BadBunny is now doing political streams

This is the gamer grrl on Twitch who went on a weird rant about how the horntards aren’t donating enough money to her.  This was a couple of years ago, I think.  I don’t know much about it but if I heard about it, chances are that you, gentle reader, have heard about it.  “Five dollars” was the quote.

So anyway, I was looking for “content” today and re-discovered her.  She happened to be streaming at the time I was searching.  She seems to stream A LOT.  And it’s no longer video games.  She’s now a 100% “politics streamer”.

It’s unwatchable.  She’s annoying as fuck and clearly mentally ill.  

She seems to be described as “leftist”.  That’s certainly how she describes herself.  It’s the sort of thing where people talk about “CIS” and transgender stuff and white privilege.  I don’t know if this is “leftist” but the labels don’t really matter because they’re so badly misapplied and just used to discredit people.  

So forget the labels.  The arguments are bad and only grossly misguided people are into that stuff.  It’s a fad.  A “meme”, if you will.  People will move on to the next thing that comes along.  There’s no critical thinking involved with any of this.

She has a handful of talking points that she talks about constantly because her knowledge on these things is so shallow.  I’ve seen very little of her “content” but she REPEATEDLY says, “I used to be alt right but now I’m a leftist.”  Okay, that’s great.  We all appreciate your political journey.  But who gives a fuck?  This is boring.  It shouldn’t all be about you.  Talk about the issues of the day.

Well, she does that too.  I linked to her Youtube channel above.  It’s described as a “clips” depository but no.  These are the full streams that she does on Twitch.  They’re all “political streams.”

She did several streams recently on trans rights.  There were several streams on Kyle Rittenhouse, whatever that is.  I looked into it briefly a few days ago, didn’t care, and moved on.  It’s some shooting in the US.  Something about mistakes that “white allies” make, whatever that means.

11:45 – She actually uses the phrase “dictatorship of the proletariat”.  While talking to a guy in a dress.  

Well, maybe this guy in a dress has some ideas.  I don’t know anything about him.  But BadBunny is a complete airhead.  I’m not going to get my information on political theory from this buffoon.  She doesn’t know anything about the subject.  

I defy anyone to watch this shit.  And look at the views.  The average is about 200.  Nobody is watching this.  You can’t watch it.

Still, at least she’s trying something different.  It’s a crazy woman talking about communism and weird SJW stuff with other crazy people, some of whom are men in dresses.  I mean…if these were all sane people, appropriately dressed, I might even be interested in this, minus the SJW shit.  Is anyone else doing this?  I don’t really go to Twitch for my political theory discussion needs.

Let’s compare some numbers.

Erin averages 188 viewers per stream whereas BadBunny averages 303.  So it’s not a huge difference.  She’s getting Erin Plays numbers.

But I looked at that Twitch earnings database.  I only looked up one month, it was in 2020, and it looked like BadBunny was getting about 10 times as much money as Erin.   So if this is accurate, she’s making about $69,000/year.  

Maybe something for Erin to consider.  It’s not like you need a doctorate in the field.  Fucking crazy BadBunny is doing it.  She’s just talking out of her ass.  Political theory pieced together from shit that she’s read on Twitter.

I’d like to know Erin’s take on collectivisation.  Or who was cuter: Khrushchev or Brezhnev.  Favourite shade of red?  And she can still do video games.  What about a Tetris stream?  Erin claimed to have played A LOT of Tetris.  Let’s see it.  

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