Xbox Series X Halo Infinite Unboxing – Destiny Fomo

Oh, it’s another 10 minute and 1 second instalment of Madam Fomo’s Double D Unboxing series.  I reviewed the first one here:

It’s just Madam Fomo realllllllllllllllllly stretching out a boring as fuck unboxing because she’s trying to make the video over 10 minutes long, and thereby get a few pennies from Youtube monetisation.

So let’s check it out.

Oh, she’s back to red hair.  She can go back to using her Jessica Rabbit name.  That’s her prostitute name.  Or one of them.  She had to keep changing her name because her escort reviews were absolutely abysmal.  The worst reviews I’ve ever seen, although I don’t often look at escort reviews.

0:15 – “If you’ve been watching me for any length of time, you know that I’ve always been Playstation nation.”

What?  Have I not been paying close enough to Madam Fomo’s alleged video game preferences?  She used to bill herself as the Nintendo Queen or something.  In fact, I can’t recall ANY videos she’s done about Playstation.  I’m sure that she has but none come to mind.

0:45 – “Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.”

No, thanks, Madam Fomo.  I don’t care about that shit and you don’t care about that shit.  So let’s stop the charade.

1:30 – “If you’re interested in playing with me, I will put my public gamer tag in the description below.”

This is another weird scam that she’s running.  And in the description it says, “Lets be friends” and gives all of her social media shit.  How pathetic is this?  Conning the mentally retarded.

She then keep saying “cod”.  Do people do that?  Refer to Call of Duty as “cod”?  I know that they use the abbreviation COD in text form but do they actually SAY “cod”?  

2:00 – Then she starts her “text me” scam.  That’s all this video is.  It’s Madam Fomo advertising her various swindles.  Her pimp TuanX must have been unhappy with how little money she’s been making lately.  “Go tell the retards about your scams, bitch.  And just wear a bra while you’re doing it.”

She then advertises her god awful Only Fans.  My review of her Only Fans is my most popular article.  Madam Fomo regularly tries to get that article removed.  Unsuccessfully.  It’s here:

Spoiler: don’t fucking bother.  It’s Madam Fomo in a one piece bathing suit.  She also started teasing a masturbation video.  If she got $1000 in donations, or something insane like that, she would release the video.  And she’s FULLY CLOTHED in this masturbation video.  I’ve never even heard of this.  Who’s going to pay anything for a video of a woman FULLY CLOTHED and masturbating?  It’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard of.

But for $4/month, you can join the “fun”.  

2:15 – “Look at the details of this box.”

Oh my fucking god.  She’s really filibustering on this shit.  We don’t care about the box, Madam Fomo.  Get on with it.

3:00 – She’s showing her tits.  We’re supposed to be jerking off to this?  It’s a prostitute in a bra struggling to open a video game console.  Who cares?  Who possibly has this fetish?

She’s said repeatedly in this video that she never played Halo, by the way.

God, this is really dragging.  She’s focusing on the various fucking boxes.  Who cares? 

7:45 – She’s resting her tits on a couple of XBoxes.  This is pathetic.

9:30 – “If you guys liked the video, give me a thumbs up.  And send me a text.”

No, Madam Fomo. I am not going to send you a text.  This is some weird scam.  Your pimp TuanX has the exact same weird scam going on.  He has some bizarre “text me” thing on his website and you have to provide your name, age, Instagram, all kinds of creepy shit.  

9:45 – She suddenly starts speaking Ebonics for no reason.  Let me try to transcribe it.

“Everyone’s always in the comments like, ‘Ey, yo, ma.  What’s this?  What it do?  What’s that?  Let me get your number.’  Well, it’s in the description below so send me a text.”

I’d really like to figure out exactly what the scam is.  I had the idea that TuanX was using it to lure new girls to his prostitution racket.  But how many girls are going to be texting Madam Fomo?  

Is this like a premium rate number or something?  

If you Google the number, you’ll find this page:

And there’s a list of people complaining that they receive calls from this number and they’re scams.  All kinds of scams.  Prize scams, sugar baby scams, porn scams, religious scams, lost friend scams.  The complaints go back to 2017.  

This is the number that Madam Fomo wants you to text.  It’s a scam.  If she’s not directly involved with the scam, she’s getting some kind of commission from the actual scammer for referring people.  She’s referring the mentally retarded to a scammer.  Or perhaps she’s the direct scammer.  But that’s what this is.  It’s a total scam.

Why else would she CONSTANTLY encourage you to text her?  She just wants texts that badly?  She’s making money from this.  And it’s a clear, 100% fraud.

Here’s another site of people complaining about this number:

Add insurance scams to the list of complaints.

So I assume what happens is that you text this number and then you’ll start getting bombarded with scam calls and emails.  And Madam Fomo gets some kind of a commission from this.  I’d expect no less from a real, no fooling, prostitute.

2 thoughts on “Xbox Series X Halo Infinite Unboxing – Destiny Fomo

  1. I pretty much burst out laughing when she rested her tits on the two Xboxes and just kept talking like everything was normal.Also the top comment on there right now is so sad.

  2. Oh yeah. “The reaction when it's fully unwrapped shows you're a true gamer, Destiny. The blue fan tray is the real attention to detail I didn't expect. You're right, it is cool.”He's completely delusional.

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