MTV Remote Control on NES! – Erin Plays

I’ve never commented on thumbnails but this is the worst thumbnail she’s ever done.  I didn’t even know what she was holding at first.  It took me a good 30 seconds to figure it out.  I only realised that it was a remote control from the context of the game.  If I saw that picture without the words “remote control” next to it, I would never in a million years figure out what she’s holding.

And why is her other arm outstretched?  Is she taking a selfie on her phone?  

And that shirt?  What the fuck is it?  

Plus…how to put this tactfully…she has masculine facial features.  Especially in this thumbnail.

So Remote Control.  She’s talked about this recently.  Let me check the archives.

She mentioned it here:

That was Erin saying that the game was developed by GameTek.  In fact, it was not developed by GameTek.  A rare gap in Erin’s video game knowledge. 

I do a playthrough of that game in that article, by the way.  I completely destroyed the AI.  I should become a Remote Control speedrunner.

Erin also mentions Remote Control in the video where Mike gives her “random” NES games and she has to “review” them.  Remote Control was one of these “random” games.  I discuss it in the link above.

So she played this game about once in her life.  Briefly.  If that.  And it wasn’t even on stream, for money, as far as I’m aware, because she says that she was afraid of being exposed as a fool if she streamed this.  So since this was done in her free time, she must have played this thing REALLY briefly.

0:00 – Oh.  It’s a wacky Mtv shirt meant to look like it’s from the 1980s.  Erin is all about the 1980s.  She was born in 1986 or 1987.  I suspect 1986.  Cykill1986.

Then she’s on to Wikipedia dot com.

0:30 – “So when I first played this game…”

When?  Tell us when you first played it.  And for how long.

No.  She didn’t neglected to share this important bit of information.

0:45 – After explaining that she never watched the show before because she was 1 year old when it was on, she says, “Before filming this, I did watch it.”

Why?  Why the sudden interest in Remote Control?  

And she clearly only watched it once.  If that.

1:00 – She’s talking about the bonus game, or whatever, at the end of the game where the winner watches nine tv screens and has to identify all of the music videos.  Erin says, “I would be really good at it today.”

How do you figure?  Her knowledge of music is limited to 1990s pop music.  Britney Spears and whatnot.  That’s not contemporary.  

“But since all of these tv shows are based on shows that were on in, like, 1987 and prior, we’ll see how I do.”

I’ll guess poorly.  But if I recall, they weren’t even asking about then-contemporary tv shows.  It was shit on the Brady Bunch and Gilligan’s Island and whatnot.  This is because these shows were being widely shown on rerun in the 1980s.

1:15 – Erin explains that the “fuzzballs” on screen are actually popcorn, based on the popcorn that drops on the contestants in the show.  She saw the show once, if that, I remind you.  Then she says that she originally thought that these were crumpled up balls of paper.  Because she’s an idiot and has no familiarity with the programme.

1:45 – “Is this my character or the computer character?  I don’t know.  We’ll find out.”

She never played this before.  And she has no idea how video games work.  

1:45 – “I guess that my name’s Freddy.  I always screw this up.  Every time I played it, I don’t know how to change the names.  So whatever, we’re Freddy and we have a very 80s hairdo.”

Yeah.  She “always” screws this up.  She never played this before.  How is possible for somebody to have played this before and not know how the character select screen works?  Did I have any problem with this?  Let me check the playthrough that I did.  It was the first time in many years that I played this.

This is even dumber than I thought.  You CAN’T name your character.  Each character has a name assigned to them.  

How did Erin not know this?  If she played the game before, as she’s clearly leading the viewer to believe, she would know this.

And the character I chose in my playthrough clearly looks like Erin.  Why didn’t Erin choose that character?  It’s a guy but Erin should be more open-minded.

2:15 – Erin reveals that three is her favourite number.  When was the last time that anyone had a favourite number?  The second grade?  You had have a favourite everything back then.  Favourite animal, favourite colour, favourite tv show, whatever.

Erin is reading the category description.  “Where do forty year old actors go to school?  Video High.”

It’s a reference to 21 Jump Street and the like.  Maybe Head of the Class.  Maybe Welcome Back, Kotter.  Television shows based in high school that used actors substantially older than high school aged.

Erin doesn’t get the reference.

Oh wait.  She did get it.  Good for you, Erin.

And then yeah, it’s a question about Welcome Back, Kotter.

She says that she doesn’t know the character that John Travolta played but she guessed correctly.  She says that she’s never seen Welcome Back, Kotter before.  You don’t say.

2:45 – “More Mtv.  Okay, good.  I was raised on Mtv.”

Uh huh.  

Then she takes an age to buzz in so somebody buzzes in before her.  Erin doesn’t even realise that this has happened.  The guy guesses incorrectly.  Then Erin gets a chance to guess and she guesses correctly.  Then there’s a picture of this guy who guessed incorrectly looking angry.  He’s angry because he got it wrong but Erin thinks that he’s angry because she got the question right.  She still doesn’t realise that this guy buzzed in before she did and got the question wrong.  She has NO IDEA how this game works.

But she wants the horntards to believe that she played this before.  It’s impossible.

By the way, you don’t exactly need lightning quick reflexes to buzz in before the other contestants.  They never buzz in within the first two or three seconds.

3:30 – It’s a question about Bruce Springsteen. Erin has told a story, more than once, about how when she was working in a record store, a woman approached her and was looking for a recommendation on Bruce Springsteen albums but didn’t think that Erin could help because Erin was too young.  Erin took offence to this because Erin is all about Bruce Springsteen.

And yet, here we have a question about Bruce Springsteen and Erin doesn’t have a fucking clue.  Who is Miami Steve?  That’s the question.  I have no fucking idea but I’m not the Bruce Springsteen fan that Erin is.  

She ended up guessing correctly.

Then she mis-genders the character who looks like her.  It’s a guy.  His name is Howie.  If Erin played the game before, she would know this.  But of course she hasn’t played this before.

3:45 – “Reruns.  So it’s going to be older tv, right?”

Yes, Erin.  There are very few first-run reruns.

It’s a question about The Beverly Hillbillies.  “I have no idea.  I’ve never seen an episode of this.”  You don’t say.

“Should I just guess?  Or will that go against me?  I don’t know?

How do you not know, Erin?  You’ve played this before.  And while she was saying all of that, TWO other contestants buzzed in and the second one guessed correctly.  Erin doesn’t know this.  She’s completely oblivious to what’s going on.  

She doesn’t even know the rules of the fucking game.  It’s obvious.  She thinks that she’s the only one who can guess.  No.  All she’s doing is choosing the categories and then everyone has a chance to buzz in.  She doesn’t know this.  She never fucking played this before.  And she never watched the show either.

4:00 – A question about Head of the Class.  The answer is Janice.  Erin has never seen the show so has no idea. 

4:15 – Another question about Welcome Back, Kotter.  It’s clearly Welcome Back.  Erin guesses correctly and does that unbelievably obnoxious “yee” thing that she does.

4:30 – “I keep forgetting what button — what do you press?  A or B?”

So maybe play the game before you do the stream, Erin.  Just once.

4:45 – Johnny Carson’s middle name.  Erin guesses the answer correctly.

5:15 – SCTV.  Erin has no idea what this even is.  I never saw it myself.  I know that it stands for Second City Television and it’s a sketch comedy show.  And isn’t it a Canadian show?  Yeah.  But Erin is completely clueless.

5:30 – Now this is ridiculous.  There’s then an edit so that Erin can check Wikipedia and she tells us all about SCTV.  What a total fraud.

6:00 – “Odd Couple?  Shit.  I don’t know anything about this show.”

You don’t say.  I never saw it either.  Then she guesses correctly.

6:15 – “I know one of you or at least some of you might be watching and going. ‘She doesn’t even know.  She’s just guessing.’  Like whatever.  We’re playing Mtv Remote Control on the NES in 2021.  What do you want from me?”

Play a game that you actually have experience with and are good at.  Why is everything a first (and last) playthrough?  Do you have any experience with video games whatsoever?  If no, why don’t you make other kinds of videos?  Why video games?  Why are you conning the mentally retarded out of money by pretending to like video games?

6:45 – A question about Tour of Duty.  Whatever that is.  Erin certainly has no idea what it is.  But again she guessed correctly.  

7:00 – Another question about SCTV.  Erin doesn’t have a clue.

“No!  Why won’t it let me buzz in?”

Because Howie has already buzzed in, Erin.  Don’t you know how the game works?

She keeps making some stupid joke about how Dave Thomas, from Wendy’s, was on this show that she’s not even familiar with.

7:30 – “I like the girl in the middle.  That’s me with the glasses.”

It’s a man named Howie, Erin.  Stop mis-gendering him.

7:45 – She finds the commercial break animation to be cute.  Like she’s never seen it before.  Then she’s surprised to discover that the point values are doubled in the second round.  Then she says, “I think that there are new categories now.”

How is it possible that she’s played this before?  Everything is a surprise.

8:00 – A music question that she almost got wrong.

She gets another music question correct.

8:30 – “If we win, I’m going to be shocked.”

She’s ahead by like 80 points.  The game is remarkably easy.  Why would she be shocked?  Hasn’t she played this before?  She should know how easy this game is and how well she does on it.

Another music question and Erin actually got the answer before the options were given.  Way to go, Erin!

9:00 Fraggle Rock question.  Erin has never seen it before.

9:30 – Erin gets a question about Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood correct.  She must have actually seen the show before.  And from what she says after this, I think that she was watching this as an adult.  Insane.

10:15 – She guesses on another question.  This one was about a 1970s children’s show.

Then she gives a “fun fact” about how the McDonaldland characters were based off of HR Pufnstuf characters.  This was after an edit so that she can check Wikipedia.  But also, I mentioned something about the lawsuits against McDonalds in an article I wrote a while ago, before the blog, in reference to Erin demonstrating a complete lack of knowledge about the McDonald’s characters.  So I think that that’s where she learned about this.  Because I bet Erin is an avid reader of the Gamer Grrls blog.

Then she goes on about the 1970s McDonalds characters and again, this is all stuff that I mentioned in that article.  It was in reference to Erin demonstrating a complete lack of knowledge about the early McDonald’s characters.  But now she’s all about it.

11:45 – It’s a question about what the highest mountain range is but they also mention Bon Jovi just as a joke.  Clearly the Himalayas.  Erin doesn’t have a clue.

Then an AI character guesses correctly.  “The Himalays?  Okay.  Is that like a reference to one of the songs?”  No, you moron.  The Bon Jovi stuff is irrelevant to the question.

Then there’s a question about Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, again thinly disguised as a Bon Jovi question, and Erin has no idea what’s going on.

“Why do they keep talking about Jon Bon Jovi’s super bod?”

Because that’s the joke, Erin.  Jokes.  You like jokes.  “X looks like Y”.  Remember?

12:30 – She’s excited to get a category about cartoons.  But the actual question is about Hee Haw.  Erin never saw Hee Haw before.  Nor have I.  She again guesses correctly.

13:00 – Erin doesn’t know that Charlie Brown’s sister is named Sally.  She had to guess.  She never consumed any Peanuts media in her life.

13:15 – But she does know Pig Pen.

13:45 – The Cosby Show.  “I haven’t seen a lot of the Cosby Show.”  You don’t say.

Then she guessed wrong.  She doesn’t know about Elvin.  She thought it was Melvin.

Then she mis-genders Howie again.

And you know what a person with some personality and/or knowledge about the outside world might do?  Make a reference to Cosby’s criminal matters.

14:00 – “Off the air?  Okay, some old stuff, I’m guessing.”

No, Erin.  You idiot.  That means that time is up and one of the contestants is being eliminated.  Haven’t you played this before?  Or seen the tv show?  Of course not.  That was all a giant pack of lies.

Howie loses.  Erin knows that this character is named Howie and yet she continues to mis-gender him.  She thinks that it’s a woman named Howie.

14:30 – Erin is surprised that it’s now the lightning round and she has no idea what’s coming up.

“I don’t get it.”

She’s never played this before.

“Ralph Kramden?  I don’t know who that is.”

She’s never seen The Honeymooners before.  You don’t say.

15:15 – She doesn’t know who Maddy Hayes is.  She’s never seen Moonlighting before.  You don’t say.

Moonlighting was a huge hit back in the day but I don’t think that it was ever shown in syndication.  It made Bruce Willis a big movie star but it was a step down for Cybil Shepherd who was mostly known for doing movies.  So doing television was a step down for her.  And there was apparently friction on the set with Bruce Willis’ ascending career and Cybil Shepherd’s descending career.  That’s my understanding, anyway.  I was like 10 years old when the show was on.  I remember watching it but I don’t remember much about it.  It was a detective agency and Bruce Willis was trying to fuck Cybil Shepherd or something.  

“Is this it?  Does this mean that I won?”

How do you not know this, Erin?  You said that you’ve played this before.

“I seriously did not think that I was going to win.”

But you’ve played this before, Erin.  That’s what you said.  Don’t you realise how easy the game is?

15:45 – “I like NES game show games.  They’re fun.  There are just so many good ones and this one I just kept thinking about.”

She doesn’t play any of them.

Let’s see what the horntards have to say.

– “Sad thing is I use to watch the reruns of most of these and still got them wrong”

That is sad.  You must be some kind of a re– oh.

– “Wow you crushed these questions! I only knew the Peanuts ones. Nice work as always!”

That was from HornyGoriya.  Just ask for a threesome with Mike.  I’m sure that everyone will agree.  Or even just with Erin while Mike watches.

Jimmy Dean hasn’t replied with his usual creepy shit yet.  It’s been 15 hours since this video was up.  He’s usually here by now.  

You know who else I’m missing?  That horntard who used to end every message with, “From Russia with love”.  

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