Erin Plays is Effectively Done as a Channel

She’s released two videos this year, not including those two abysmal “shorts”.  And she didn’t actually play a game in either of them.  “Carpal tunnel” has ended the channel.

But what can the real reason be?  Let’s check out SocialBlade.

Well, she’s making about $750/year from these videos.  That might be a factor.  

How much has she made in the past?  I remember always saying that she made $50/month.  I’ll check the archives.

There’s the first one of these Social Blade articles I did.  Wow.  She was actually making MORE money back then.  This was April 2020, so two years ago.  She was making about $1250/year.  

A $500 reduction.  Is that a 60% pay cut?  I think it is.  

Let me see what the “future projections” were back in 2020 and if it came to fruition.

They estimated that in April 2020, Erin would have 72,221 subscribers today.  How many does she actually have?  68,700.  It’s close, I guess.  

I then re-visited Social Blade a year later.

Her pay went up to about $3100/year.  Wow.  So nearly a threefold increased.  

So she went from making $1250 to $3100 and then plummeted down to $750.  

And they predicted 93,638 subscribers by May 2022.  Erin is nowhere near that.

So she must have been doing much better between April 2020 and April 2021 than in previous years.  But this last April 2021 to April 2022 has been disastrous.  

Obviously, Erin isn’t uploading videos any more so that’s going to affect her figures.  But what’s the correlation?  Is Erin not uploading videos because she’s not making any money off of this or is she not making money off of this because she’s not uploading videos?  

I suspect that she just gave up and she’s using this fake carpal tunnel thing as an excuse to bow out as gracefully as a 35 year old fake gamer grrl can do.  “Oh, I’d like to continue swindling you retards but…carpal tunnel.  See?  I have a wrist brace and everything.”

What could she do next?  Well, we can look at GirlGoneGamer, for example.

She used to play video games.  Then she was caught using hacks.  So then she started doing an overtly sexual podcast.  It was horrendous and views tanked.  That’s where things were left in Decemeber 2020 when I wrote that article.

Now she’s on OnlyFans.

“You guys made me get WILD this stream! My most SEE THROUGH LINGERIE TRY ON HAUL, plus sooo much close-up shaking, flicked my nipples to get them hard & WENT TOPLESS, TOOK OFF MY BOTTOMS, BENT OVER AND TWERKED. Can’t believe I did all that”

Ummm…no thanks.

It’s desperate as fuck.  Everything she’s doing is desperate.  That’s a turnoff.  Just get a job like a normal person.  Then you won’t have to do all of this shit.

Then there’s this lunatic:

After she gave up on videos about video games, she started doing mukbangs.  

That lasted a few months.  She hasn’t been seen for three years.  She’s probably turning tricks for sandwiches now.

Oh, then there’s BadBunny.

After her “gaming” content tanked, she started doing political streams.  You know…streams where she talks about politics…with men in dresses.  These videos don’t do so well, let’s just say that.

Oh, the channel doesn’t even exist any more.  I wrote about it in October 2021 and it’s already gone.  She’s that woman who ranted on Twitch about how the horntards can’t even afford to give her “five dollars a month.”  That was the end of her Twitch career, at least as far as “gaming”.  Then the weird political stuff started.

Yeah, her Twitch is gone too.  

Ohhhh.  She changed her name recently.  She “rebranded” because “BadBunny” was “toxic”.  No…I’m pretty sure it’s the individual who was toxic, not the name.  So a rebrand won’t help.

She’s KiraChats now.

These videos get about 700 views on average.   Let the good times roll.

So those are some options for Erin.  OnlyFans, mukbangs, political streams.  None of these transitions have been remotely successful but…getting a job seems to be out of the question for these “Youtubers”.  

It’s the same with actors.  You see former child stars constantly trying to get acting work.  Fucking Donkey Lips from Salute Your Shorts is an example of this.  He’ll go on Youtube talking about trying to make a comeback and whatnot.  And he’s completely destitute.  He lives in a tiny studio apartment.  And he’s about 400 pounds.  He’ll talk about dying his hair with the cheapest hair dye that the dollar store sells.  He cooks on a hot plate because his apartment doesn’t have a stove.  

Why doesn’t he just get a job?  He’s nearly 50 years old.  He has that covered too.  He says that he’s a sensitive artist so he can’t get a regular job.  Oh.  I see.

I always respected Gary Coleman because after Diff’rent Strokes ended, he got a job like a normal person.  The media would actually give him shit for this.  He worked as a security guard.  Why is that objectionable?  Why are we supposed to laugh at that?  

More recently, there were pictures of Elvin from The Cosby Show working at Whole Foods or something.  This story was presented much differently.  The guy who took these pictures was vilified and Elvin was praised for working a normal job like a normal person.  Then he was given some acting jobs and everybody threw a parade for him.  

What changed?  Gary Coleman was doing this 25 years ago and he was America’s joke as a result.  Look at this loser who can’t get an acting job.  He has to work a normal job like a normal person.

That’s the clear solution.  All of these desperate Youtubers and their failings channels…fuck Youtube.  Just go out and get a job.  Record stores need employees.  You’ll make more money and you won’t have to completely debase yourself.  What is the problem?  Why is this so unattractive to these people?  

5 thoughts on “Erin Plays is Effectively Done as a Channel

  1. Maybe she'll realize that all this was a waste of time and she should have made an OF from the beginning.It would require rubbing together her few brain cells, but possible.

  2. Who would possibly pay, though? I don't get it. You see all of these average (at best) looking women who have OnlyFans…they can't possibly be making money on this. Somebody is going to pay to see cheesecake photos of 35 year old Erin with her, let's just say, non-porn star body? Or let's go to the other extreme, she's putting hardcore content up there with Mike. I'm not remotely interested in that. Who would be? What's the possible audience? ShiShi, a handful of other horntards, and then who? Who outside of her existing fanbase would pay money to see this? And even within her fanbase, these people are mentally challenged. They don't have money for this.

  3. I don't know, but never underestimate anything related to nudity or sex and it's ability to make money or have money thrown at it.There are plenty of people who never heard of her that I'm sure would suddenly show up.

  4. Lol you can't tell me if I paid 3 dollars to see Erin's peach you wouldn't at least have a gander like wanting to see a literal train wreck. Some of these girls charge 15 bucks. Better be some mangle roast beef or I'm gonna be terribly disappointed. O. To bigger and better things… must be nice to be a girl in this the year of our lord 2022.

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