Erin Plays and Mike Matei check out Pac-Man Museum + on Switch! (part 6 of 6)

Previous parts here:

We’re in the home stretch here.  Forty minutes to go.  I can do this.

2:00:45 – Pac-Man Championship Edition.

Erin: Yeah, Championship Edition is good.

Mike: Mmm.  This does not have Championship Edition 2, I believe.

Erin: I think that’s the one I used to play a lot.

Uh huh.  I’ll bet.  Well, the first one can’t be that different from the second one.  Let’s see Erin really kick some ass on this game.  She played the sequel “a lot”, after all.  She should be really good, right?

She’s not sure if it was on the PS2 or the PS3.  She played it “a lot.”  And she’s suggesting that this was in her spare time.

When was Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 released?  

2016.  Uh huh.  I’ll bet.  She never mentioned playing this once.  And it was for the PS4.  The PS2 was long, long done by 2016.  

She’s a big Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 fan, guys.  

2:03:00 – The horntards are just naming Pac-Man games that aren’t in this compilation.  By the way, nothing with Ms Pac-Man is in the game because there are rights disputes over the character.  I looked this up.  Neither Mike nor Erin chose to share this information.  Presumably, they don’t know about it.

But then Erin says, “Is there a Vectrex Pac-Man game?

No.  Fucking of course not.  

What the fuck is this?  Erin is all about the Vectrex.  It’s her favourite system.  She has all of the games.  She doesn’t fucking know this?  

I’ve never played the Vectrex, I don’t give a shit about it, and I know for a fact that there was no fucking Pac-Man on it.  But somehow this information has escaped Erin.

So Mike tries to save this by saying that there might be a homebrew but not one that he knows of.  Erin says, “Yeah, I’ve never played one either.  Not that I know of.”

That’s because you don’t play Vectrex homebrews.  You don’t play the officially released games.  This is all a pack of lies, as per usual with Erin.

2:04:45 – Erin says that she doesn’t remember what to do in Pac-Man Championship Edition.  She “always” “forgets” what to do in Pac-Man Championship Edition, I guess.  Even though she just said that she never fucking played the game before.  But she played the sequel “a lot”.  On her PS2 or PS3.  Even though the game didn’t come out on either system.

2:05:30 – “Yes, I played Ms Pac-Man a lot.”

She’s responding to something in the chat.  Somebody must have prompted her with games that she claims to have played.  Erin always needs reminding on what games she’s played.  

2:06:30 – Mike’s game is over.  Now it’s Erin’s turn.  Come on.  Give her the controller.  She played the sequel “a lot”.  She wants to play this one.  Give her the controller.  I want to see some pro gameplay from Erin.

No.  He quit.  Why?  This was one of the few games that Erin claimed to be familiar with.  The only other one was the original Pac-Man and Erin didn’t play that either.  What the fuck is this?  Why didn’t Erin play this game?

2:07:00 – PacMania.  Erin says that she likes this one.  So hand the fucking controller to her, Mike.  What the fuck is wrong with you?  You don’t know how to play video games with another person?  Quit hogging the controller.

2:09:15 – Mike has been complaining that this game is too slow.  Erin says, “Does it get faster later on?  I don’t remember.”

Erin “always” “forgets” whether or not PacMania gets faster later on.

2:10:00 – There are Lego-like blocks here.  There’s discussion about the legality of this.  Erin says, “Did they pay Mattel?  Is Mattel Lego?  Who makes Lego anyway?”  Mike says, “I think Lego makes Lego.”  Erin says, “Yeah, well, whatever.  Never mind.”

Erin “always” “forgets” that Lego makes Lego.  She’s a big Lego fan, guys!

Does Mattel make Lego…what a fucking moron.  She mentioned the one toy company that she knows of because Mattel makes Barbie, of course.  

If you don’t know this shit, it’s fine.  We don’t fucking care.  But don’t make it up as you go along because you get exposed as a liar and a fraud.

2:11:00 – Somebody in the chat mentions ColorForms.  Erin has no idea what this is but just makes a series of generic comments to pretend that she does.  She does this constantly.  Just say that you don’t know what it is.  Nobody gives a shit.  Why the constant lies?

2:12:15 – Game over.  Now shut the fuck about Ms Pac-Man, Mike, and give the controller to Erin.  This is ridiculous.  You’re not being a good friend.  Don’t you know how sharing works?

No.  He quits again.  What the fuck is this?  This is ERIN Plays.  ERIN.  Not Mike Plays.  ERIN.

Now Erin is just looking at cute backgrounds and shit that you can put in this little virtual arcade.  This is fucking bullshit.  If she can do this, she can play the fucking games.

2:14:30 – Now Mike is going to play Pac-Man Battle Royale.  Why?  Give Erin the fucking controller.  This is bullshit.

Or why not play this two-player?  This game is meant to be played with at least two players.  No.  Just Mike is going to play.

 Then Mike says that the game is fun with more people.  It’s not so fun by yourself.  

What the fuck are you doing?  Plug another controller in and let Erin play.  What’s the problem?  

Mike plays it briefly, says to Erin, “Do you get the idea?”, Erin says, “Yeah”, and then he turns the game off.

Why did he not let Erin play?  Erin wants to play all of this shit.  She’s a big Pac-Man fan.  And we’re all here to see ERIN play video games.  Not Mike Matei.  ERIN.  

2:17:00 – So now Mike is playing some SNES Pac-Man game.  He says that he doesn’t like the game.  No problem.  Erin is right there anxiously waiting for her turn to play.  GIVE HER THE FUCKING CONTROLLER.

It’s Pac-In-Time.

2:18:00 – “I think his sprite is really cute in this game.”

She wants to play the game, Mike.  Are you not picking up on any of this?  Mike is like one of those asshole friends who would invite you over to play Nintendo and then refuse to let you play.

2:21:00 – Mike rage-quits and Erin doesn’t get to play this one either.

2:21:30 – Mike asks Erin which game she liked the best.  She doesn’t know.  She can’t give an answer.  She doesn’t give a shit about any of this.

“Of course I like Pac-Land.”

Oh, of course.  You played it once, like six years ago, for a Youtube video.  That means that you must like the game.  Of course.

Then Mike plays Pac and Pals again.  Fuck this.  What a fucking piece of shit.  He knows full well that Erin is a fraud.  He knows that she has no interest in any of this shit.  Why is he going along with the lies?  Why is he (poorly) trying to cover up for her?  What’s he getting out of this?  Butt sex with an average-looking 35 year old woman?  Who cares?  

There are a lot of women out there who bring different things to the table.  There are women with good jobs who could bring money into the relationship.  There are good looking women who are good for looking at.  There are women who are good at conversation.  There are women who are good with finances.  There are women who are good at domestic stuff (cooking and cleaning and whatnot).  There are women who are good at sex.  

I can’t comment on that last one, but Erin does not have any of these other qualities.  She’s a total fucking zero across the board.  Why is Mike so interested in this?  Why is he PAYING for this?  This is a sugardaddy situation.  

It’s completely baffling.  There are women who like video games.  Why doesn’t Mike a woman who enjoys videos games?  Then they can play games together.

There are women who like retro shit.  Why doesn’t Mike such a woman so that he can share his passion for retro shit?  

Erin is none of these things either.  Erin doesn’t like ANYTHING.  No hobbies.  No interests.  No personality.  She’s a moron.  She’s a compulsive liar.  She’s a narcissist.  She’s a fraud.  She’s unemployed.  What the fuck is the appeal?  

So that was my six part review of Erin and Mike (mostly Mike) playing Pac-Man Museum + for the Switch.  Let’s check out the comments.

– “love your videos, the best couples in gaming world”

Retard Planet for this guy.

– “This reminds me of the Totally Obsessed Pac-Man episode. The man is so obsessed with Pac-Man that he won’t even let his girlfriend play one level.”

Well, kind of but I was joking when I was saying that Mike was being greedy with the controller.  Erin clearly does not want to play the more arcade-like Pac-Man games because it will expose her as a total fraud.  This was Mike’s clumsy attempt to cover up for her.

– “I can’t stop playing 256”

Erin says, “it’s addicting!”

She’ll never play it again, unless it’s on stream, for money.  “Addicting”.

– “The NES version of Pacland is f**d up cos the controls are A and B for movement and D pad for jump. It’s like playing with the controller upsidedown.”

Erin replies, “That does seem awkward! Maybe they were trying to mimic the tg-16 controls.”

Somebody else says, “The arcade game is like that. It doesn’t have a joystick, just buttons.”

That second guy is right but the Turbo Grafx version lets you choose which configuration you want to use.  Mrs Pac-Land didn’t know this.  A rare gap in her Pac-Land knowledge.

5 thoughts on “Erin Plays and Mike Matei check out Pac-Man Museum + on Switch! (part 6 of 6)

  1. Is this the longest vid you've ever analyzed so far? I can't remember a longer one. You're right too. Mike is fucking obsessed with a couple things. Pac-Man is one of them. Atari and NES in general are another. Donald Duck comics are another. You know all this by now I'm sure. But it's wild seeing him be so obsessed he can't break through it to realize he could just play these things on his own stream and Erin being there basically has no purpose if they barely play together lol.

  2. Okay wait. I never watched it but knew that was uploaded this week.I guess I didn't realize it was the exact same shit, just all over again on his channel.So he played like…god, 8+ fucking hours of Pac-Man games this week between two streams basically? And they planned it together to pad it out like that.

  3. See that's also what I meant. There was really no purpose to the stream with Erin if they barely played together.That should have been the two player stream, and the one on Mike's channel was obviously just him going autistic about the game on his own for much longer. It makes even less sense why the Erin stream exists now lol. What the actual fuck with this pac-man obsession.

  4. “There are women who like video games.” “There are women who like retro shit.”Kinda disagree. Erin just happens to be particularly egregious about it. There's just varying levels of fraud, and I say this after two decades spent believing the lie that girls have real interests. They really don't, it's all surface level. They want to have the label of being a nerd without putting much effort into it.

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