Russian Metal Gear Solid + Gran Turismo 5 for Sega Genesis?! – John Riggs

John Riggs is showing video games that Victor The Russian Video Game Comrade sent him.  John Riggs has done videos mentioning this guy before.  

I watched a video from this Victor guy before.  It’s some homosexual Russian guy who does a Yakov Smirnoff act.  Play a buffoonish Russian stereotype to entertain dumbass Americans.

In light of recent events, I wonder if Victor lost any subscribers.  Not that he had many to lose.  Let me check SocialBlade.

Well, the graphs seem to show a downward trend for the past two months but I don’t know what any of this really means.  

Actually, has Yakov Smirnoff given an opinion on the war in Ukraine?  

He hasn’t tweeted since October 2021 but some news outlets are reporting that he and his wife are somehow raising money for Ukraine.

There was that orchestra conductor who was fired from his job because he refused to denounce Putin.  And all of those so-called oligarchs are having their yachts and homes and whatnot seized.  

It’s outrageous.  It’s tough to be sympathetic to billionaires but if these people were so dangerous, why were they allowed in the UK (or wherever) in the first place?  And what did they do to deserve to have their shit taken from them?  They didn’t declare war on Ukraine.  Simply being Russian is enough to have all of your assets seized.  How is that right?  

And nobody gives a shit.  

When the US was engaged in one of their numerous wars of aggression, of which there’s probably still a US war of aggression going on somewhere, nothing happened.  Americans abroad didn’t have their yachts and private jets taken from them.  American orchestral conductors weren’t fired.  Why would they be?  They had absolutely nothing to do with these wars.

But for Russians, it’s okay.  

It makes no fucking sense.  But everybody just goes along with it.  Oh, they’re Russians.  They’re evil.  So that’s okay.  Oligarchs, you say?  Well, nobody likes an oligarch.  

It’s like that girl who moved to Syria to join ISIS and then she had her British citizenship revoked.  Even though that was the only citizenship that she had and it’s clearly against international laws to make somebody stateless.

You’ll be hard-pressed to find somebody less “tolerant” of Islam than I am but that is complete and total bullshit.  The “elites” just make up the rules as they go along.  A society based on rules is just an illusion.  They do whatever suits them at the moment.  

So you see a lot of propaganda now about Russian mobile crematoriums driving around Ukraine and disposing of bodies of people who were allegedly tortured and whatnot.  

Did any of this happen?  I don’t know.  But the news coverage is completely one-sided.  No nuance whatsoever.  Putin is evil and Ukraine is virtuous.  

It’s just the “elites” jockeying amongst themselves to gain a greater share of the wealth.  And they try to make it a moral issue to get the unwashed masses on board with their attempted cash grab.  

It was the same with any number of Iraq wars.  Saddam Hussein putting people in woodchippers.  Fuck you.  You’d have to be an idiot to believe that.  But there are a lot of idiots out there.  

So anyway, John Riggs showed a couple of Russian bootleg games from 30 years ago.

– “Russians can’t be trusted”

– “Really? Right now we shouldn’t be giving Russia credit. We see where you stand on that now.”

– “In Russia you don’t play the game, the game plays you. And then go fight the war against Ukraine wink wink”

There are some comments from the aforementioned unwashed masses.  

Let me check John Riggs’ Twitter.  Has he declared his intention to join the Russian army yet?  

No.  He just mentions his height about 15 times.  He does this because he thinks that people are impressed.  Specifically, people who happen to be women.  We get it, John.  You’re 6’5″.  You’re also a big fat guy.  And bald.  And married.  And have three children.  Stop hitting on every woman you can find.  

Oh, he tweeted about Gilbert Gottfried.  I never would have guessed.  That’s what people do.  Every time a celebrity dies, here comes the fake internet grieving.  Even though you have never once so much as mentioned this person in your entire life.  But as soon as they die, a thousand “RIP”s.  As if that does anything.  It just cheapens death and makes you look like a total fucking fool.

He re-tweeted some stupid Twitter shit that some gamer grrl who he’s trying to have sex with did.  Eight jobs that you did and one is fake.  Here’s his list:

1. wedding dj
2. watch battery replacer
3. literal ditch digger
4. pro wrestling referee
5. ice cream clerk
6. video store clerk
7. house restorator via insurance company
8. live musician

Which one is fake?  Who gives a shit?  And why isn’t “FSB spy” on there?  John Riggs is collecting intel about gamer grrls: their bra size, turn ons and turn offs, and so on.  What use this will be to Putin hasn’t yet been determined.  Hopefully John Riggs gets his game collection seized.

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