SEARS Wishbook 1987! Awesome clothes, characters, NES and more! – Erin Plays

Hey guys!  Remember Sears?

I do remember Sears.  It was a department store.  They sold a bunch of different stuff.  There were different departments in the store, hence the term “department store.”  These places were popular from about the early 20th century to…whenever Amazon started to sell stuff other than books.  So about 15 years ago, I guess.

Oh, she time-stamped everything.  This is new.  

She’s actually going to look at the clothes.  This is something that I’ve suggested every single time she does these terrible catalogue videos.  Not just because I want to see the bra section (although that too) but because this is just a normal thing that women might be interested in.  Erin is interested in fashion.  It doesn’t show from what she wears but she seems to spend a lot of time looking at clothes both online and possibly in real life.

She also uses the term “stuffed animals”.  That’s good.  I think that “plush” has taken over or “plushie” or something, but I prefer “stuffed animals”.  That’s what we called them in “the 90s”.  And the 80s.  And probably since the 1910s or whenever the first stuffed animal was made.  But somehow “plushie” entered the lexicon. 

Anyway, we’ve got an hour of this shit.  Let’s check it out.

0:00 – “I was born in November 1987”.

Sure you were, Cykill1986.

Oh, this is such a bad camera angle.  I can’t see properly.  Also, we only see Erin’s gnarled carpal tunnel hands.  No face cam today.  How is ShiShi supposed to jerk off to this?

This is brutal.  I’m three minutes in and all she’s doing it pointing at things and reading the title description.  

It just dawned on me.  I think that this catalogue is only children’s shit.  So they’re not going to have a bra section in this.  I don’t want to look at children’s fashion from the 1980s.  Who gives a shit?  Why is she doing any of this?

She’s also editing a lot out.

This is dog shit.  All she’s doing is reading the fucking title descriptions and pointing at stuff.  She doesn’t even know what any of this stuff is, much less able to comment on it in any interesting way.  She’s just reading what the titles say this stuff is.

6:00 – She edited something out here.  What was it?  Somebody asked, “How many Nintendo Power magazines do you own?”  She paused for a long time and then said, “I don’t know.”

Zero, Erin.  The answer is “Zero”.

We’re not talking about how many Mike owns.  We’re asking how many YOU own.  ZERO is the answer.

“I think less than 100”.

Well, technically she’s right.  Zero is less than 100.  But it’s a little misleading, isn’t it?

“I’m going to guess 60.  I have no idea.”

Would you really not know how many you had if you had a genuine collection?  Not the exact number but you’d be able to do better than “Between 60 and 100”.  That’s something of a broad range.

“Mike and I are trying to get all of them.”

Yeah.  Mostly Mike.  Actually, 100% Mike.  This is his collection.  Your Nintendo Power collection is ZERO.

It’s just the constant fucking lies.  And then she edits this out to try to hide this ridiculous lie.

“I just pulled that number out of my ass.  I have no idea how many.”


ZERO Erin.  Just say “ZERO”.  We’re not asking about Mike’s collection that you no interest in.  We’re asking about YOUR collection.  The answer is “zero”.

Then she ends that ridiculous charade by laughing nervously because she know that she got exposed as a fraud for about the billionth time.

7:30 – “Oh my god.  Moon Dreamers.  Nobody remembers Moon Dreamers.”

Including you, Erin.  You were 1 year old when this catalogue came out.

Then there’s another edit.  A horntard asked if one of the girls in this catalogue was also in some movie My Girl.  Erin said that she never saw the movie.  Of course.  

Why is this edited out?  Who cares?  We all know that you’ve never seen or done anything in your entire life, Erin.  It’s not a secret.  

9:30 – “People always think neon when they think of the 80s but pastel was also in.  This pastel is cute.”

Horrible, horrible commentary.

Then another edit…

And how creepy is this?  She’s looking at children’s nightwear with these weird, horny retards.

Yeah, look at this comment from Colonel_rich_mustard: “Do we have pictures of kid Erin in a nightgown?”

Is it at all ambiguous what his intentions are with that question?  This guy is REALLY enjoying this stream.  

So here’s what she edited out.  Super Geoff (a literal retard) said that Mike beat some stupid game.

“Mike beat Tiny Toon Adventures 2?  Well, good for him.  I’ve never…beaten that.”

She was about to say “played”.  Maybe she played it once, on stream, for a few minutes, during a “variety stream”.  That counts in Erin’s world.

Oh, then she referenced that freak asking for pictures of Erin as a child in a nightgown.  She awkwardly says, “yes”.  Then she says, “I don’t know if my mom knows where it is but apparently a picture of me does exist in a nightgown.”

How creepy is this?  She must realise why he asked this.  How could she not?

She presumably at some point figured it out because she edited this creep show out.  

10:30 – “These outfits are awesome.”  Well, Colonel_rich_mustard seems to agree with that.  But perhaps for different reasons.

10:45 – “Is there a photo of Erin in denim from head to toe?”

That was another question.  She left this one in because it wasn’t overtly disturbing.  But this is what the horntards are doing now.  They’re imagining Erin, as a child, in different outfits.  What the fuck is this?  Why would she think that this is a good idea?  Why is she entertaining this?  She should just end the stream.  “Sorry, guys.  This was a bad idea.  I’m going to go cry in the bathtub now.”

Then she says that she wants to recreate some stupid Britney Spears picture with Mike.  I won’t even dignify it by writing out what she said.

Is this almost over?  Let me check the time stamps.  Yeah but…”bedding” is next.  Eugh.  Shishi is changing his underpants.

God, I can’t.  Fuck this shit.  I’m at 13 minuets.  That’s it for me.

Use better judgement, Erin.  This is absolutely deplorable.

3 thoughts on “SEARS Wishbook 1987! Awesome clothes, characters, NES and more! – Erin Plays

  1. Damn, I was born the same year as her.Lol jesus she has done nothing with her fucking life at this age. I thought Erin was still in her late 20s or something. I own a house and am married for 8 years now. This is so weird knowing she's the same age and her life revolves around taking it in the butt by Matei and begging her parents for money.

  2. Erin would be a million times more tolerable if she just dropped the charade. It's the same as James, really. Just come out and say, “look guys, I didn't really play video games growing up – I tried to get into them later because it looked like fun and I enjoyed the online discussion about it.” That's all it takes. But she has to keep pretending that she's a pro gamer even though I seriously doubt she's ever beat Castlevania despite it being her “favourite”.

  3. Yeah, exactly. It's the constant lies that are the problem. And it's not even a secret. Everybody surely knows that she has no experience, knowledge, or interest in video games. They don't care. They're not going to the stream to watch a pro gamer. They're going there to jerk off.As for Castlevania, Erin has freely said that never played Castlevania before she started the channel. And the only time she has ever played any of these games is when it's on stream, for money. In spite of this, she still tries to present herself as an expert. I think that she beat the game, though. She did it on stream, of course. Her previous “favourite” game was Yoshi's Island. This is the one game that she played as a child. Presumably very briefly. She also played it on stream, for money, and she was god awful at it.

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