4 New Evercade Games You'll Need for the Collection – John Riggs


0:00 – “What arcade collection needs to be on the Evercade?”

You tell me, John.  I don’t even know what the Evercade is.  He’s talked about this before, he’s probably getting paid by them, but I don’t remember.  Is it a system?  All I remember is that they sell physical games and there are a bunch of games on each cartridge or whatever the physical media is.  Let me look this up.

It’s a handheld.  Maybe it was also a console?  I can’t figure this Wikipedia entry out.

I don’t understand the market for any of this.  You can play all of this shit for free on your computer using MAME.  Right?  Aren’t these just re-releases of old arcade games?  There are also MAME emulators for just about every console and handheld device from the Dreamcast era onwards.  But there’s not even a need for that hassle.  Just download MAME on your computer, get the roms from whatever torrent site you want to use and go nuts.  Why would I pay a hundred bucks for this console and/or handheld plus $20 for a handful of old arcade games when I have a computer, MAME, and the roms?  If you want to use a controller, stick a fucking controller in your computer.  Problem solved.

Isn’t this shit just being emulated on this console/handheld anyway?  Not that it matters.  Emulation is 100% perfect.  I don’t care what the nerds talk about with “lag” and whatnot.  It’s perfect.  Especially for these ancient games and modern computer.  The nerds who make MAME have fixed all of the bugs by now.  Every game is 100% perfect.  Or, in the unlikely event that some games aren’t perfect, there’s no way that a flawed game would run perfect on this Evercade thing.

Anyway, John Riggs talks about this console/handheld A LOT.  So let’s hear him out.  He’s getting paid by the Evercade corporation, after all.  Let’s hear the advertisement.

0:30 – “So full of stuff, actually, the case won’t even close.”

He’s showing a faulty case and presenting this as a feature.

Well, I made it to 2:30.  This is boring.  He’s just giving five second “reviews” of each game.

Let’s check out the comments.

– “glad you cut that mullet thing”

Yeah, he shaved his head or cut his hair short with clippers.  It’s hard to tell because he always wears a hat.  Like we’re fucking fooled by this.  You’re bald, John.  Nobody cares.

– “Roms on cartridges. It’s silly that YouTube people are still promoting this. $20 for a bunch of Intellivision and other 2nd generation roms? FOH.”

I’m in full agreement with Gaylord Focker over here.

– “Yeah I really love my Evercade VS. My 9 year old daughter actually really enjoys it as well. Games are cheap too. For 20 bucks a cart it’s really hard to go wrong. Highly recommended”

Oh, I know how to beat that.  How about $0?  You get every game ever released, and even unreleased game, all for the low, low price of $0.  

I haven’t used an emulator in any serious way in at least 15 years.  So my information may be out of date.  I remember Playstation emulators being a giant hassle.  You needed to find the bios and…I don’t know…there were just a bunch of configurations that you had to do.  Some games required different configurations.  Fuck this.  I can see somebody not wanting to bother with that shit.

But MAME?  No.  Download MAME, install MAME, download the roms, put all of the roms in the “rom” folder, start MAME, and all of your games appear like magic.  Just click the game you want to play and you’re off to the races.  No hassle.

Oh, John Riggs plugs his store in the comments.


Forty dollars for that cereal “book” that uses copyrighted pictures of cereal boxes.  And “book” is being charitable.  It’s pamphlet-sized.  And it’s just a picture book.  Of stolen images of cereal boxes.  It’s like twenty pages.  FORTY DOLLARS.

He’s also selling his bad homebrew games for between $40 and $60.  Where is he getting these prices?  Games don’t cost this much any more.  He’s using retro prices.  These are the prices of video games back in the early 1990s.  

A new game today is what?  $40 at the most.  Wait.  Maybe I’m wrong.  Monster Hunter Rise is $60 on Steam.  But can we really put Monster Hunter Rise in the same category as Yeah Yeah Beebiss II?  I know that John Riggs had to pay for the cartridge and packaging and whatever but that’s on him.  He could have released this shit digitally.  And would you pay $60 for this?  Fuck no.

– “The briefest of videos ever! 4 carts 8 mins.. but are they any good?! You won’t know by watching this..”

Yeah.  It’s fucking shit.  Not that I was interested anyway, but for anyone who might have been interested, this is a useless video.

Just generally, thinking about the interests that John Riggs has, this is some real man baby behaviour.  He likes video games.  He likes professional wrestling.  What is he doing with his life?  

I liked that shit when I was a kid.  I stopped watching wrestling by the age of 17.  I stopped being into video games when I was 22.

Well, it’s tough to say.  I still play video games.  I just give 22 as the age because that’s the last time that I bought a console.  But I still play video games as much as I ever have.  

But I don’t do it the way everybody on the internet seems to do it, where they play all the latest games, and they’re always switching it up.  I find a a handful of games that I like and I play them for years.  This is real retro gaming.  This is how things were done in “the 90s”.  You only had a few games and you were stuck with them for years.  


“Fuck treadmills. We finally purchased an expensive one and it’s locked down until we pay for an additional membership (Which wasn’t listed anywhere that we’d have to pay an additional monthly fee) – I know there’s a bi-pass but the ‘free’ should be default, then opt for the sub.”

Is this real?  First of all, I’m shocked that John Riggs got a treadmill.  But you have to pay a monthly subscription for the treadmill to operate?  That can’t be right.

He says it’s the Nordictrack T 6.5.  It’s $1,000.  He must be selling a lot of $40 picture book/pamphlets.  

It seems that the thing works without a subscription but if you want “the full library of workouts” you need to pay for the subscription.  Yeah, that’s idiotic.  As idiotic as a 450 pound man buying a treadmill and thinking that that’s the answer to his weight problems.  You need to eat less, John.  WAY less.


Have you ever wanted a controller with a drawing of John Riggs on it?  Now’s your chance.  

NOBODY is going to buy this.  What the fuck is this?  


“Just found out where I’ll be staying for Liretroin Long Island it just down the road from a Friendlyswhich we don’t have in the Northwest. Their ice cream has always looked legit.”

This is what I was talking about earlier.  He eats too much.  He’s CONSTANTLY eating.  That’s why he’s fucking 450 pounds.  

Fat people just seem to have a different relationship with food.  Personally, I don’t give a fuck about food.  I’ll eat it.  It’s a necessity.  But I don’t particularly enjoy it.  

Fat people really seem to enjoy food.  They’ll talk about their favourite restaurants and what you should order and shit like this.  It’s just food.  You eat it for a few minutes and then you go about your day.  Who gives a shit?  

5 thoughts on “4 New Evercade Games You'll Need for the Collection – John Riggs

  1. Women do that too, about food. It's always listed as one of their top-tier “interests” among “travel” and “drinking” (and sex, though they won't readily admit it). They're hedonist letzter mensch with no higher cognitive function. That's why they love stuffing their fat empty heads so much.

  2. You really dislike women. Yeah, women might be less funny than men, more hedonistic than men, less intelligent than men, whatever. But who really cares? They're different. I'm alright with that. I'm not interested in hanging out with men. Most men are boring as fuck. Sports, video games, Star Trek. No thanks. And who needs the aggression? I'll take the ladies and their recipe discussion any day.. Plus, there's the obvious heterosexual preference for women.And I'm not even sure if women are less intellectual than men. When I think of the most intelligent people I've ever known, they're all guys, of course. But also, when I think of the dumbest people I've ever known, they're all guys. Maybe on balance, the average woman is as intelligent as the average man. But who even cares anyway? It's not a contest.

  3. The curve for IQ actually has men being more intelligent on average than woman, and also less intelligent. Women are rarely geniuses but they're also rarely fucking idiots. Men are all over the spectrum.

  4. John Riggs acts like a woman but he's also a fucking idiot. How does he fit into your theory, anon?

  5. John Riggs is a bad father and allowed his non-retarded children to succumb to the tranny social contagion. Himself and his whole family are walking embodiments of future regret and failure.

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