BOBS BURGERS Review – Newt Wallen

He’s in a new location.  I don’t know where.

Oh.  The projection booth, I think.

0:15 – He holds up a painting of a clown that he found in this projection booth behind a wall.  

0:45 – He says that nobody wanted to watch the movie with him.  Well, that’s good.  In a sense.  It means that PVC Bondage Girl and the other employees there don’t feel pressured to watch movies with him.

I’ve never seen the show, by the way.

3:45 – “ET was my first word.”

What?  Why was he exposed to the “word” “ET” so often?  

I remember as a kid, we had an assignment for school to find out what our first word was and shit like this.  And then the teacher went around the room asking people what their first word was.  Most everybody was “mom” or something similar, some “dad’s”, one girl had “toy”.  That’s it.  

Parents encourage their children to say “mom” or “dad”.  That’s why these are the first words typically said by babies.  Parents don’t typically encourage their children to say the name of fictional aliens.

What was even the context?  Did he have an ET toy that he liked?  It must have been something like that because I don’t think that pre-verbal children are particularly interested in watching movies, especially something like ET, which isn’t very visually-stimulating.  

It just strikes me as bad parenting.  But his mother was 16 when she had him so it’s to be expected.

9:15 – Newt is wearing like a pearl bracelet.  Ummm…well, good for him for being so secure in his masculinity.

Speaking of ladyboys, let’s see what they say in the comment section.

Nothing interesting.  Hmm.  

Oh, by the way, there were no Horseface references in this video.  So that’s good.

Let’s check out The Idea Man’s Twitter.

He posts TWO still images of him showing his torso from that video where he shows his “kimono”.  That’s not weird at all.

Then he links to it in a separate tweet.

I think that we can stop here.  

3 thoughts on “BOBS BURGERS Review – Newt Wallen

  1. I think the fact he not only reviewed this specific movie (from a weirdly hyped and terrible cartoon) but watched it alone in a theater he works at is the most depressing thing I've seen all week, and I've been fairly depressed and dealing with some health issues this week already.So if anything, this actually makes me feel better about my problems.

  2. Appreciate it. Hopefully remedied by end of summer. Trying to stay positive through the discomfort.

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