James Reviews the Rocky IV Director's Cut – Cinemassacre


It’s just Bored James, on his sofa, talking about Rocky for the billionth time.  Sylvester Stallone re-edited Rocky IV, it would seem. 

Jimmy mentions that Drago has more lines in this new edit.  Why doesn’t he give the explanation for this?  Stallone was “dating” the woman who played the interpreter for Drago so her role was greatly expanded at the expense of Drago.  Drago originally had more lines.  Perhaps this interpreter character didn’t even exist until the actress started a relationship with Stallone.  I don’t exactly the situation.  I don’t give a fuck about Rocky.  But even I know this much.

Jimmy couldn’t be bothered doing any research.  And he apparently doesn’t know much about Rocky, one of his favourite film series.

There are several points in this video where Jimmy makes it plain that he just didn’t have time to do a proper comparison between the original and the new edit.  This is your job, Jimmy.  Do your job.  All you have to do is talk about a movie.  You’re getting paid for this.

Speaking of which, there was a long and awkward ad at the start of this for spectacles.  And Jimmy is really bald.  I want to know what he’s doing to his hair in these AVGN episodes.  His hair looks bad in AVGN episodes, there’s something not right about it, but he doesn’t look nearly as bald in them.  Is it Ronco Hair in a Can, is it CGI, is it a wig?  What is it?

And why does Jimmy even like Rocky?  Because it takes place in Philadelphia.  That’s it.  That’s the only reason.  What else can it be?  He likes sports movies?  

What other boxing movies has he ever talked about?  It’s just the Rocky movies.

Rocky IV isn’t even a good movie.  It’s a piece of shit.  Why praise shit?  Of all of the movies out there, and with Jimmy being such a film curator, why does he always go back to shit?  

I can’t think of a single good movie that Jimmy has ever talked about.  It’s always the same stuff.  Rocky, It’s a Mad…World, Godzilla.  What else?  This is a film buff?  He’s a buff of nothing.  Well, poop buff, perhaps.

He has this platform where he can promote good movies, maybe stuff that people haven’t heard of before, but it’s just the same old garbage over and over again.  

It’s expecting too much, of course.  The man spent seven and a half years in special education.

He recently mentioned this again.  He said that he was transferred to a mainstream school in the 10th grade.  He didn’t know what a freshman or sophomore or any of that was.  He said something like, “freshman?  What’s that?  Like a man who’s fresh?”

It’s yet more autistic word play.  I can’t understand why he was in special education for seven and a half years.

And the boys on Reddit always try to explain this away for some bizarre reason.  They’ll make fun of him over absolutely anything (being bald, his odd gait, pronunciations, et cetera), but this legitimate issue is always dismissed.  “Oh, he just had ADHD.  In the 1990s, everybody had ADHD and they were all put in special education.”

No.  As somebody who went through the American education system for the entire decade of the 1990s, I’m telling you that that is absolutely not the case.  RETARDS went to special education.  Not somebody who was just a little rambunctious.  

Think about it logically.  You’re a parent.  You have a son who’s perfectly fine, perfectly capable of attending a normal school, his grades are fine, his behaviour is fine, but he was recently diagnosed with ADHD.  So now the school says, “Oops, looks like we have to put him in special education.”

You would allow that?  No.  “What are you talking about?  Don’t put my child in special education with the retards.  He’s doing perfectly fine in the normal classes.”

Jimmy’s parents didn’t do that because they knew full well that there was something seriously wrong with Jimmy.  

He has an odd gait.  He’s obsessed with faeces.  He’s unable to have a conversation.  He has a very narrow range of interests.  He has great difficulties with pronunciation.  He has difficulty with the definition of words.  He takes everything that people say literally.  He’s clearly of below average intelligence.  He hammered a screwdriver into a keg of beer.  He put a metal knife into a plugged-in toaster.  He chiselled a hole into a desk that has sentimental value to him instead of using a drill.  He has massive time management problems.  He has extreme paranoia.  His behaviour can safely be described as “peculiar”.

The man has a lot of problems.  That’s why he was in special education.  He’s not like the people who go to normal school.  He’s slow.  

That’s what it comes down to.  He’s just slow.  And that’s fine.  That’s what we have special education for.  Some people are smarter than others.  Many people are smarter than I am, many people are less smart than I am.  No big deal.  We can all still learn stuff and make the most of what we have.  

But let’s end this bullshit about the 1990s being some insane decade where perfectly capable children were put into special education for seven and a half years.  It didn’t happen.  That didn’t happen in any decade in history.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEBjDQEDOHs]

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