Crystal Quin is Plagiarising from Newt Wallen

Let me transcribe this 28 second clip that Horseface made and try to suppress my gag reflex.

Horseface: I’m all wet and salty from skinny dipping.  I sure hope no big, sexy sharkmen show up and try to eat me.  

(Sharkman appears)

Horseface: What a big fin you have.  We’re going to need a bigger bed.  

Then the words “chum shot” appear on screen.

Is there any integrity whatsoever with these fucking losers?  Horseface is in a “sexy” (giant quotation marks) bikini during all of this, by the way..

This is a “joke” (giant quotation marks) that Newt Wallen wrote YEARS ago for his epic non-movie Shark Vampire.  He’s talked about it many times including back in June.  I talk about that video here:

“I wrote a line where one of the women who’s bitten by the Sharkula turns into like a Bride of Sharkula and she tricks this dude, who’s like one of our main characters, into going to a side room and they’re making out and she kind of dips down below camera. And when he looks down, she’s got like a shark mouth. She’s a Bride of Sharkula. And she says, ‘chum shot’, head dips below camera, and then blood sprays all over his face.”

He goes on to say, “I fucking thought ‘chum shot’, I wrote that and God high-fived me. You know? I thought that that was really funny.”

It’s not funny.  It’s fucking stupid and doesn’t even make any sense.  

Nevertheless, Horseface took this stupid joke that doesn’t make any sense and CLEARLY stole it from The Ideas Man.  This is outrageous.  

Although…it’s tough to feel much sympathy for Newt Wallen when it comes to plagiarism.  This is his bread and butter.  How does it feel, Newt?  It’s not nice when people rip off your ideas, is it?  

This is the best “joke” that The Ideas Man ever wrote, according to him.  And Horseface just fucking steals it.  No shame whatsoever.  

And why even rip off a “joke” that’s this bad and unfunny and doesn’t even make any sense?  Because as dumb as Newt is, Horseface is even dumber.  There’s nothing going on in that equine head of hers.  

So let’s check out the replies.

– “Still laughing about “chum shot”.

Which part was funny?  But this guy is obviously just trying to have sex with Horseface so he’s pretending that she’s funny.  

Johanna says “CHRIST HAHAHA”.  Great contribution there.

Oh, Erin replies..  She says “omg” and a few emojis.  Uh huh.  These women really have a lot of interesting things to say.

Kris Glavin replies.  Of course he does.  “Awesome segment keep up the incredible work on hack the movies crystal Queen”

– “Dafuq I just watch….??”

Stolen, unfunny material from Newt “The Ideas Man” Wallen.

Does Newt talk about this on his Twitter?  No.  Well…anything he says it going to be hypocritical.  Basically, anything that Newt does is free for the taking because this is his attitude to all creative endeavours.  If he doesn’t respect anyone’s intellectual property why should anybody respect his?  

And let’s be honest.  Did Newt come up with “chum shot”?  Probably not.  Maybe it was Crystal’s idea and Newt just took the credit for it.  Or maybe somebody else came up with it and Newt ripped it off.  Who knows?  But Newt has no original ideas so why would he start with “chum shot”?  

So what else has Horseface been up to?  

Here’s a “sexy” (giant quotation marks) picture of Horseface on Tony from Hack the Movies’ floor.

I won’t be jerking off to this but I know a certain Mr Glavin who will be.  So let’s check out the comments.

– “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady happy Wednesday babe I hope you have a great day with your family beautiful ❤️❤️❤️ sending you lots of love and hugs and positive vibes babe”

That was from Kris Glavin, of course.  He writes the same fucking messages over and over again.  “Smokeshow”, “young lady”, “Happy (whatever day it is)”, Crystal Queen”.  It’s pathetic.  He should just create an AI to write this shit and save himself a little time.

About six “hilarious” pictures that people stole from the internet.  I wish that there was a way to filter out these “memes”.  They’re NEVER funny.  AT ALL.

And then Kris Glavin replies again with just “Crystal queen”.  Good work, Rainman.

Horseface advertises her Fansly.

“Very angry! My Walmart does not have Halloween squishmellows.”

Well, stop being a scumbag who shops at Walmart.  And what does she need children’s toys for?

Here’s a “sexy” (giant quotation marks) picture of Horseface and Johanna.  They’re both holding up beverages that they got from Starbucks, I assume.  Why?  Why would anybody want to see this?  And there’s only like two swallows left in these cups.  It’s gross.  I don’t want to see a cup of backwash.  

Who wants to bet that Kris Glavin replied?  I’ll guess that he says “smokeshow” and “Crystal Queen”.

– “your likely random cup and Crystal placement makes your already fabulous self look like you’ve lost 50lbs. 👍 to be clear I mean this 1,000% complimentary and hope it does not seem rude or awkward.”

What a rude and awkward hopeless virgin.  “Hey, fatass!  Looks like you lost 50 pounds!”

Then you go to his Twitter and it’s all about Transformers.

Here’s Kris Glavin.  

– “Spooky and gorgeous hope you have a great weekend ladies”

Fuck.  I knew I should have went with “have a great (whatever day)”.

Horseface says that she spent $100 on…some cheap toys.  I don’t know what these are.  Just some trash that you get from the 99 cent store.  And she says that she’s going to be opening them on stream, for money.

Why?  Why would anybody want to watch that?  Is this compelling to anyone?  “Wow, I really want to see a horsefaced-woman opening up trash.

And then what is she going to do with this garbage bag full of cheap children’s toys?  She’s just going to throw this out.  Right?  So what was the point?  She spent $100 on cheap garbage just to have something to do on her shitty Twitch stream and then she’s going to throw it out?  This is wasteful in the extreme.  

I’ll bet that Kris Glavin replied.  I’m going with “have a nice (whatever day)”.  

Fuck.  He said “awesome haul”.  I never would have guessed that.  That’s a new one.

Horseface also says, “Please note my Fansly account is to support therapy and my spooky time spending habits.” and she links to her Fansly.  In case you haven’t seen the previous 50 times that she’s linked to it.

But yeah, I don’t think that any competent therapist is going to advise somebody to do bad porn in order to pay for therapy.  And if you’re that strapped for cash, maybe don’t spend $100 on trash that you’re literally going to throw out after you stream this shit.

Here are yet more pictures of Horseface and Johanna.  Whoa!  I’m fully erect here!  A horseface woman is wearing a tank top!  That’s all that I need to get going!

So Kris Glavin…I’m going with “smokeshow”.  Come on.  It has to be. 

– “Stunningly beautiful young ladies”

FUCK.   It was “stunningly beautiful” and “young ladies” this time.

Here’s another “sexy” (giant quotation marks) picture of Horseface.  She’s looking annoyed, boys!  That’s funny!  And totally hot!

Okay, Glavin.  No fucking around this time.  I want to see “smokeshow.”

– “So adorable and cute and sexy hunny”

COME ON!  NONE of those are catchphrases of yours.  You couldn’t put fucking “smokeshow” in there?

And the rest I’ve seen already.  Let me check out her Twitch.

God, this is one unattractive woman.  She’s unattractive WITH the filters and makeup and Photoshopping.  But this stream is…just a closeup of Crystal’s giant face and she keeps contorting her face so you see how many wrinkles she has.  Come on.  Not even Kris Glavin can be jerking off to this shit.  

Oh, Johanna is in the chat.  She calls Horseface her “wife”.  That’s hot, right?  When fat chicks call horsefaced women their “wife”?  Am I supposed to be jerking off to this?  Because I’m totally flaccid here.  I don’t think that it will work.

Then she ends the stream by blowing a kiss (eugh…) and I think that she “raided” Erin Plays.

Fucking trash.  Absolute subhuman garbage.  

And you have fucking Newt Wallen STILL jerking off to this.  Even after she stole his “chum shot” idea.  Even when she’s on stream and you get a closeup shot of that face and…oh god.  Plus, there’s the god awful personality.  Oh fuck.  These losers all deserve each other.  Wallow in the filth together.  

5 thoughts on “Crystal Quin is Plagiarising from Newt Wallen

  1. Her face is so filtered it looks like she put it into that website that turns photos into an anime face. Wonder if this is part of her issues with 'self-esteem' aka total fucking narcissism.

  2. That stream is some shocking stuff. Can you just pull back on the camera a little, please? Or here's an idea, play a fucking video game like a normal streamer so we only have to see you in a tiny window in the corner of the screen. We don't need this extreme closeup.And something that I inexplicably left out of this article is that Horseface didn't just steal the phrase “chum shot” she stole the entire premise of Shark Vampire. Insofar that was an original idea to begin with. But it was clearly an idea that she got from Newt.

  3. “God, this is one unattractive woman. She's unattractive WITH the filters and makeup and Photoshopping.”For fucking real. I cannot think of a more objectively unattractive woman who also tries so VERY hard to be attractive. It's fine to be unattractive; it really is. Not everyone wins the genetic lottery, and there are plenty of things one can do to improve their looks….But Crystal's over-the-top EVERYTHING makes her further unattractive. She wants so much to BE “the hot girl” that she undeservedly forces herself into that position in every aspect of her life. It reeks of insecurity and desperation. Sad.

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