Crystal Quin Starts a Fansly

Well, I finally gave in and I can have some fun with this. Therapy is expensive.

First subscriber: Newt Wallen.  Second subscriber: Kris Glavin.

Other than those two degenerates, who the fuck wanted this?  It’s revolting.  

The description is:

Posting fun photos and having fun! I also love talking to all subscribers who message me! Subscribers also get some of my favorite photos! 

So what does this mean?  Nude or not?  It’s intentionally vague to fool the mentally challenged into paying for this shit.

Why are these Hack the Movies people joining Fansly instead of OnlyFans anyway?  Presumably, Fansly takes less of a cut.

So anyway, Horseface says, “Cheers to stufflikeheartsand titsmintsalad being my inspiration”

Like doing bad porn is inspirational.  

Then there’s discussion of doing a “collab” with Johanna and Johanna replies…suggesting that she’d like it…eww.  Come on.  WHO’S THE AUDIENCE FOR THIS VILE SHIT?

It’s not that I don’t like naked ladies.  I do.  But not fucking fat chicks and horse-faced women.  It’s gross.

And those disgusting pictures of Mint Salad bending over or with her legs spread or…god.  They are so fucking nasty.  It’s a fucking chubby autistic woman…I don’t even want to think about it.

But anyway, Mint Salad also says that she wants to “collab” with Horseface.

It’s just nauseating.  The only person to reply to that tweet is fucking Kris Glavin.  He’s looking forward to it, of course.

Then Horseface went on a streak of posting pictures on Twitter.  Kris Glavin replies, of course.

Here’s another one.  “Happy PSL Day”, whatever that is.  She’s wearing bondage gear in public.  Kris Glavin replies, of course.  Twice.

She also re-tweeted this.  It’s a guy who has “Proud Crystal Quin Simp” in his profile.  Horseface is encouraging this.

Kris Glavin replies, of course.  

Anyway, you go to the CartoonGuy’s Twitter.  There’s a picture of, I think a white guy as his profile picture.  And his description says that he’s 29 and “Black Lives Matter” and “Trans Lives Matter.”

So you think maybe it’s this white guy in the avatar.

No.  You go to his Linktree.

It has his Instagram there.

Now the avatar is of a black cartoon character.

You look at the pictures and after scrolling past some cartoons, you start seeing pictures of a fat black guy.  A REALLY fat black guy.  Like 400 pounds.  This is the guy.  This is the guy who Horseface is encouraging to give her money.  These are the people giving Horseface money.  Extremely unfortunate men.  The bottom 0.1% of the dating market.  

And this guy has an Amazon Wishlist like he’s some fucking cam girl.

Who’s going to buy fucking cartoon books for a 400 black guy?  Not to be racist about this.  But who’s going to buy cartoon books for a 400 pound guy of any race?  

It’s just sad.  These guys are completely pathetic.  And these are the guys giving money to these fucking bottom-feeding grifters.  A lot of them are clearly mentally ill and/or mentally challenged.  A lot of them have physical disabilities.  And virtually all of them…how to put this delicately…they’re gargoyles.  I’m not saying that I’m Brad Pitt but these guys…these are guys who absolutely can not get dates.  

For a lot of guys, if you’re looking for a date, I’d recommend going on Tinder, dropping your standards to zero, and swiping right on everyone.  You’ll find somebody.  She might be 300 pounds.  She might have children.  But you’ll find somebody.

But for guys like Kris Glavin or this 400 pound cartoon guy…I don’t think that even this would work.  It’s harsh to say but that’s the unfortunate reality.  And it’s not just their appearance, it’s also their mental health problems and/or mental disabilities.  And these fucking nerd hobbies that they’re obsessed with.  

I mean, a guy who’s obsessed with cartoons?  You’re going to have a hard time finding a date no matter what you look like if you’re obsessed with cartoons.  Or video games.  Or Star Trek.  Or any of this shit.  You can like this stuff.  I don’t give a fuck.  But don’t fucking advertise.  Keep it to yourself.  The ladies are not into that shit.

So Horseface.  She just got out of a nine year relationship and she immediately goes to Fansly.  It’s in such poor taste.  She doesn’t give a fuck about that guy.  She’s on The Tony Show talking about how she wants to have sex with everyone, including her father.  It’s completely disrespectful.  But the only person who Horseface cares about is Horseface.

She doesn’t care about conning retards out of their money.  Doesn’t care about her boyfriend of nine years.  Doesn’t care about her family.  Doesn’t care about Newt Wallen.  It’s all about Horseface.

12 thoughts on “Crystal Quin Starts a Fansly

  1. You know out of all of this the thing that irks me the most is the passive aggressive way she wrote that. “I finally gave in” gave in to what? No one was clamoring for you to do this. “I can have some fun with this (if I want. I'm ENTITLED)” “Therapy is expensive” excuse, pity begging, poor me routine.Then she says 'fun' a million times. It's just fun so it doesn't count that I'm whoring myself out. Wrong, you're still a camwhore.It makes me so angry after all of that utter SHIT she wrote on here last time. You're just a whore, plain and simple. You don't have self esteem issues, whore. You think your pictures are worth paying for. That's not a self esteem issue, that's narcissism.

  2. She did contradict herself pretty bad yeah. But hey, “who cares” really amirite. It's only integrity and humility.I've seen her on youtube so many times at this point telling idiot fans that she would never do onlyfans. Well, this is the same exact thing with a different name. So that didn't take long.Predictably she's full of shit and can't even stick with a stance. What a clownshow.

  3. She's too much of an evangelical nutjob probably, but hey might as well complete the set!Honestly really funny to me how the other women even spend time around her knowing how wildly opposite their views on a lot of female centric issues are to her. There's no way they don't know. She makes it quite public on Twitter.

  4. She was in a recent Horseface stream, along with Johanna and Jessica. That stream is WHOLLY unwatchable. I know that I say this a lot but this is a whole other level. After about a minute, I started skimming and it's just these losers eating for 45 minutes. Who the fuck wants to see that?And Horseface makes a lot of vile comments about wanting to have sex with Johanna who looks ENORMOUS.

  5. They have no impulse control. It's not seen as a virtue anymore. Instead we have to accept 'me for me' and all that other self-indulgent crap that lets them take no responsibility for anything.

  6. Yeah she does it a lot. It's really noticeable and kinda like what you see middle age women doing with filters on to pretend they don't look old lol.

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