Citizen Sleeper, The House in Fata Morgana, Bit Brigade and more May updates – Cannot be Tamed

First of all, let me point out that Pam’s last video was posted two weeks before this latest video.  “Who cares?” you might say.  Here’s why it’s important: her previous video was the one where she reviewed some Vampire: The Masquerade game.  And she’s wearing a low-cut top.  She was trying to recreate the magic (tits) from her previous Vampire: The Masquerade video, which is the highest rated video on her channel by far.  She dressed like a vampire prostitute in that one.

I talked about her review of Vampire: The Masquerade here:

And the sequel here:

That sequel review, where she was wearing a low-cut, red dress, didn’t do much better than her usual videos.  It’s at 23,000 views after two weeks.  That’s about average for her.  Her Truxton review, from a month ago, is at 28,000.  So 23,000 isn’t anything to get excited over.

I suspect that she was disappointed with the view numbers and that’s why she took a week off.  Because Pam always uploads every week.  But not this week.  

Those melons aren’t getting the job done any more.  Maybe people don’t want to see a 40 year old lesbian, dog-lover getting her tits out in video game reviews.  

0:30 – She says that she went on a trip with her friend and some of this friend’s friends and they played video games and did “drunken karaoke”.  They also went to a concert of some band called Bit Brigade.  Must be some “comedy” video game bullshit.

That all sounds horrendous.  I’m about the same age as Pam.  I wouldn’t even consider doing any of this.  I’m an adult.  I wouldn’t do that shit when I was 20.  It’s for giant fucking nerds.  

That’s not even the issue.  It’s not the stigma of it.  If it was fun but only nerds did it, that would be fine.  

But this doesn’t sound remotely fun.  Video games?  Drunken karaoke?  A comedy video game band?  Fuck no.  Not in a million years.  

This is what a 40 year old woman is doing with her time.  

3:00 – Now the shoot oot.  She acknowledges that she hasn’t given a shoot oot in a while.  So who gets the shoot out?  A man in a dress.  But she keeps referring to him using female pronouns.  Uh huh.  

Did you run out of real women to give shoot oots to?  

3:30 – Now she’s talking about games that she played this month.  Who gives a shit?  Let me look at the timestamps.  Maybe there’s an interesting game in here.

Well, let’s try Vampire: The Masquerade, the sequel.

5:45 – “Also, you probably saw I reviewed Vampire The Masquerade: Swansong.”

Wishful thinking, Pam.  People didn’t watch that shit.  

She doesn’t say anything interesting.  Of course.

Let’s try…X-Men Arcade.  I’ve played that.  In the arcade, as it would happen.

8:30 – She played this game at some nerd friend’s house.  This nerd friend has a lot of video game shit, including the arcade cabinet.  

Pam should really reconsider her social group.  This is fucking pathetic.  

People might be saying, “Hey!  I like video games!  Nothing wrong with video games!”

Yeah.  I like video games too.  But I’m an adult.  I have absolutely zero interest in taking part of that nerd culture in any respect other than playing the games, at home, by myself.  When I’m with somebody, say, the ladies, I am not fucking playing video games.  I don’t want to play video games socially.  There are a billion more interesting things to do with other people than play video games.  I’m not 12 years old.

Anyway, Pam played as Storm, of course.  Because she’s a girl!

9:45 – Now for the last game I’m familiar with in this list: Secret of Monkey Island.

She didn’t say anything of interest.  Huh.  Who could have guessed.

So that’s Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining’s boring as fuck recap of the month of May.  She’s totally wasting her life.

Let’s check out the comments.

Oh, pinned comment is from that ladyboy who she gave the shoot oot to.  His name is Tamara.  Interesting name for a man.

– “pam is back”

Pam replies, “I wasn’t gone.”

You were gone for a week, you needlessly aggressive bitch.   You were seething that nobody wanted to see your 40 year old titties.  Get over it.

– “It was a month of music and drinking for Pam. Hope she didn’t neglect her great cat.”

Bitch Pam replies, “My cat is dead, he doesn’t require much attention.”

The original poster comes back, “OMG Pam I’m so sorry. Shame on me for not watching all your videos. Forgive me for not doing my research. I’m sure he was a good friend”

She has no idea how to speak to people.  Then she wonders why she’s alone and getting licked out by her dog.  

I didn’t know that her cat died either.  How are we supposed to know?  Why the terrible reply?  We’re not all reading her dull as fuck Twitter or where ever she announced this.  

3 thoughts on “Citizen Sleeper, The House in Fata Morgana, Bit Brigade and more May updates – Cannot be Tamed

  1. i've been wondering about this as of lately: does Erin know about Crystal Quin? do they know of each other's existence, let alone met? the woman used to feature in newt's shorts, showcasing her class A acting skills. it might be a long shot, but it'd be cool if there were a collab video between the two. one is a brilliant actress, the other is a nostalgia specialist. think of how much entertainment value could be derived from their interaction.

  2. erin giving her account is hillarious. i've also noticed that the three of them have this habit of speaking fast, without even formulating their thoughts well, for fear that they would be interrupted mid-sentence. the chemistry is great.tony looking discreet as always.and all the references about newt and how often he popped by in the comments make this video sort of sad

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