Erin Plays Cum Tribute

 The gamer grrl smut train continues.  At least Erin isn’t actually producing the stuff.

Anyway, I was searching for “Erin Plays” and “fake” and it doesn’t take long to find some weird shit.  One search result is for a forum called CumOnPrintedPics.   I don’t think I should link to this but it should be easy enough to find.  

So the idea here is to ejaculate on pictures of women and then you take a picture of the the soiled picture.  Who are the people masturbating to this?  How is this at all erotic?  Is this a gay thing or a heterosexual thing?  I don’t know.  I can’t imagine anybody finding any pleasure out of this stuff.  I suspect that it’s more of a gay thing.  

Anyway, some guy posted FOURTEEN soiled pictures of Erin.  This raises another question.  How is this erotic for the guy doing this?  They’re just normal pictures of Erin.  Fully clothed.  

One of the pictures was subtitled, “Draggin’ a wagon”.  It was a picture from when she did that terrible presentation at E3.

It’s completely baffling.  Who’s the audience for this stuff?

Well, we get some idea of who these lunatics are because they leave “meme” comments, the type one finds on TheCinemassacreTruth.  “YoBoi” leaves a comment.  I believe that somebody with a similar name posts on TheCinemassacreTruth.  His comment is “mike got a 10 incher.”  Nothing gay about that.  Commenting on a man’s penis.

And then the guy who uploaded these 14 pictures replied with, “And James has no time.”  

YaBoi comes back with, “love to build brown bricks with minecrap”

These are all “memes” that are regularly spammed on that sub-reddit.  There is no doubt in my mind that these two degenerates are avid readers and contributors to TheCinemassacreTruth.

Oh, I can search this guy’s post history.  That’s convenient.  I assumed that you’d have to register first and I wasn’t about to register at this place.

So we can see what other pictures he masturbates on.  

Some comedian I’ve never heard of.  Sadie Sink seems to be a really popular one for him.  She’s a 20 year old actress, apparently.  Red hair.  Maybe that’s his thing.  

There’s a red haired porn star who gets the tribute.  

He jerks off on pictures of Golden Age Hollywood starlets.  So there’s the retro angle.

There seem to be a fair number of British actresses.  And he uses some really stereotypical British vernacular.  So I suspect that he’s either British or just doing like a really bad impression of a British person.

Star Wars tribute?  Just Princess Leia or does he get freaky with Chewy or somebody?  Let’s see…

There’s one of Leia but most are of some woman from one of the newer movies.  I think that I saw the movie but I don’t know which one it is.  It’s a female Jedi.  And some of these are erotic drawings of her.

And there are…I don’t even know how many pictures.  And they’re all from this guy.  And he posts regularly.  He posts many times a day.  He posts many pictures a day.  How is this physically possible?  From what I’m seeing, he’d need to ejaculate like 50 times a day.  At least.  Has he just saved a bunch of these?  How long has he been doing this?  He’s been on the forum for about a year.  Is this his life’s work?  

Oh, he even cums on a picture of a female Ukrainian soldier.  Showing his support for the Ukrainian people, I guess.  He has a few of these, actually.  

A trans woman also gets the cum treatment.  

7 of 9 from Star Trek: Voyager is also on here.  So yeah, this is a giant nerd.  With the Star Wars shit as well.  

“Mature ladies of Reddit” is another one.  There’s further proof that this guy is from TheCinemassacreTruth.

Oh, no, this is an American.  He does a cum tribute to some woman he knew in his youth and he mentions that her family owned an XFL franchise or something.  This woman is heavily pregnant in some of these pictures.

This guy gives his age too.  37.  That’s about right.  That’s probably the average age of an Erin Plays fan.  

He explains his behaviour in one of these messages.  He embarrassed himself in front of some woman that he liked and had a hard time talking to her after that.  So “I came on her fucking face.”

He’s talking about the picture, of course.  So this is some sort of humiliation ritual for him.  He’s somehow demeaning these women by jerking off on their pictures.

But I don’t see it that way.  Does anyone?  This is just really sad and pathetic.  Who cares if you jerk off on somebody’s picture and upload it the internet?  It says way more about you than it does the person you’re jerking off over.  I don’t think that Jeri Ryan is sitting at home stressing about this.  “Oh no.  Some lunatic ejaculated on my picture and posted it online.  How can I go on?”

Brie Larson is on here.  

He has a “redhead collection.”

Here’s another Reddit collection.

Yeah, this guy really needs help.  It’s just the volume of pictures.  I don’t understand how it’s possible.  Are these fake?  He posts 17 times a day with multiple pictures in each post.  Maybe he’s trying to commit suicide by dehydration.

His username is RickStudly and there’s a weird Twitter that could belong to him but I’m not sure.

He also posts his cum tributes on Reddit.  And a bunch of porn sites.

Yeah, it’s just the same shit on Reddit.  Dozens of pictures a day.  

Anyway, these are the sort of people who are attracted to Erin and attracted to TheCinemassacreTruth.  Complete lunatics.  

3 thoughts on “Erin Plays Cum Tribute

  1. you may be surprised at this, but i've actually found someone even more obscure than erinplays. she hits all the marks for a generic gamergrrl, only that she doesn't claim to be a nostalgia buff. she's not into retro-gaming either, she reviews classical movies instead. you may want to give it a fair go on days you're feeling uninspired or short of material

  2. This also looks incredibly dated and low resolution. Even for 2009 standards. Maybe she did it this way in a nod to nostalgia. I wonder if Erin will eventually have the same idea.

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