Crystal Quin Talking About "Hot" Chicks Again

Horseface loves Mint Salad.  And then a picture of the very unfortunate Mint Salad in a bikini.  Her fat pimp/boyfriend took the picture, presumably.

The picture is not flattering.  This is not a woman who should be doing porn.  She’s also autistic and being manipulated by this creepy pimp/boyfriend of hers.

Why is this being promoted?  Why isn’t Horseface saying, “Hey, maybe you should get away from these abusive freaks who you’re associating with and get your life together”?  

No, it’s just a woman getting her tits out and even if it’s coerced, Horseface is into that.  This is Horseface’s idea of feminism.  

So we look at the comments.  A guy named Kris Glavin is responsible for fully half of them.  He often just replies to himself, effectively.

– “Happy 4th of July weekend babe I hope you have a great fun safe weekend with your family and friends babe (three kissing emojis)

– “Her YouTube channel is awesome I’ve truly enjoyed both you and her on hack the movies keep up the incredible work beautiful”

– “Love you both”

– “She is awesome”

Then somebody replies to him, “Creeper simp vibes 100%”

Kris comes back with, “Both badass beautiful young ladies”

The previous guy replies, “Your stalker vibes creepy af”

Kris responds, “Can you just leave me alone I’m just a fan of her thanks”

So you go to Kris’ Twitter.  It’s here:

His three most recent tweets are just re-tweets of Mint Salad’s where she promotes her Fansly.

Then last Christmas, he re-tweeted a suicide prevention tweet.

And last November, he posted a picture of him on his 36th birthday.  

He’s no Brad Pitt but if he got his life together, he could find a girlfriend.  There are plenty of fat chicks out there.  Plenty of single mothers.  What’s the problem?  Find a nice woman and have a life together.

No.  This creep show wants to have a weird fantasy relationship with Mint Salad, who’s sort of being trafficked, if not actually being trafficked.  I don’t know if he’s mentally challenged or not.  He seems to be able to write but it’s almost always about horror films or he’s creeping on some woman who does horror shit.  He has the entire female contingency of Hack the Movies covered.  Maybe he has autism or something.

There’s Horseface at a nerd convention, wearing half a top, and containing her revulsion at having to touch some nerd there.

Oh, and Kris replies in that thread twice.  

– “God she is truly stunningly beautiful”

– “Lucky sob”

He thinks that somebody who just bumps knuckles with Horseface is lucky.  It’s pathetic in the extreme.

Here’s a tweet where she just says “hi”.  There are 42 replies.  There was nothing going on in that equine head of hers, so all she could manage was “hi”.  And the horntards reply.  Not Kris, though.  He saw that tweet and said, “I’m sorry, you’re smoking hot, but even I have some standards when it comes to low-effort tweets.”

Horseface re-tweets a message saying, “Women are allowed to have sex for pleasure.”  This is apparently an issue in rural Pennsylvania.  Or Horseface just wanted to announce how hot she is, how everybody wants to have sex with her, and that she’s totally receptive.

She re-tweets some stuff from horntards who are happy to see her back on Hack the Movies.  Just vain self-adulation.

“Just your average girl drinking chocolate milk on her couch with her cat watching Masters of Horror”

And there’s a picture of her tv.  Nothing of her or her cat or her milk.  But Horseface wants the horntards to know how lonely and available she is?  I guess?  I’m getting mixed messages.  Is she having a lot of sex or is she spending her evenings alone with her cat?

Here’s Horseface in half a top with Johanna and…somebody.  I could swear that I’ve seen this third woman before.  But does Horseface even own an entire shirt?  Nobody wants to fucking see this.

Well, that’s not true.  There’s always Newt Wallen.  Horseface is Newt’s muse.  He’ll never let it go.  Newt is the ultimate horntard.  So let’s see what The Ideas Man is up to.

“9 months with my Therapist. We discussed progress and goals since Oct. Breaking of mental blocks and working through depression. Told me she read 6 scripts I’ve written since May. Told Me she has no interest in horror but likes my schlocky Style and was very proud. It made my day”

She read six scripts?  How much is he paying that woman?  “Here are my tits and gore scripts.  Do you like them?  Please say that you like them.  It makes me feel good inside when people say that I’m a good writer.  Newt is such a good boy, isn’t he?”

Then the horntards, who I assume are gay (many of them are ladyboys, after all), all talk about how amazing Newt is.

Based on what?  Did they read the scripts?  What has ever released that demonstrated that he’s a good writer?

Well, there’s Florida Man Saves Christmas.  We’re still waiting for that one.  It’s coming soon, according to Newt.  It’s like three months delayed.

He teases us with some panels. Let’s see if I can squint and read this.

Oh, this is bad.  I couldn’t even follow it.  I didn’t know what anything meant.  This is dogshit.  

And there’s a picture of a topless woman with huge tits on a motorcycle.  

He sold six copies of this tits and gore trash to his mother.  What must she have thought of this?  Why would Newt think that it’s appropriate to give this to his mother?  

And he re-tweeted that comment from a girl, who was obviously school-aged, who talked about how much she liked the comic.  Shouldn’t this be an 18+ comic?  

He undoubtedly gave at least one copy to his therapist.  What must the therapist have thought of this trash?  The writing is incomprehensible garbage and it’s just tits.  I presume that there’s gore as well but we’ll have to wait until the comic is finally available to the general public.

And then that therapist read six scripts.  How long must that have taken?  Newt said that the scripts are 150 pages.  She’s just doing that in her spare time or is she charging Newt for this?  

Newt never refers to this woman as a psychologist or psychiatrist or any kind of medical professional.  It’s always just “therapist”.  I suspect that this is just some charlatan who advertises her services on Craigslist or whatever.  Anybody can say that they’re a “therapist”.  I would be shocked if this woman has any credentials whatsoever.  

No medical professional would look at these tits and gore scripts and the tits and gore comic and say, “Stay the course, Newt.  You’re doing great.  You should definitely quit your job to pursue this dream full-time.”  It’s insane.  There is no prospect of Newt ever making a dime off of any of this.  It’s garbage.  Children write better stuff than anything Newt has produced.  And everything is fucking plagiarised.

Newt, apparently, quit a PAYING JOB so that he can focus on his terrible, plagiarised projects full-time.  Where is the money coming from?  Newt said before that working at the theatre funded his god awful projects.  So now what is he doing?  He doesn’t have any money.  He was excited to get $7,000 from Screenwave to make Shark Vampire.  

He’s intentionally ruining his life.  What else can it be?  This is self-destructive behaviour.  

And where are PVC Bondage Girl and Mel?  What was the cinema that they worked at?  Well, I don’t want to do too much investigation.  Be some creepy stalker like Kris.  But as soon as Newt quit the job, these “friends” of his disappeared.  

That’s how it is with work “friends”.  The second you’re out the door, they want nothing to do with you.  And usually you want nothing to do with them.  These people were never your friends to begin with.  You just worked with them.  They were co-workers.    

I’d sometimes see former co-workers on the street.  I was doing my thing, they were still working there, and I’d ask them how things are going.  Just normal conversation about work.  I wasn’t coming on to them or anything.  And they just got really awkward.  Didn’t want to talk.  Sometimes I’d see them on the street and they’d avoid eye contact.  These are people who I used to drink with after work.  I’d talk to them every day.  But once you leave, that’s it..  They can’t even exchange simple pleasantries.

It happened with Newt and the Screenwave folk.  And those people knew Newt for fucking decades.  Even before he was working there, which adds a weird layer to this.  But once he’s out, fuck him.  They want nothing to do with him.  

Same with Newt and PVC Bondage Girl and Mel.  PVC Bondage Girl told stories about the last time that Newt was working there.  These are the only stories that PVC Bondage Girl had because as soon as Newt left the job the first time, that was it.  They weren’t hanging out any more or even texting or anything.  Then when he comes back, it all goes back to how things were.  He’s hanging out with them after work, saying creepy shit to them, the whole deal.  They’re all “friends” again.  Work friends.  Then when he quits, it goes back to nothing.

It’s the same with neighbours.  You might be friendly with them, maybe even do stuff, have conversations, whatever.  But as soon as somebody moves, you’re not talking to them any more. 

I wonder why school friendships are different.  These tend to be the longest lasting.  It can’t be duration.  You go to high school for four years and you might work at a job for four years but with school you can form lifelong friendships whereas with work, the relationship ends as soon as your employment ends.  

Anyway, just some sociological observations.  This is why you shouldn’t place any importance on work friends.  

5 thoughts on “Crystal Quin Talking About "Hot" Chicks Again

  1. Yeah Kris is a prime example of the kind of neanderthals that fall for the trap these chicks lay down all the time. His one tweet about it being his 36th bday is particularly rough because if that's him at 36, and I'm 35 myself, then I'm basically a Greek god by comparison to whatever I see in that picture. Good god you aged like dollar store wine. So it makes sense why people like him do this shit. It's almost always a situation like this. Imagine him confronting one of them at a convention? Damn. I doubt he has much money, but it's possible he's one of the extremely few to pay for that $75 tier on fansly also.Anyway, going to add this insane retweet to the mix also:

  2. I gotta wonder if Newt thinks he is the character in that comic, and the topless woman is his “muse” obviously. It could just be a coincidence, but the hair colors match and he is insane enough to keep doing stuff like this out of spite.Also there's no way his therapist read 6 scripts. If this person even exists they didn't even read one of them. You're implying she read possibly 900 pages of scripts? The fuck? You gotta stop doing this self-aggrandizing shit Newt. You're obsessed with inflating your self importance and image. I get that it's a byproduct of your massive failure and downfall, which you of course are in denial about, but you're again going in the wrong direction. You need a stable job and to disconnect from your past and create a new path. All of this shit. The D-list films, the pining over your ex, the resentment of people who had fairly good justification to fire your ass; all of this needs to be gotten over by now or matured from. But you never do!

  3. In that creepy video where he talked to that black woman who is also his muse, he said that she's in the comic as a stripper. So I'm sure that Horseface is in there too.

  4. Maybe in the comic she's an actual horse, sort of like a Mrs. Ed situation. And she wears half a saddle.

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