Erin Plays and Mike Matei try to remember where they left off in Infernax

I only watched a couple of minutes so far and it’s highly edited.  Unfortunately, she didn’t upload this one to Twitch.  At all, it would seem.  Not even for subscribers.  

She does have a recent video that she streamed where she played that TMNT fighting game for the SNES, I think.  That’s for subscribers only, though.  I assume that she’s REALLY bad at the game, even by Erin standards because even by her own admission, she’s bad at fighting games.  And I saw her play some Mortal Kombat/DC fighting game with Mike and it was the worst fighting game footage ever recorded.   

What a completely bizarre business model.  If you want to watch the worst gameplay of Erin’s, you have to be a paid subscriber.  What kind of incentive is this?  “I’m bad at all games but if you want to see me play REALLY poorly, you have to pay.”  Is this a fetish for somebody?  Watching a woman play games really, really poorly?  

I enjoy the particularly bad Erin Plays material because it makes for more amusing articles.  But I’m sure as fuck not going to pay to watch this shit and it wouldn’t even work anyway because nobody else would be able to see the videos.  

Putting the cringe stuff behind a paywall makes this not fun.  And if it’s not fun, I’ll just stop writing about her.  I did the same thing with Madam Fomo when she abandoned the channel for OnlyFans.  I did it with Bobdunga when she stopped uploading.  I did it with Retro Ali when she only did shit on Twitch.  I did it with CannotBeTamed and Pelvic Gamer when they steadfastly refused to release anything even remotely interesting.  

You might say, “Oh, these women are surely grateful that you’re not writing about them any more.”  No.  It’s free publicity.  And you know that on some level they like the attention.  That’s why they’re on fucking Youtube.  They crave attention, even if it’s just from some guy time-stamping their videos and saying, “Well, this sucks.”

Ironically, the articles about gamer grrls are the least popular articles on the blog, with the exception of Erin.  Stuff about Cinemassacre does well as does Newt Wallen material.  I can make this blog 100% about Newt Wallen and it would still be fun for me and people would read it.  There’s an abundance of Newt Wallen material out there.  He releases like three videos a week.  I could write a week’s worth of stuff just on that comic book, if it ever comes out.

So I’m placing Erin on notice.  Stop putting the “Worst of Erin Plays” stuff behind a paywall or I’ll just stop writing about your shit videos.  

Let’s check out this heavily-edited bullshit then.

1:15 – After multiple edits, we get to something that seems to be stable.  Mike is playing, of course.  Erin has carpal tunnel syndrome.  Or so she wants you to believe.

2:15 – “Any chance of a Jeopardy live stream?  Yes, I’m sure that that will happen soon.”

She put her NES gameshow game stream behind a paywall on Twitch.  I bet it’s going to be the same thing here.  And she’s said before that she’s nervous to stream Jeopardy presumably because she doesn’t want to get exposed as an idiot.  That ship has sailed.  

2:30 – Mike says, “You’re going to do a Jeopardy stream?”  Erin replies, “What do you want from me, Mike?  I’m in carpal tunnel hell sometimes.  Sometimes I can only — I can’t do much.  It might come to fucking Jeopardy on NES or Genesis.”

She obviously misunderstood his comment because she knows nothing about video games or Jeopardy.  But yeah, I’m thinking that this carpal tunnel lie is going to be her excuse to just stop doing this shit altogether.  She’s just going to completely sponge off of Mike and not make Youtube videos or stream on Twitch any more.  This is her way of trying to exit gracefully: by coming up with a preposterous lie about carpal tunnel syndrome.

So then Mike explains why he thought this was a weird choice, he says that he wouldn’t do it because he wouldn’t know the answers, and Erin just says that she’s going to do it anyway.  Everything has to be about her.  Even when he’s saying, “No, I’m the idiot so that’s why I wouldn’t do it” she still makes it about her.  She thinks that he’s saying that she’s an idiot, which she is, but that wasn’t what he was saying.

3:15 – “Family Feud on Switch?  I forgot that that was a thing.”

Uh huh.  She “always” “forgets” that Family Feud on the Switch exists.

6:00 – Mike dies.  There’s an edit.  Then Erin takes over.

Then a horntard says, “This game blows.  How many subs to see Mike’s socks?”

This is the sort of stuff you find on cam sites.  $10 and the model will flash her tits, $20 for pussy and so on.  And then Mike encourages this and tells Erin to pick a number.  

Why would anybody…who cares about seeing Mike’s socks?  Is this funny to anyone?  It’s just pathetic.

Then Erin talks about Sailor Moon socks that she owned five years ago.  Then Mike says, “Didn’t we get a Sailor Moon thing today?”  Erin says that they did.  Then Mike goes to get this Sailor Moon “blind bag.”  

These are for children.  Why would she get this?

8:30 – Then Erin quits the game, after two and a half minutes, after dying, because of her carpal tunnel syndrome.  Mike is back with this blind bag.  It’s a keychain.  Riveting stuff.  Is it going to be the “rare” keychain?  Who gives a shit?

By the way, Erin is wearing a Disney…hoodie?  I guess?  It just says “Walt Disney World” on it.  This is a nearly 40 year old woman.

Erin is disappointed with the keychain that she got.  Mike looks annoyed.  Rightly.  This is not normal adult behaviour.  Go get a job, Erin.  Then you can just buy the specific keychain that you want on Ebay.

Now they’re talking about Sanrio shit and Erin is pretending that she knows about this.  You know what?  This is boring?  I’m done with this shit.

1 thought on “Erin Plays and Mike Matei try to remember where they left off in Infernax

  1. I really wonder what the rest of their house looks like. Bimmy has shown a great deal of his house over the years in various videos, but with these two it's always just their game rooms like most lets players do.But really, imagine what the rest of the house is like. Imagine the disaster her room is, or their kitchen, or front/back yards. These are not people who are advanced homeowners.

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