The (Likely) End of Pegwarmers

1:00 – “For the news segment today, Pegwarmers is actually going to go on hiatus for about a month.  We’re going to be re-tooling and trying to streamline the production a little bit more.  The episodes take a lot of time to film, edit, and get released.  So we might be looking at some different formats for the episodes.  But the show’s not going away and we’ll have a lot of the same guests on and things like that.  So definitely stay tuned and we’ll be pushing messages out on social media when we’re ready to re-launch.”

Uh huh.  “All tv shows take breaks.”

I actually predicted this about three weeks ago.

Once they got rid of Talking About Games, Pegwarmers became the last show to use this set.  I knew that Ryan wasn’t going keep this set around just for Pegwarmers.

At one point, Screenwave had five podcasts going at the same time: Hack the Movies, Pegwarmers, Talking About Games, The Cinemassacre Podcast, and Mouthfools.  Now only Hack the Movies remains.  All of these podcasts came and went within the course of…what…six months?  Nine months?  It wasn’t long.

You’re not going to build much of an audience in six to nine months.  With these niche topics, you might never build an audience.  

From the quick cancellation of all of these series, it’s clear that Ryan was only interested in making money from this shit.  The individual people hosting the podcasts might be doing this because they enjoy doing it, but for Ryan it was all about money.  And from that perspective, these podcasts were clearly an idiotic business decision.  

Are millions of people going to suddenly watch Mouthfools?  That shit was unwatchable.  Four uncharismatic nerds talking about Splatoon over Skype?  No thanks.  This does not have broad appeal.  The only people who might possibly watch that shit were people who were already familiar with any of these four guys.  And at least one of these guys had over a million subscribers so you might think that this could turn into views.  No.  Nobody was watching that shit.  It was awful.  The basic format was awful.  I’m not watching any podcast where it’s just a group chat on Skype.  Fuck that.

Talking About Games.  It was…mostly watchable.  It started to get bad towards the end of the run.  I suspect that people were giving up and no longer caring.  But are millions of people going to suddenly find the channel?  

Actually, I suppose that the podcast was promoted on Cinemassacre.  It was promoted at the end of the later episodes of The Cinemassacre Podcast.  But who the fuck was watching The Cinemassacre Podcast all the way through?  

Which brings me to The Cinemassacre Podcast.  This one had all of the advantages and just totally threw everything away.  You had a fucking comatose James Rolfe mumbling his way through books on Atlantis and talking about what alcoholic beverage he drank in the 15 minutes between recording one episode of the podcast to the next.  They would record this shit in batches because Jimmy has no time to do his fucking job.  So he’d record four episodes back to back, I believe.  Do a month’s worth of podcasts in one day.  

And James just could not do ANYTHING.  Justin constantly kept tweaking the show to try to get James to become even remotely engaged.  Let’s bring your childhood friend in.  Let’s talk about Family Matters.  Let’s talk about Atlantis.  Let’s talk about your favourite bands.  Let’s talk about how awesome you are.  

There was literally an episode where they talked about their favourite AVGN episodes.  It was Kieran, Justin, and Jimmy all talking about how awesome Jimmy is.  

The only time James gave the slightest fuck was when they were talking about an actual buffalo defecating on his face and when James was there with Rex Viper.  Jimmy was a total corpse during every other episode but when he was there with Rex Viper it was, “ALRIGHT!  I’M JAMES ROLFE!  ARE YOU GUYS READY ROCK?!”  And it was everybody else who didn’t give a fuck.  Jimmy is telling this bizarre fake lore about the origins of Rex Viper and that keyboardist could barely keep his head up.  “What the fuck is this retard talking about?”

They even tried plying James with alcohol to get him to talk.  That old trick that they used on 1970s celebrity gameshows.  No.  James refuses to engage.  

And this is his fucking job.  Doesn’t he get it?  He’s retarded.  It’s this or Wawa.  Does he want to work at Wawa?  That should be all of the motivation that he needs to put some fucking effort into this.  He’s so concerned about his kids, is he going to be able to provide for his children on a Wawa salary?  Is his wife going to stick with him when he’s working at Wawa?  Fuck no.  She’s getting a divorce, keeping the house, keeping the kids, taking half his money, and Jimmy is on the streets.

Then there’s Hack the Movies.  Once The Ideas Man left, it was all over.  Tony got desperate.  “We need some hot chicks to get the views!  Who do we have?  A fat chick…a horse-faced woman…and…a retard.  Well, let’s try it anyway.”

And it’s the same fucking bullshit episode after episode.  Tony goes out there like the fucking “time to make the doughnuts” guy and goes through the motions of summarising the plot of a 1990s horror movie while a horse-faced woman talks about actresses who she wants to have sex with.

Finally, there’s Pegwarmers.  I watched it.  It’s a big fat guy in his 30s talking about toys with a rotating cast of nerds in their 30s and 40s.  It’s a competent, workmanlike performance.  Limited appeal.  This thing is not going to get millions of viewers.  

He’s apparently been doing this podcast or at least Youtube videos for many years so I’m sure that he’ll continue in some format but it’s not going to be promoted at all by Screenwave, maybe Screenwave won’t even be involved (which might be for the best), and it’s not going to be using this set.  It’s going to be this guy in his kitchen talking about toys.

Ryan has no idea how to run a business.  He probably made all kinds of promises to these people, talked about how Screenwave is a family, he’s going to support you, you can use the set, whatever.  And then six or nine months later, when none of these podcasts are doing Joe Rogan numbers, he gets rid of them all.  

What has Ryan ever achieved?  How is this company, or any of his six companies, at all profitable?  The word “Screenwave” is synonymous with “failure”.  He took a successful Youtube channel and ran it straight into the ground.  Screenwave became so reviled and infamous for their incompetence that he had to rebrand to “Retroware”.  

The guy is a complete joke.  Doesn’t even know what gender he is.  Take your pants off and have a look.  He’s so obese that he probably hasn’t seen his genitals in years so perhaps this is the problem.  He can’t remember if he had a penis or a vagina down there.

So that’s Pegwarmers.  My only advice is to get away from Screenwave and just do the show in your house or whatever for whatever pennies you can get.  I think that he’s just doing the show because he enjoys it.  So fine.  Do that.  You don’t need this fucking incompetent weirdo taking half of your money for doing nothing.

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