Finding Saban Moon: The Western World of Sailor Moon (Part 2) | Tales of the Lost – Bobdunga – Ray Mona

Are you fucking kidding?  Two hours of this shit?  And part one was an hour and a half?  How far did I even get into the first one?  Let me check.

Fifteen minutes.  I had to turn it off when she kept talking about how important Sailor Moon was to LGBTQA whatever.  

0:00 – “Way, way back in time, an influential French guy once said…”

I’m done.  I’m done at the four second mark.  I couldn’t make it past the first sentence.

This is fucking idiotic.  She had a picture of some statue that may or may not have even been the guy in question.  And is she doing this for comedy or to be pretentious?  I can’t figure it out.

Let’s try to move on.

She’s talking about how hard she works to find “lost media”.  Oh fuck.  This is brutal.  Just get a job, Bobdunga.  Or Ray Mona.

This is so fucking pretentious.  She’s talking about this stupid Sailor Moon…whatever it is…like it’s some great treasure and she’s Indiana Jones, tirelessly scouring the internet for clues.  Talking to people who worked on…whatever this is.  


1:15 – She’s talking about how she managed to talk to “the mysterious man in red”.  This is what I’m talking about.  You’re not some fucking ace private detective looking to solve a murder from 20 years ago.  You’re an unemployed 30 year old woman who lives with your mother and harassing elderly people who worked on some shitty cartoon or video game or something many years ago.  NOBODY CARES!

2:45 – “This is the thrilling conclusion of the Western World of Sailor Moon.”

Uh huh.  I’m thrilled alright.  

So what this is, from what I’ve gathered from this exhausting three minute prologue, is a live-action television show for Sailor Moon that was made 20 years ago.  Only one episode was made.  The pilot.  It wasn’t picked up for whatever reason.  

Who cares?  Not me.  But if you found somebody who can explain what happened in the pilot, as she claims to have done, just show the interview.  Or tells us what they said.  

We don’t need to hear about the entire research process.  You don’t have to present this like it’s the JFK movie.  We don’t care about your mysterious sources.  Just present the fucking information.  What happened in the pilot?  Why wasn’t it picked up?  Is there any footage that still exists?  Done.  Thirty minutes.  We don’t need two hours of this shit.

Then there’s like a two minute intro and it just keeps going.  It’s music and footage of some Sailor Moon cartoon and pictures of Bobdunga looking pensive.  IT’S AWFUL!

No.  I can’t do this.  I’ve listened to the first few sentences of “Chapter 1”.  There are 13 chapters in this video, by the way.  And it’s just fucking unwatchable.  She’s so up her own ass.  This is not an episode of the X-Files.  You’re not Special Agent Scully.  There’s no government conspiracy to cover up the existence of this stupid fucking Sailor Moon pilot.  Fuck off.  Why does she do this?  Why are people watching this?  It’s wholly unwatchable.

Let’s check out the comments.  I did my best.  Five minutes.  I defy anybody to watch this.

Oh, she has a new email address for members of the press.  Umm…I think that I’m the only member of the press who’s covering Bobdunga.  But she registered the “” domain.  Why she did this, I have no idea.  There’s nothing on the site.  She just registered it so that she could have a email address.  You know…to look professional.  For these fucking unwatchable Youtube videos.

– “All this time and the government was just sitting on it? What’s the point of a library if people have to jump through such extraordinary hoops just to access its catalogue? It really frustrates me how much lost media isn’t actually lost, but purposely withheld”

Oh.  So I guess that there was a government conspiracy to cover up the existence of this Sailor Moon pilot.  Or at least that’s how Ray Mona presented this.  It is fucking ridiculous.

According to the comments, a copy of this thing was in the Library of Congress.  Super.  That’s all we needed to know.  We don’t need two hours of cloak and dagger bullshit.

– “You deserve a Peabody Award for this.”

Yeah.  She’s a real Chet Huntley.

When I was a kid, I went to a school assembly.  I may have told this story before.  But a local news reporter was giving some kind of presentation.  We were in like the fourth grade or something and this was some old guy.  Probably middle aged because he’s still alive but he’s in his 70s or 80s now.  And he was like the organised crime reporter.  

So he comes in and he lists a number of names.  And he says, “Do you know who any of these people are?”  No.  We didn’t know.  And he said, “These were once household names in this city.  Everybody knew who they were.  These were the biggest news reporters in the city.”

We didn’t even know who this guy was.  The principal must have been friends with him or something.

But the point was that news reporters don’t have any longevity.  Nobody is talking about old news reporters.  Nobody remembers them.  Nobody gives a shit.  

I remember this guy’s name but only because he gave this talk.  I don’t remember him from his news broadcasts.  We didn’t watch that channel’s news in my home.  

I don’t know how I got on to this.  Oh, the Peabody Awards.  Yeah, nobody cares about journalists.  And Ray Mona is not a fucking journalist.  She’s a mentally ill woman who made this absolutely insane three and a half hour video about a Sailor Moon pilot.  All she had to do was say, “It was in the Library of Congress.  Here’s some footage.”  Done.  Ten minutes.  We don’t need the conspiracy bullshit.

4 thoughts on “Finding Saban Moon: The Western World of Sailor Moon (Part 2) | Tales of the Lost – Bobdunga – Ray Mona

  1. So she has this stupid mannish name Ray Mona, and for an alternate name decides to call herself another stupid mannish name, Bob Dunga? How many brain cells are left in this person's head? That is quite possibly the worst Youtuber name ever. Even if her commentary was good I wouldn't watch it solely because of that. Bob Dunga, it sounds like a transvestite kangaroo.

  2. She's told this story before but for those unaware of the Bobdunga lore, it goes back to her childhood. She would play online games and didn't like when people found out that she was a girl because the nerds would say creepy shit or tell her to get out or whatever so she intentionally chose a masculine name. Bobdunga. Ray Mona is an extension of that.

  3. It makes sense to me. Guys can be annoying when they find out that somebody in a game is female. And then you get those women who pick obviously feminine names and maybe go on voice chat and all just to draw attention to themselves. I remember playing Star Wars: Dark Forces II online and I chose the Mara Jade character. I was just seeing what all of the characters look like. And some horny nerd asked if I was a girl. When I said no, he asked why I picked Mara Jade. It's ridiculous. Like you can only choose characters who look like you. I doubt that he looked like Boba Fett.So anyway, I can appreciate Bobdunga's reasons for choosing masculine names.

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