THOR Love and Thunder Review – Newt Wallen 

I’ve already watched this.  I think that there’s a cringey Horseface reference in here.  I’m just keeping an ear open for it.

So while this is playing, I’ll just talk about how hilarious it is that Newt calls himself “The Ideas Man”.  This guy has NO ideas.  Not one.  He’s the least creative person I’ve ever seen.  Every single idea is stolen.  Everything is plagiarised.  

Oh, here it is:

6:30 – “I feel like heavy is the head that wears the crown.  The realisation that Thor can’t be a boy any more.  He has to become a man and he has to be a leader of his people.  That should have been stronger.  And the idea that he finds out that — because Jane has the power of Thor now.  And all of the stuff about their breakup and all of that.  It makes perfect sense of two people drifting apart because they are not communicating with each other.  I’m a perfect fucking example of that.  I lost the love of my life, my best friend because I was too scared to talk about what was going on fucking in here and in my heart.”

Hoo boy.  Were they even having sex?  My understanding is that Newt was paying Horseface to hang out with him.  He was also paying for sex but that was perhaps years earlier.  

Whatever the case, even if it was a legitimate romantic relationship (which it wasn’t) GET THE FUCK OVER IT.  This was NINE MONTHS ago.  Newt can’t get over something that happened NINE MONTHS ago.  

And it’s fucking Crystal Quin.  Forget the fact that she has the face of a horse.  That’s trivial.  And if she was a nice person, I wouldn’t mention it.  But she’s one of the most contemptable people I’ve ever known.  

Newt can’t get over this.  Oh my muse!  How will I go on?  

You’ve figured it out, Newt.  You figured it out straight away.  Get your wallet out and pay some other sluts to hang out with you.  This is what Newt does.  It’s the only way that he knows how to relate to women.  Find the nearest slut and give them some money.  So this is what he does with PVC Bondage Girl, Mel, and that prostitute who he’s making some “movie” with.  

It’s pathetic.  He talks in this video about how depressed he is.  He mentions this in just about every video.  It’s not hard to see why.  He’s a complete fuck up.  

And if it was just a matter of circumstances, somebody can’t get a job or whatever, I would be totally sympathetic.  But Newt’s failures are entirely of his own making.  He insists on making the wrong decision at every single turn.  

He’s working at Screenwave.  He’s tasked with writing some movie reviews.  And he says, “I’ll just plagiarise these wholesale.”

Then he refuses to admit that he did anything wrong.  He defends this plagiarism as being an efficient worker.

So he gets a job at a cinema.  He sexually harasses the women working there.  Then he quits after like four months to pursue his idiotic dream of making movies.  You guys all want to see Shark Vampire, right?  

He has absolutely no talent for writing.  He has no ideas.  Everything is stolen.  And this is what he pursues.  He’s going to waste all of his time and money on this obviously doomed dream.

Loads of people have told him that his ideas are stupid.  Screenwave Media told him that his ideas were stupid.  When he went to some Hollywood movie pitch thing, the bigwigs there all told him that his ideas were stupid.  Horseface told him that his ideas were stupid.  I’ve told him that his ideas are stupid.  The only people not telling him that his ideas are stupid are the sluts who he’s paying to be in these shit projects and the creepy ladyboys on his Twitter.

For my part, I take absolutely no joy in telling Newt that his ideas are fucking terrible.  I wish that they were good.  I wish that there was SOMETHING positive that I could say about them.  But his ideas are wholly without merit.  Shark Vampire.  Amityville Arcade.  Puppet Plan 9 from Outer Space.  There is nothing positive that I can say about any of these idiotic, stolen, plagiarised ideas.

And forget about the ideas, he simply can’t write.  Not if his Twitter is anything to go by.  And that’s all that we have.  Where else can we see Newt’s writing?  Can we see these 100 scripts that he claims to have written?  And he shits these scripts out in two days and he mentions that as a POSITIVE thing.  

He’s completely delusional.  

Let’s see what the ladyboys have to say.

– “wait youre longer working at the theater?”

Newt replies, “No I left in june. Lot of production and writing gigs were coming up. And pay better”

Nobody can possibly be paying Newt anything for his writing.  Show me the proof.  I want to see bank statements showing money going into Newt’s account for things that he’s written.

“Gotta give it up to @RobZombiefor bringing left right and center together in #America in agreement that #TheMunstersMovie trailer is fucking awful.”

He tags Rob Zombie into this like Rob Zombie is a) going to read this; and b) gives a shit.

And why did he hashtag “America”?  He’s a fucking moron.  Just put a hashtag in front of every single word.

Let’s see what Horseface is up to.

Here she is at a nerd convention with some loser and she’s wearing half a top.  Oh.  How unusual.

And that loser’s wife replies.  Not a looker.  And a giant nerd.  And her banner talks about how she’s proud to be mentally ill.  

It’s pathetic.  Why are there never any hot, young, muscular dudes taking pictures with Horseface at these nerd conventions?  It’s always the same type: great big fat guys in their late 30s at least.  This guy at least managed to get married, albeit to a very unfortunate woman.

We can all see what this is.  Doesn’t Horseface feel bad to shake these massive losers down for money?  That’s what all of this is about.  That’s what the nerd conventions are about, that’s what these Youtube videos are about.  It’s all about conning mentally challenged men who can’t get a date out of money.  It’s disgusting.

Here Horseface is re-tweeting a picture that says, ” life is too short to pretend you don’t like cookies and kinky shit.”

Horseface…we don’t fucking care.  But again, she’s trying to excite the horntards into giving her money.  “I like it in the butt!  Watch my videos!”

She just posted a picture of herself in a car.  We’re supposed to be jerking off to this.

Well, it worked on Kris Glavin.  I mentioned this guy before.  It’s some giant nerd.  Here’s his Twitter.  See for yourself.

So he says, “”Happy Friday gorgeous hope you have a great weekend babe” and then three kissing emojis.

Then he immediately replies again, “So adorable and cute and sexy hunny”.

This guy is to Horseface what Shishi is to Erin.

Here’s another picture of Horseface in a car that was taken a week earlier.  Hey, Horseface, you want to get out of the car once in a while for these “sexy” pictures?

And of course Kris Glavin replies.  Again, twice.  He’s just so horny he can’t contain himself and feels the need to post again.

– “Happy Friday gorgeous hope you have a great night and weekend babe” and then three kissing emojis.  Wait…is this the same message?  No.  Well, he wrote the same exact thing but it’s to a different post.  So he wrote the same fucking thing twice.

– “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”.

These are some more trademarks of Kris’.  He says “smokeshow” and “young lady” a lot.  Creepy.

Oh, we got a third response from this lunatic.  “Super model vibes baby happy Saturday babe”

So is it Friday or Saturday?  He wrote all of these on the same day.  It was 9 July…that was a Saturday.  Maybe he just copied and pasted his kissing emoji message and forgot to change the day.

And here’s Horseface talking about how much she likes the “Pretty Poison” episode of the 1990s Batman cartoon.  She “always” “forgets” how much she likes that episode.  How can you always forget such a thing?  How often does the subject arise?

But yeah, it’s just Horseface trying to convince the horntards that she’s a nerd just like them, so she’s attainable.  And also that she’s a hot chick like Poison Ivy.  Now give her money.

Spending too much time with Newt has warped her idea of how socialisation is supposed to work.  People aren’t supposed to pay you for being a slut.  You’re supposed to treat people with respect and dignity and in return, people will want to spend time with you.  No money is exchanged in any of this.  Nobody is taken advantage of.  

And fucking look at her.  These Quasimodo-looking horntards are the only possible audience who would be taken in by this shit.  The reasonably attractive retards are all giving their money to Belle Delphine or whoever.  

Anyway, it’s all disgusting.

7 thoughts on “THOR Love and Thunder Review – Newt Wallen

  1. I've never seen someone form a personality entirely around being depressed and wanting women to make him feel better and anyone man or woman to patronize his lame projects, more than Newt. It really has gone on long enough that I'm positive he's been like this for decades. It probably started in high school (where he was a fucking loser also of course) and never stopped. Hang it up Newt. Change your tune for once. Everyone except the creepiest most fucked people out there are beyond tired of this routine you make oh so public. It would be one thing if you did this, but kept it to your personal circles and private life. What would we know then? But you fucking film evidence of it continuing. You post comments and tweets proving you act like this. You do this on purpose of course because you want attention, but the kind of attention you deserve is attention like this. Not how your simps behave and other such embarrassing displays. You deserve a constant stream of cold hard truth.

  2. Also you may have missed this one which Horseface and Johanna basically imply lesbian attraction (as usual) and it's purely to rile up horntards over the public spectacle of it.Imagine being this close at all times to fucking all your female coworkers, yet one of them is married (to a closet gay/bi man), and one of them is autistic and has a pimp, and the other is a deranged narcissist. All the while you “star” on a show or are promoted by a man who took a mini lap of “woe is me” ala Newt after his breakup this year while he chuckled thinking anyone believes he's not dying inside. I gotta say, the fact any of you are in relationships, or having sex, or doing anything with another person physically is cursed as fuck.

  3. Ha. Yeah. Somehow I missed that one. I never considered the ramifications of Horseface doing this weird sexual stuff with her co-workers. Yeah, it's totally inappropriate. Does she even work there, though? I think the official story is that she doesn't but she's regularly on Hack the Movies so it's sort of splitting hairs. This sort of behaviour would not be allowed at any even remotely respectable company. But this is Screenwave Media.

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