag.

He wants the herb. You homies know what’s up. He wants to hit it up. He needs it really bad because a zombie fucked him up…something.

1:00 – Now we get Pam’s girlfriend here. She’s saying some stuff. I don’t know. I can’t understand much. I have the volume pretty low because this shit is embarrassing.

1:30 – Now we’ve got Diddles over here. That’s his actual name. I mean, not his given name, presumably, but this is his stage name. He would also like some herb.

2:15 – Now we have Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining in a red dress and she’s smoking something, presumably herb. She’s cosplaying as Ada Wong. What? Is this an Asian character? Let me look this up.

Yeah. So more cultural appropriation from Pam. And why the fuck didn’t the Asian woman play this character? She was some police officer instead. It seems like she doesn’t have any breasts but who cares? It would be more authentic.

You’d think that Pam would know better than this. Doing some fucking Charlie Chan bullshit.

I guess that Pam just forgot to check her privilege before making this video.

And yeah, Pam looks every bit of 40+ years old in this video. This is embarrassing.

Then the titular herb gets passed along to each character.

The herb in question is given as the cure-all for all types of biting injuries. Dog bite, spider bite, snake bite, shark bite, biting your own lip. Whatever bites you, herb is the solution.

3:00 – We get a shot of Pam awkwardly pointing a gun. This is shameful. Now she’s glorifying gun violence.

Oh, and did I mention that the whole video is glorifying drug use?

So that’s the video. Embarrassing as fuck and offensive on so many levels. Pam can never get on her woke high horse ever again after this.

Saying all of this, this was still way better than any Rex Viper video. And Jimmy spent A HUNDRED HOURS on one of those videos. What a colossal waste of time.

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