PAX 2022 – New Games, Cool People and What I Bought – John Riggs

John Riggs is with his two fatass besties.  There’s his friend Jon, who’s obese, and Conner, who’s merely fat.  

Why is this such a problem with “gamers”?  They all seem to be fat.  This isn’t something that I’ve noticed in real life, although, I don’t think that I’ve ever known any “gamers”.  This wasn’t a thing when I was a young man.  The term didn’t exist.  That’s why I always put “gamers” in quotes.  It’s stupid.  

I don’t keep up with the “gaming” news or play all of the latest games but I play video games probably six hours a day, on average.  Surely, that makes me a “gamer”.  But I’m not some fucking mastodon.  

What can the problem be?  They’re just eating all day?  How do games figure into that?  What is it about video games that causes overeating?  

I can understand not exercising if you play a lot of video games.  But it’s the calorific intake that’s the issue.  These guys must be eating all the fucking time.  Why?  And what’s the connection to video games?  I eat modestly and play video games.  Am I crazy for doing this?  Should I be eating all of the time?  I don’t get it.

I find that when I’m playing a game, I don’t want to eat.  I’m focused on the game.  I don’t want to take a break to go eat.  

0:00 – John Riggs is on an escalator.  Try the stairs, John.  It might do you some good.

There’s a brief shot of some slim Asian guys at this thing.  This raises another question.  Video games are very popular certainly in Japan and probably much of Asia.  Why don’t you see any fatass Asian “gamers”?  

Obviously, you don’t see fat Asian people very often just generally.  I don’t know if they have a different metabolism or there’s some physiological reason for this.  I’ve seen fat Asian people, no question, but they never seem to reach the MASSIVE sizes that John Riggs and the like have achieved.  Obviously, I’m excluding sumo wrestlers because they’ve made it their professional goal to amass weight.

But the average Asian person, no.  They’re not fat.  Diet could be a reason but what about Asian people who live in the West and have adopted Western diets?  They don’t tend to be fat.  

Anyway, the point is that it seems perfectly possible to be a “gamer” and be slim.  If you’re Asian.  What are they doing that’s different from Western “gamers”?  Is it just physiological or is there a cultural difference or what?  Maybe they’re just not constantly shovelling food in their mouths.  But why do Western “gamers” evidently embrace gluttony?  

0:45 – John Riggs is wearing a tiny, tiny mask.  It’s ridiculous.  

Actually, maybe it’s a normal-sized mask but it just doesn’t fit John Riggs’ giant, fat face.

1:30 – “What a great photo op”.

Of what?  I can’t figure it out.  Who or what am I looking at?

3:45 – There’s actually a McDonald’s booth.  This is shameful.  And John Riggs is excited over this.  He loves eating.

6:30 – John Riggs starts flirting with a woman called CeliaBee.  She’s the Kosher Gamer, according to her Instagram.  “Nice Jewish girl”, in case you weren’t sure what she’s Jewish.  The giant Jewish nose is another clue.  But she really wants you to know that she’s Jewish.  Great.  Be proud of the accident of birth.

Here’s her Instagram.

There sure are a lot of pictures of her in skimpy outfits.  What a gamer!  And she’s not a looker.  

This seems to be the requirement for female “gamers” on the internet.  You have to be fairly unattractive and dress like a whore.  The male “gamer” equivalent is just “be a big fatass.”

So it’s these fatass guys forever coming on to these unattractive women.  This is the environment that’s developed around “gaming” culture.  

Anyway, back to the video, this Jewish woman is saying stuff, she’s promoting some game for some company that I guess she works for, but I didn’t understand one fucking word.  She’s wearing a mask, as just about everybody at this thing is likewise doing.  

I rarely see people wearing masks any more.  Is this still a thing in the US?  Hey.  Guys.  It was all a big scam.  You can take the masks off now.  And they don’t fucking do anything anyway.

I mean, if there was actually a horrible disease out there, let’s say one that causes bleeding from all of your orifices, and this disease could be spread through sneezing or respiration or whatever, would you just wear a mask and go out in public like it’s no big deal?  Fuck no.  I’d never leave my fucking house.  Or maybe I’d build a shack in the wilderness.  

The fact that people put these masks on shows that they’re not remotely concerned about covid, they know that it’s all bullshit, but they want to make some kind of political statement.  Liberals wear masks, conservatives don’t.  Somehow, this has been how things were framed, particularly in the US.  What any of this has to do with politics, I still haven’t figured out.

7:15 – Pink Gorilla booth.  Shout out to that woman who is or was in the Metal Jesus crew.  But no mention of this from John Riggs.  Shameful.  

Paublo Smith is the owner.  He’s a big fat guy.  Is this who this woman married?  It can’t be.  Let me look this up.  What was her name?  Kasey?

No, Kelsey.  Kasey is that fat blond woman.  I “always” get them confused.

I don’t know.  I’m not seeing many pictures of her with a man.  And she’s wearing a mask in almost every fucking picture.  Completely ridiculous.  

9:00 – He’s showing some John Riggs…I don’t know…some kind of game accessory that somebody is selling.  Who would possibly want this?  

11:00 – Some nerds playing video game music on actual instruments.  Everybody is wearing a mask, of course.  Except for anyone playing a wind instrument.  They’re completely fucked.  Also, they’re super spreaders.  Spreading covid all over.

14:30 – John Riggs is showing some “magic trick” where he pokes his leg and…something happens?  I guess?  What?  I have no idea what this is.  I don’t want to see this.

15:15 – Oh, here we go.  John Riggs is eating.  This is what I was waiting for.  He’s at the buffet.  He’s pouring gravy over a burrito.  I’m not making this up.  What the fuck.

Now he’s eating with that corpulent man who we saw at the start of the video.  That guy is eating a taco.  Actually, probably many tacos.  With gravy?  I’m not sure.  Maybe it was chocolate that John Riggs was pouring over his buritto.

15:30 – John Riggs describes his food as a “wet burrito.”  This is all new to me.  

15:45 – Now there’s footage of the previous night.  John Riggs is there with those two fat fucks and there’s a giant glass of beer in front of him.  I’d say that it’s half a gallon.  And the fat fucks are eating.

16:00 – Then John Riggs shows off the food that they’ve been eating.  John Riggs had orange chicken.  He couldn’t finish it.

How massive must that portion have been that even JOHN RIGGS couldn’t finish it?  It must have been three full chickens.

Then they walk out of the bar and John Riggs starts talking about a Subway that he sees.  And one of the fat fucks says, “That’s fine American cuisine.”

Can you stop talking about food?  This is why you’re 400 pounds.  Easily.  

16:15 – Now they’re in a grocery store, in the snacks section.  Stop this.  This is the fucking problem.  They need to get professional help.

They just fucking ate.  They ate so much that they couldn’t eat any more.  And then they’re immediately buying more food.

Then John Riggs says that he’s going to get chocolate milk with cereal.  Who the fuck does this?  I have never even considered putting chocolate milk in cereal.  This is why I’m not 400 pounds.

And again, he just fucking ate.  He can not stop eating.

17:00 – Then they went to Pax and John shows off a free Red Bull that they were handing out at Pax.  You could have said no, John.  You don’t have to accept free food and drink.  He chose to approach that person handing out promotional Red Bulls and said, “Can I have one, please?”

It’s constant.  Constant eating.  

17:15 – John Riggs tells a story about how he “ran into” Reggie Fils-Aime.  I had to look this up.  He was the president of Nintendo of America.  He’s also a big fat guy.  Of course.  That seems to be a requirement.

Also, you look at like Gabe Newell or George Broussard or whoever.  Anybody involved with video games seems to be a fucking giant fat guy.  The Westerners, anyway.  Again, you don’t see this problem with Asian people involved in the video game industry.

So anyway, John Riggs asked this Reggie guy for a picture and Reggie told John that he wasn’t interested.  Who the fuck would want a picture with Reggie Fels-Aime?  Who even knows who this is?  Just leave this guy alone.

And John Riggs was talking to this guy on the escalator.  Again, John Riggs was on the escalator.  Try the fucking stairs, John.

19:15 – Now John Riggs is at a restaurant again.  He says, “I’m literally drinking water”.  He’s annoyed by this.  He wants to drink something sugary or something alcoholic.  Or both at once.

The video ends with John Riggs saying that his feet hurt and he did too much today.  Too much walking.  

This includes the several times in the day when he stopped to eat.  

But it’s too much for John Riggs.  Too many escalators.  It wore him out.

– “Can’t tell if John is wearing a kids mask or just has a much bigger face that makes it look that way.”

– “I have to say, it’s kinda weird to still see facemask when we stopped wearing then in the Netherlands.”

– “So lame theyre making yall wear masks still”

– “Sooo many masks. Do all of you people have covid?”

5 thoughts on “PAX 2022 – New Games, Cool People and What I Bought – John Riggs

  1. Wait, I thought Kelsey moved to japan? She was the fat whore who was drinking six beers a day and living in a hotel, no?

  2. Reggie used to be a popular meme several years ago when he was spearheading Nintendo but you don't hear much about him these days. I could see most people not knowing who the fuck he is.

  3. Yeah people sucked his dick like some kind of idol. Same thing with le based gaben, even after it came out that he's a total asshole towards his staff. He also tried to entrap that german kid for stealing the code of hl2.

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