Retro Ali Grief-Stricken by Death of Bob Saget

“as a huge full house fan i am so sad :(“

You want to know how many times she’s mentioned Full House and/or Bob Saget on Twitter?  ONCE.

“*cue Full House theme song*”

And there’s a picture that sort of looks like the house from the Full House intro.

She’s a big Bob Saget fan, guys.  

I hate this disingenuous bullshit.  She doesn’t give a fuck about Bob Saget.  She’s just jumping on the Bob Saget death bandwagon to wallow in fake depression and *nostalgia* for a little while.

Newt re-tweeted something about Bob Saget.

Was Tony able to refrain?  Ummm…no.  No, he wasn’t.  He also re-tweeted something about Bob Saget.

These last two lazy fucks couldn’t even bothered to write their own half-assed condolence message.  They just re-tweeted somebody else’s condolences.

This happens all the fucking time.  Every time some celebrity dies, you see the same fucking losers trying to capitalise on it.  And they’ve never talked about the recently departed once while they were alive.

I remember when Dimebag Darrell died.  Who’s Dimebag Darrell?  Who the fuck knows.  Some scumbag musician.  So when he died, some guy on an internet message board that I used to frequent went on about it CONSTANTLY.  And this was an English guy.  It got to the point where his English girlfriend said, “I’ve never heard you talk about Dimebag Darrell even once before.”

Actually, a few years later, the guy who wouldn’t shut up about Dimebag Darrell died himself and everybody talked about how broken up they were about the loss.  They HATED this guy when he was alive.  He was a fucking asshole.  But the minute he died, here come the fake tears.

Going back further, there was a college basketball player named Hank Gathers who died while playing.  So for a few days, there was a guy at school who wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it.  He never talked about this guy once before he died but now he’s all about him.  And how would he know about this guy?  He’s intensely following college basketball as a 12 year old?  Again, eventually somebody called him out on this and said, “You’ve never talked about Hank Gathers even once before.  Why now?”

Chyna died.  The professional wrestler.  And I remember this fucking lunatic “Youtuber” Wrestling Jesus making a whole boo hoo video about it.  How he was such a big fan and he used to bond with his father over her wrestling matches and whatever.

Not even one week earlier, he made a video shitting on Chyna and what a scumbag porn star she is.

Sticking on the topic of professional wrestling, I remember when the Ultimate Warrior died.  Now, I was a big Ultimate Warrior fan.  Not so much him as a wrestler but him as a Youtuber and a motivational speaker. He used to do these really weird motivational videos on Youtube and of course that video of him giving a speech at some college and protestors call him homophobic is a classic.  

So I was genuinely saddened when he died.  I watched his matches as a kid and I watched his Youtube videos.  And not many people were watching this shit.

Then he died and people can’t shut the fuck up about him.  They’re so distraught.  The same people who called him a homophobe and a lunatic and whatever else.  These people weren’t watching his Youtube videos.  Fucking nobody was.  They weren’t talking about him.  They didn’t give a fuck about old Jim Hellwig.  But then he died and it’s the worst thing ever.  For a day or two.

Fucking Bobdunga was completely destroyed when Kobe Bryant died.  She was even crying about his daughter.  She never talked about Kobe Bryant once before and she didn’t even know that he had a daughter.  But for like two weeks, she wouldn’t shut up about it.  Is basketball even popular in Canada?  And among women?  

I was watching Mike Matei doing some streaming recently and he started talking about what a big Norm MacDonald fan he is.  Really?  This is news to me.  You’ve never talked about Norm MacDonald before, Mike.  Why now?

It’s possible, in some cases, that these people were genuinely fans of these people in some respect.  I have no doubt that Retro Ali has at least seen a clip from an episode of Full House, although she seems too young to have watched the show when it was new.  But if you can appreciate something in private, and that’s the only way you’ve ever appreciated this thing, you should also “mourn” in private.  Don’t all of a sudden tell everybody what a big fan you are of some dead celebrity because that’s fake as fuck.  I don’t know why people do it.  Go fuck yourself, you phoney bastards.

And in most cases, they’ll never talk about the person again.  It’s only for that brief period right after they hear the news.  Maybe a day or two later.  Or in extreme cases, as with crazy Bobdunga, up to two weeks.

It’s disrespectful to the person and it’s disrespectful to the basic concepts of life and death.  This isn’t a trivial matter to impress your friends with.  “Oh, I’m so broken up about this celebrity who I’ve never talked about before.”  

Be concerned about your own life, people you know, maybe even some celebrities who you like.  Appreciate people when they’re actually alive.  And don’t trivialise life and death with your fake fucking mourning over people you’ve never met before and weren’t even a fan of just to score some weird internet points.  

4 thoughts on “Retro Ali Grief-Stricken by Death of Bob Saget

  1. Almost everyone talking this topic is like “well anyone my age of course knows him from Full House”I'm over here for days like LOL guess you posers forgot about the 8 seasons of America's Funniest Home Videos he did. He didn't even need to share fame on that unlike Full House. So it really pushes that feeling that these people are just doing this for clicks and aren't some big fan of his or know shit about his career.

  2. I remember when Lemmy died and everyone on my social media was so distraught and upset about poor Lemmy. These people didn't even fucking like Motorhead. In fact, I remember most of them from school making fun of my friends for “listening to shit music”… shit music like “The Ace of Spades”. Most of these people didn't know who the fuck he was until he died. It was so fake and disgusting. All for attention.

  3. Oh, that's right. That brings up another point. All of his projects were shit. Full House was shit, America's Funniest Home Videos was shit. And he was a weird guy. Like a pod person trying to be human.

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